Flooding subsides as system moves on

| 11/06/2024 | 15 Comments

(CNS) Most of the roads across Grand Cayman that were closed Monday were re-opened Tuesday as the very wet weather system that drenched the Cayman Islands over the last few days moved away. While there was still standing water across many parts of the capital, schools and businesses were all expected to be operating as normal today.

Moderate to fresh southeasterly winds and rough seas along with isolated showers and possible thunder were still expected across the Cayman today as isolated showers lingered around the Cayman area moving towards the north to northwest.

The Cayman Islands National Weather Service forecast for today is for partly cloudy skies with a 40% chance of showers and some thunder. Temperatures will rise to the upper 80’s °F. Winds will be southeast at 15 to 20 knots. Seas will be moderate to rough with wave heights of 4 to 6 feet. Small craft should exercise caution over the open seas.

Tonight, there will be partly cloudy skies with a 40% chance of showers and some thunder. Temperatures will fall to the upper 70’s °F. Winds will be southeast at 15 to 20 knots. Seas will be rough with wave heights of 4 to 6 feet. Small craft should exercise caution over the open seas.

The CINWS said there will be a decreasing chance of showers through Friday morning.

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (15)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Build in swamp.. guess what???

  2. John says:

    Hope Kenny has seen the photo of the airport so he can make sure the Kenny B Executive Air Terminal does not suffer the same (or worse) flooding issues IRIA suffered

  3. Anonymous says:

    IS MRCU ready to begin spraying???

  4. Anonymous says:

    NRA now go around and insure that All drains are now blown out/ cleaned/ Cleared and ensure that new drains and catchments are put in place throughout our islands. But especially those areas that NRA had to be called out to over the last few days.

    This was just a tropical wave. I can’t imagine what will happen if we are impacted with a strong Category 1.

    Furthermore, the CPA MUST stop allowing these big wealthy developers continue to build in such a way that is putting every other citizen/ resident in harms way.

    Cayman’s Motto should be ” Grab All The Money and F*** The Consequences”.

    Greed and Outright Corruption is to yet be our downfall I am much afraid. A sorry day for us less influential and affluent citizens/residents in our country.

    • a says:

      So you promote a Motto that is repugnant. Then declare how you are less influential and affluent… Why did you promote the motto?????

  5. Anonymous says:

    crazy how roads that had their drains cleared in preparation for the hurricane system, quickly was overwhelm by the downpour yesterday.

    • Anonymous says:

      yup. deep wells cannot physically handle water volume of normal flood rains. not in their design. you have to have swales amd retension ponds to hold the watet away from buildings & infrastructutes to give the drains time. or funnel it through wetlands, which are the natural way.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I watched on Saturday on Flight Radar, whilst numerous flights were not cancelled but diverted, including United 551 which was on touch down at the time of the emormouse thunder crack, heard by all on saturday.
    why are we not hearing that at least 3 commercial flights and at least 2 private aircraft, one with a dubious flight plan (waz from cancun to ft lauderxale not cayman) wdre all diverted.
    what actually happened at the airport?

    • Anonymous says:

      I was sitting on the apron in an AA 737 on Saturday for quite a while. Cayman only has VLR (visual) and not ILR (instrument) so if you can’t see anything of the approach and runway you can’t move or you have to divert.

      So our international airport doesn’t have modern systems….not very impressive from our Government with lack of investment in critical infrastructure as opposed to vanity projects etc.

      That;s the non-technical explanation, perhaps a pilot or someone else more up to speed can explain further.

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe you could Google VFR, IFR and ILS. This may help you understand a few things about aviation.
        FYI, Cayman has a VOR approach which will bring you down to a few hundred feet (500 I think. Precision approach systems are pretty expensive, so I doubt the Government would spend the money on such a system for the very few days the weather is that bad. Then again, if it is very windy with torrential rain, I would not even bother trying an approach under those circumstances. I would be heading to Montego Bay, Kingston, or Cancun. Certainly not worth the risk with a short runway that may be contaminated with standing water.

  7. Anonymous says:

    If anybody lost their car registration (license) plate yesterday in the floods, there are a whole bunch of them posted on CMR that people have found. There are some near ALT, some by Anthony Drive, some by Moxam Road, some at The Lakes, some in West Bay, Tropical Gardens, two at Walkers Road RUBiS, just to name a few.


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