CINWS warns of heavy rain over the weekend

| 07/06/2024 | 16 Comments
Source: CINWS

(CNS): Residents are asked to take extra care and attention when using the roads this weekend, as heavy rain is expected to start on Friday evening. The Cayman Islands National Weather Service said there was an increased chance of thunder and heavy rain over the weekend and Monday due to a moisture-laden upper-level trough over the northwestern Caribbean.

At least one to 1.5 inches of rain is expected over each of the coming days, and a flood warning is in place for low-lying areas.

Forecasters called for cloudy skies with a 40% chance of showers and possible thunder on Friday evening, with temperatures falling to the upper 70’s°F. Winds will be south to southeast at five to ten knots, while seas will be slight to moderate with wave heights of two to four feet.

Tomorrow, cloudy skies will continue, with the chance of rain and thunder in the afternoon increasing to 60%, and they may become locally heavy at times. Possible flooding in low-lying areas is expected. Temperatures will rise to the upper 80’s °F. Winds will be south to southeast at ten to 15 knots with higher gusts. Seas will be slight to moderate with wave heights of two to four feet.

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (16)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Be sure to drive with your hazard lights on to let everyone else know its raining.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Remember to turn your A/C off when driving through deep puddles

  3. Anonymous says:

    Did the rain break their dollar store rain gauge? It was working before the weekend. I guess the radar will be next to fail again.

  4. Anonymous says:

    monday morning…cig weather website down….
    just another day in wonderland.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Better get used to it, for your big move to Scotland.

  6. Caribbean Drama says:

    Global warming deniers/ development mob need to be jailed for their plain stupidity. Weather control is real still I wonder who will stop the rain. Sad people who will now be inconvenienced by a little flooding ! Right aye !

  7. Anonymous says:

    Over the weekend?

    Tuesday looks to be a biotch. Everybody stay safe, especially on the south sides of the islands.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Severe weather warning…? Drama LOL It is rain with a bit of thunder and well needed!

  9. Anonymous says:

    It’s about time that rainy season arrived!

  10. My Name Is Mud says:

    Good thing developers have not built in natural flood basins or elevated the properties so the neighboring properties get the rainwater runoff!

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is MRCU ready to spray? Or are we all going to be eaten alive for weeks before they discover its stopped raining?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Breaking news from the CINWS – Water is wet!


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