CBC investigates arrival of uncleared migrants on Brac

| 15/05/2024 | 11 Comments
Sailing boat that arrived with irregular migrants anchored off the northwest coast of Cayman Brac at Scotts Anchorage

(CNS): Customs and Border Control Director Charles Clifford has confirmed that all five individuals who arrived on Cayman Brac yesterday aboard an undeclared sailing vessel are currently in the custody of his officers. Appearing on Radio Cayman on Wednesday, Clifford said the five people, including a baby girl, appear to be from different countries and CBC officers are currently trying to determine and verify their nationalities.

The vessel arrived in Cayman Brac waters without prior clearance or the submission of the required manifesto and moored around 150 feet offshore on the northwest coast of Cayman Brac near Scotts Dock.

CBC said three men, one woman and a baby were on the boat. Two of the adults were intercepted after they came ashore on Tuesday. However, during his appearance on Talk Today, Clifford said that the rumours of irregular migrants running around the Brac and taking up residence in the caves were untrue.

He said that the CBC would provide more information once they had learned more about what brought the group here. He did not say where the migrants claimed to be from or address rumours that some were from Ethiopia.

Clifford pointed out that irregular migration is a challenge for countries all over the world. He said there are processes that have to be followed to try to establish whether or not someone arriving without clearance is from where they claim to be.

Alongside customs and police officers, the Department of Children and Family Services is also involved due to the presence of an infant.

See Clifford and his management team on Radio Cayman below:

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Category: Border Control, Crime

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  1. Cayman X says:

    Welcome welcome to the land of rights to family life .come join the rest of your rabble and pirates e that are now domiciled here.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Illegal migrants lol. Just a live aboard cruiser that didn’t pre clear or put up a yellow flag. Were the adults “intercepted” as they made their way to customs to clear in?

    • Anonymous says:

      No, they weren’t intercepted looking to clear with customs. They got in at 3am and proceeded to come ashore. I’m not sure whether these boat owners are just totally clueless or playing stupid.
      It’s very scary to think that we have a coast guard and these people could just show up and come ashore without CBC knowing they are here. They could have easily robbed some place and left without anyone knowing or worse.

  3. Anonymous says:

    How do we get caught on the back foot? Aren’t we supposed to have a fully-funded Coast Guard with boats and 200nm radar? What is their job again?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Like a car, the boat will have a serial number and the ownership can be traced from factory to current owner.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Do they have a sailing channel on YouTube?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Probably from Grand, fleeing the rampant crime and gridlock.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I want to sail to a small island and live in a cave!


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