Police seize illegal gun, two men arrested

| 21/05/2024
Cayman News Service
RCIPS Firearms Response Unit vehicles

(CNS): RCIPS officers have taken another illegal handgun off the streets after stopping and searching a car in George Town over the weekend. On Friday night, officers on targeted patrol “had cause to observe the movements of a silver Honda Fit”, according to the RCIPS. Later that night, around 2am on Saturday, they saw the same vehicle on Halpine Road, off Eastern Avenue. They conducted a search of the car and found the gun, as well as ammunition in an extended magazine.

A 24-year-old from George Town was arrested on suspicion of possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition. The Honda, the gun and the ammunition were seized for forensic analysis.

Then, around 10:00pm on Saturday, police officers conducted a search at a George Town residence, where they arrested a 39-year-old man also on suspicion of possession of an unlicensed firearm and ammunition. The RCIPS indicated that the second arrest was connected to the first but did not explain how.

The RCIPS estimates that there are at least 90 guns on the streets that have been used in crimes and not recovered. So far this year, officers have already seized seven illegal guns.

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