Cuban migrants continue dangerous journey

| 10/05/2024 | 16 Comments
Migrant vessel that stopped in Cayman waters on 8 May but continued on its way

(CNS): Seven Cuban men travelling in a makeshift vessel entered Cayman waters just off the coast of the Queen’s Highway in East End early Wednesday morning, according to the Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control. After the migrants were spotted at about 5:30am, CBC officers and their partner agencies approached the boat, which pulled up to a nearby dock. The officers spoke with the migrants, who said they wanted to continue their journey.

By around 9:30am, the vessel was headed west at two to three knots and was some two miles off Cobalt Coast in West Bay. The vessel was monitored by CBC from land until it was outside the line of sight.

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Category: Local News

Comments (16)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    They must have gotten wind if CMR’s recent coverage and expose on the Cubans currently seeking asylum….

  2. Anonymous says:

    Shame on us Caymanians for not even allowing such poor people even water, food or fuel!!

  3. Anonymous says:

    God bless them and watch over them. I cannot imagine the strife that would cause me to choose such a course. If they survive and make landfall, their difficulty is only beginning.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s their economic situation which is structural in Cuba.

      This should be a lesson for those advocating more and more governmental control over their lives.

      • Anonymous says:

        the US actively prohibiting most of the world from trading directly with Cuba is the major reason why Cuba is suffering so badly. if government corruption was the sole cause then every country would be in a similar situation.

  4. Anonymous says:

    very good that they cominued. Be good if all did that

    • Anonymous says:

      Good for them, since otherwise they’d get to experience the brutal, callous and unfeeling treatment that ‘caymankind’ reserves for refugees

      • Anonymous says:

        How about a deal: we take back all the Caymanian refugees in Cuba, and they take back all the Cuban refugees in Cayman?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Pretty soon the righteous crowd will criticize the comments. They hate on the highly skilled expats that actually raise the Cayman economy and strengthen the system. However, they want free housing and benefits for the so called asylum seekers, but these righteous folk never put up their own homes and pay to assist. 😂

  6. Anonymous says:

    I think they saw our roads, and thought the ‘vessel’ was still the safest method of transport available.

    Anyone who criticizes these people are utter fools. The risks these people take are immense compared to any choices you’ll make in the near future.

    • Anonymous says:

      “In the near future”… sounds like you’ve got psychic powers.

      • Anonymous says:

        I just know that in over 40 years of making a decision, I’ve never had one that would involve going out to sea in something that would struggle to stay afloat in the Dead Sea.

        I may have to decide between cheese or egg sandwich, but nothing much more significant.

  7. Anonymous. says:

    Upon arrival, should be deported on first cayman airways flight back to Havana.

    • Anonymous says:

      Except they didnt arrive – didn’t even get fuel food or water. But you want to seize them and send them back to Cuba? I thought those Caymanians wh would deny them basic life support were bad, but you are just a Castro agent. Shame on you. What harm have they done you or Cayman and you want to act like an unpaid agent of Cubas godless regime. Some dark shadows in your soul – suggest you reflect on that.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Safer on the open water than in the heart of West Bay.


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