Gunman fires shots outside Strand nightspot

| 23/09/2024 | 28 Comments
Cayman News Service
The Strand plaza car park

(CNS): As Grand Cayman’s problem with guns continued this weekend, shots were fired in the parking lot of The Strand Entertainment Complex on the West Bay Road in the early hours of Saturday morning during a fight between at least two men. Police were called to the scene at around 2:50am on 21 September and they were told that one of the men had been armed with a knife and another had brandished a firearm and then fired shots into the air.

No injuries were reported but the officers found a number of spent shell casings. No arrests have been made and police did not say whether or not the suspect gunman or the man armed with the knife who were involved in the fight had left the scene by the time officers arrived.

The matter is currently under investigation by George Town CID. Anyone with information is asked to contact the matter is currently under investigation by George Town CID.

Anyone with information is asked to contact 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS confidential tip line at 949-7777 or the website.

Tips can also be submitted anonymously to the Cayman Crime Stoppers website.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (28)

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  1. Just wanna know says:

    I understand the nightclub was on lockdown and no one was allowed out until police deemed it okay. Is there any truth to that? If so, good on the management to add this measure and keep people safe.

  2. Anonymous says:

    There should be no losers hanging around/ loitering in parking lots outside of liquor serving establishments. They are not spending money there, but they are causing irreparable reputation damage to these venues. I’m sick of not being able to attend a venue where one can drink, dance and simply have a grand time without fear of violence from undesirables. If there was a strong police presence and actual arrest this problem would recluse itself in the shadows of back yards where it belongs, not in public spaces with decent folk.

    LTD Da Unboozler

  3. WBW Czar. says:

    Keep ruining opportunities for young Caymanian Men and this is what you get. Wake up!

    • Anonymous says:

      i keep hearing this, please explain.

    • Anonymous says:

      Take responsibility for yourself, laddie.

    • Anonymous says:

      @WBW Czar – Show up to class, complete your studies and then show up to work and perform. I’ve just shared the recipe for success for any Caymanian. Don’t blame the hard workers for your own failures because you chose the get drunk on the front porch while watching the world leave you behind. Worthless loser!

    • SSM345 says:

      The only people ruining opportunities are the people who get them as an opportunity requires proving oneself.

      Being Caymanian is no longer the golden ticket.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Riddle me this: why haven’t the crime fighters figured out where the gangsters invariably congregate and mingle after every construction payday? 40+ years of this nonsense underwritten by the RCIPS that fail to show up.

  5. A concerned Caymanian says:

    The same people, committing the same acts, whilst the same police and the same government, sit back and do nothing.

    Grand cayman is so bad now after dark. What little business is to be made in the night. The same people above ruin it.

    They move from establishment to establishment causing trouble , whilst the sheeple cry for the places to be shut down because of it !!

    Make it make sense !!

    Most of this crap goes on in the car park out the front of these establishments ( in open view ) from patrons who are too cheap to come inside or are too undesirable to be let in.

    The amount of noise pollution from cars parked out the front of these bars / clubs with sub systems in them ( music blaring ) goes hand in hand with the ganja smoking accompanied with open liquor consumption is continuous and rampart.


    And still the police know this. And CHOOSE not to enforce the law or show presence at these trouble hot spots throughout what USED TO BE our beautiful Cayman Islands.

    My only hope right now for the future is we are coming up to an election year. And we Caymanians can vote the well needed change we clearly need. This government does not care and the police simply don’t police.

    //Well needed Change is coming ! //

    Don’t sit back people.
    Get out and vote.
    And vote change !

    Enough is enough !

    • Anonymous says:

      Change pffft – change the Elections Law to DQ convicted criminals. Caymanians are all bluster, no action.

      • Annonymous says:

        8.47am The only way to change the Election law is by an Order in Council by the UK via the Govenor since the same people we need to eliminate from eligibilty are the ones who have to vote on the amendments in Parliament

  6. Anonymous says:

    Gunmen gonna shoot.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Law abiding citizens know better than to be hanging out at those places at that time of the morning.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This kind of violent nonsense will continue until we mandate site security for bars and pubs.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who is the landlord with social responsibility for tenant and patron safety in their complex? No serious businesses want to move there, because of this.

  9. Anonymous says:

    locals….they ruin every night spot they infest.

    • Anonymous says:

      No actually… it was super cool at Royal Palms back in 2013-2017 happy crowd filled with locals, expats and tourists. Sunday after brunch sunset happy hours WAS by far the best party setting in Cayman.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Today boys and girls the word of the day is Ghetto… can someone give an example?
    Not long ago 2015 this plaza was a ton of fun with Whiskey Mist main floor and Lillies nightclub upstairs… but Lillies was quality grand piano lounge area up top and downstairs was EDM music with top 40 pop songs. Then Lillies management decided to split the club into two separate clubs EDM upper floor and lower main floor club playing hip hop soca no longer enforcing a dress code … fast forward to 2024 and this incident is another statistic. Fortunately no one passed away from it. And that’s all I got to say about that

  11. Anonymous says:

    its so strange, that in other places around the world, the police set up a permanent patrol in places like that. “Oh hey, we have the same area having this kind of trouble at the same day and time every week, maybe we should have a presence there? Bahahahaahh, just kidding, we are going to do nothing and go with life”

    • Anonymous says:

      Friday and Saturday paydays = drugs, alcohol, peacocking, and trouble, every 2 weeks. You can set your watch to it.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Still no bright LED lighting in the parking areas!!!!!
    How does the landlord expect to keep renting these places?
    How do they expect the CCTV cameras to give the RCIP something useful to work from?

  13. Anonymous says:

    need a curfew

    • Anonymous says:

      Why, so there are more people to witness or be shot? All a curfew does is risk the chance of this sh*t happening earlier.

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