BOTC passport holders don’t need UK ETA

| 14/10/2024 | 9 Comments
Cayman Islands passports

(CNS): The UK Government is introducing Electronic Travel Authorisations (ETAs) for visitors, including children, to the UK who do not currently need a visa for short stays or in transit or who do not already have British immigration status. An ETA gives permission to travel to the UK and is electronically linked to passports.

However, officials said the process for British Overseas Territory Citizen passport holders has not changed. BOTCs and Irish citizens do not need an ETA.

The new requirement is being rolled out in two stages. Eligible non-Europeans can apply in advance from 27 November 2024 and will need an ETA to travel from 9 January 2025. Eligible Europeans can apply from 5 March 2025 and will need an ETA to travel from 2 April 2025.

An ETA is not a visa; it does not permit entry to the UK. BOTC passport holders and others who require a visa to remain in the UK for a longer term will still need to apply for a visa.

See here for information on applying for a visa.

See here for more information and guidance on how to apply for an ETA.

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Comments (9)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Now watch the rush of Jamaicans wanting passports from the people they hate as Colonial masters.
    They’ve finally realized civilization ain’t so bad and the British social services will house and feed them and their dozen children.

  2. Anonymous says:

    when will we all hold 1 passport and have no restrictions on the British coming here to live and work?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Would be nice if Cayman could make it even a TINY bit easier for British citizens to get PR in Cayman. Even if it’s just reducing the time from 8 years to 4. Or less points needed. We share the same passport. This door should open both ways.

    • Anonymous says:

      Giving Brits 10 Points for demographics, fine. Cutting PR eligibility to 4 years, insane.

    • Anonymous says:

      Enoch Powell was right, look at the immigration mess in the UK that he predicted without controls. Cayman is right to have immigration controls. Caymanians did not ask for a British passport, it was given to them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look at the size of Cayman compared to England. You all must be crazy. We are out numbered in our country now so we need to put on the brakes on issuing Status and PR!!! Enough is enough.

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