LBGT activist calls on UK to end discrimination
(CNS): A representative from Colours Cayman, the only organisation in the Cayman Islands campaigning for equal rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community has called on the UK to end the inequity, discrimination and mounting hostility against them. Billie Bryan, who founded the grassroots organisation, is urging Governor Helen Kilpatrick to help pave the way for a legal framework providing rights for LGBT people and for the registration of same-sex relationships. Given the absence of local political support, the activist is asking the British to make an order in council to legitimise same-sex unions.
With the mounting hostility and the almost total political discrimination against the gay community, Bryan wants the UK to step in and protect their rights and to ensure that the “power of the church” locally is no longer allowed to fuel the discrimination, which, she said, is such that “no politician” has dared to challenge the “legally enforced discrimination that LGBTQ people suffer in the Cayman Islands”.
Bryan pointed out that while the current premier has asked people to be fair and stop the intolerance, he has nevertheless made it quite clear he will not be introducing any rights for the LGBT people to enjoy a family life like other members of the wider community, even though this is contrary to the Cayman Islands Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights.
Premier Alden McLaughlin is also refusing to introduce any legal framework that would accommodate even the registration of same-sex relationships.
The LGBT community also has little hope of redress through the courts. With a lack of options, Bryan is seeking the help of the governor and the overseas territories minister. She has asked to meet Baroness Joyce Anelay, who is visiting Cayman next month and who has been open about her committed support for equity for the LGBT community everywhere in the world.
However, when government released details of her visit, there was no indication that Bryan or any other Colours Cayman representative will be allowed to talk to someone who could change the unfair and inequitable treatment and stop the very public discrimination currently suffered by this community.
If the LGBT community here could find the money to challenge the issue in the courts, the outcome, given legal precedent elsewhere, would likely be in their favour. However, the ruling of the court would be limited to a statement of incompatibility with the Constitution and would still require the legislators to act.
From the 18 members currently elected to parliament, Financial Services Minister Wayne Panton is the only MLA who has offered his support to the gay community and backed the ultimate introduction of a legal framework for same-sex unions.
The recent blatant discrimination and intolerance towards the LGBT community, which is being described as an ‘alternative lifestyle’ by those who oppose their right to their own sexuality, also makes a court case very challenging. Bryan said many members of the community have “a real, legitimate fear of losing jobs and being expelled from family and society” if they were to take such public action, especially as there are no laws to protect them.
Concerned that almost all legislators have committed to preventing LGBTs ever achieving equality and that the current administration has ignored requests to address the concerns highlighted by the Human Rights Commission, the only course is for the community is to petition the UK to impose some form of legal framework by an order in council.
“The LGBTQ people of the Cayman Islands are a minority to which the majority has made its quest to discriminate by legally oppressing and segregating, while the Cayman Islands’ leaders have collectively said ‘no’ to its LGBTQ people. There is nothing within our power to legally change this,” Bryan has said in an open letter to the governor. “It has left no room for the UK not to take action, otherwise it will ultimately be held accountable and face consequences for failing to ensure compliance by the Cayman Islands of its obligations under the European Convention.”
Bryan raises the fact that the UK has intervened in many local issues, including ones relating to fiscal prudence and the financial services sector. She said that human rights “should, at the very least, be afforded equal importance” as fiscal concerns.
As the LGBT community is wholly disfranchised from the political system, without any hope of making a difference in any elections, Bryan has clearly pointed out the lack of options and asked for either the Equal Marriage Act, 2013 to be extended to the Cayman Islands or at least the Civil Partnership Act, 2004.
Although the governor has appeared sympathetic to the cause and her daughter has led a number of initiatives via the Truman Bodden Law School to elevate the debate about the rights of gay and lesbian people here, the governor has made no comment about the introduction of sanctioned same-sex unions.
When Grant Shapps stood-in for the former overseas territories minister, James Dudderidge, on a visit to Cayman in 2015, he said that the issue of same-sex unions was a matter for the local government, though he pointed out that the UK does not support discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.
However, Baroness Anelay has proved to be more of an advocate for human rights than her former ministerial colleague. She has advocated to defend LGBT rights and supported civil society organisations in other parts of the Caribbean.
Category: Local News
A few snippets from todays front page headlines on CNS:
“Underage sex crime”
“Raping little boy”
“Accuses boss & friend of rape”
“1000’s of child porn images”
And people are more concerned about consenting adults marrying who they choose?
Really says it all to me. Sad, sad, sad.
Why does being religious mean you have to be homophobic? Wasn’t Jesus all about love and acceptance? It seems like he was pretty relaxed, unlike our so called leaders who seem to enjoy making fools of themselves over this issue.
Jesus was accepting? Really? He loved all people, including the outcasts, but He told them, “Go and sin no more” and “Unless ye repent ye shall all likewise perish”. Repent means to turn away from, a 180 degree change. Which Bible are you reading? The New Queen James Version? That is the one the gays have now produced. you can love your teenage daughter who comes home at 2:00am from drunk parties without accepting her behaviour. Does that make you phobic?
No, no he didn’t, he is a made up character to keep you in your place.
Oh and FYI, if you are bad this year, Santa will not put presents under your tree.
Forget the gay rights we dont need that on this island….legalize the herb!!!!
There are plenty of gay herb smokers on this island…
OK. Everyone take a deep breath and repeat after me: “There is no such thing as ‘Gay Rights’ there are only Human Rights”.
No one is asking for any different or special treatment – all that humans are entitled to, or deserve, is to be treated the same regardless of whether they are male or female, black or white, able-bodied or disabled, religious or atheist and, even, straight or gay.
No one loses any of their existing rights when we simply treat everyone the same.
If you don’t like the concept think how you would feel if CIG wanted to pass a law saying you could be fired for being straight – crazy eh? But that is one example of the current situation in Cayman for LGBTQ people.
And I would say, as a Christian, it is my democratic right to oppose any law I see that is not good for society and encourages a sinful lifestyle.
Homosexual lifestyle is a sin because God intends sexual sharing between one man and one woman to express a total love and commitment which is open to the sharing of life and raising of a family. Any other sexual lifestyle is based on self-centeredness. It is not true love!
I encourage you to get to know a committed gay couple on island. To me, there is little that can demonstrate a profound, deep and true love than the willingness to stay committed to one another in the face of attitudes like this.
God also intended Christians kill their family in the name of god if their family serves other gods. What is peaceful about christianity when it condones murder is fine so long as it is in the name of god. Why do ordinary mammals think there better than everyone else because they think they have the grace of god on their side? A god they can’t prove exist.
Alot of good people will not enter the kingdom of heaven. So being nice and good is not enough. The Church challeges people to love like Jesus.
In His own words, Jesus said, anyone who wants to be saved MUST have a love that “denies self, takes up the cross, and follows Him.” It is a self-sacrificing love open to life. I am afraid that gay people’s love, practicing homosexuality falls short with themselves … so they will never bear fruit for the kingdom of God.
Do you then oppose the laws that protect your religious freedoms on that basis? Because the laws that allow you to practice your faith without legal recrimination also allow Hindus, Jews and Muslims to practice theirs on the same basis. Would not the ordinary practice of those faiths allow for sinning within the eyes of a Christian?
So, in otherwords, your desire to impose your values on other people defeats their right to make their own decisions about how they live their lives? (Although it doesn’t affect you.)
What did your god say about slavery, rape, murder and human sacrifice? Just asking.
I am not gay, but I can’t have children for medical reasons. Does that mean the relationship with my husband is not true love because we are not raising a family. Why don’t you think before you spout your religious views! I enjoy a sexual life style because sex is fantastic and no babies will be made in this house. We still love each other and want to show it through our intimate times together, just like gay people do. I dont understand what its like to be gay and I dont particulary like seeing gay men kissing because it looks strange to me, but it doesnt mean I dont respect them as human beings. They are not choosing a lifestyle, it is who they are. They feel love for the same sex, just like you feel love for different a sex.
“Open to the sharing of life” means the male sperm can connect to the female ovum, the way God intended it. So your good. …
And yes Christian love is way different than the world’s view of love. A huge difference.
Ah there we go, the self labeled Christian deciding he has the right to judge others, and discriminate against them. I think you will find that is the good Lord does that job ultimately, at the end… Proclaiming yourself to be a Christian is automatic discrimation against all others, inferring everyone who is not a Christian is inferior. That is why whenever I meet anyone, who fairly soon after my making their acquaintance, who then claims out loud to be a Christian goes on my “avoid” list. Generally I have found anyone doing this is the least Christian person I have met and justifies their inept behaviour by clinging to that badge.
That is it. Christians have this attitude that atheist, agnostic, homosexuals or anyone of different faith for that matter is inferior to them because they have the grace of god on their side… a god that noone can even prove exist. They don’t realise they’re no different from ordinary mammals living in steep ignorance.
I don’t have any problems with this, but to my knowledge, there is no law in Cayman that permits someone to fire anyone for being gay. My understanding is that this whole issue is based on having gay marriage recognized under Cayman law.
While we are on this rights thing again – can we also have legislation legitimizing my common-law marriage so that my common-law husband can transfer his property to me without Stamp Duty the way legally married people can?
I am convinced our relationship is being discriminated against because we truly seem to have more love and respect for each other than most legally married couples I know… I wonder if I can get something going in the LA to address this unfair treatment we are experiencing… I thought marriage was before the eyes of God and not before the eyes of parliament…
You have an avenue toward recognition of your relationship — you simply need to have your marriage solemnized and registered and your problem is solved. Same-sex couples unfortunately do not have that avenue.
So tired of these arguments.
Yes, why don’t the homosexuals just accept the discrimination and shut up.
They have been doing that for years. That’s what most caymanians would like…”don’t rock the boat”.
Gays can’t adopt, marry, have spousal benefits….isn’t that discrimination?
Just shut up and smile.
Why not walk a mile in their shoes?
Let me just say this, any book that claims to be the text of the creator of the universe and provides you with a appropiate time to stone your neighbor is not only full of BS but makes you look stupid if you believe it. It’s both sad and funny but more funny than anything else lol.
But you are now discriminating against the believers by saying they are stupid yet you demand respect for the Gays. Sound more like a case of sour grapes to me.
No one wants those biblical laws. Who wants to be stoned for sneezing in the wrong direction…
If you studied the Bible, those laws in the Old Testament was written to teach us lessons. Today, it is clear in the Bible, they do not apply to us. A Christian means a follower of Christ. We follow His teaching now because we are living in the Age of Grace. The New Testament mainly applies to us.
But I guess you are hell-bent in picking passages out of a book, apparently you know little about in order to support your sinful lifestyle.
No. The bible was written by man and was edited by man so that people would be fooled into believing such nonsense. The bible teaches slavery, rape and murder is fine as long as the lord commands it. The whole book is to be critisized for what it is, rubbish. Rubbish that allows people to live a selfish and hateful lifestyle on the promise some god will take them heaven that they can’t even prove exist.
Christians are hell bent on using the bible and the belief of god as a license to spread hate, bigotry and ignorance. You think your all better than everyone because you got the grace of god on your side when your no different than an ordinary mammals living in steep ignorance.
And yet Christ never said a word about homosexuality.
He like to hang out with men and never married…The evidence is there.
Mmm. If you have bring the crucifix, I bring the robes and the beard.
Got proof?
so your gay….hurray… can we move on from this
Yes, move along and accept the discrimination against you please, we are getting annoyed that you are not shutting up about our bigotry, it is getting rude.
We could learn a lot from the Icelandic.
I think its time for our politicians, gay-haters, church fraudsters and ostriches start getting their heads out of the deep stone age hole. Believe me Cayman has more problems than raising stink about what 2 people choose to do in a bedroom, it ain’t none of my business. Gays should have equal rights as who are we to discriminate, how would you feel if you weren’t allowed to eat at a restaurant because of your race, gender or political beliefs…prejudice of any kind should be a sin and crime. I would prefer that a kind, loving, respectful and qualified gay couple be allowed to adopt than hearing of more teenage moms or deadbeat dads ( moms too) having children.
We’re now in 2016 and the EU will force us to adapt or we’ll be placed on more blacklist including from pro-gay organisations, businesses and leaders. Get over it and I know I’ll get a lot of critics for this but I’m a straight male and 4th generation Caymanian and happily married with 2 children. Remember make love not war and stop the hate.
Well said, are you free tonight sweety? for some of that Lovin’?
Well said Kman. Well said.
Can we stop giving this side show attention and solve Cayman’s real issues?
Yes, it can be stopped very easily and quickly by simply ending the discrimination.
The world is moving forward not backwards. And those who complain the loudest are also those whom are the most likely to be threatened by their own gender identity.
I can only speak for a Christians:
Question: What is living a homosexual lifestyle to God?
Answer: It is a sin.
Question: Should Christian encourage the legislation of a sinful practice?
Answer: Never. A Christian may support people’s civil rights. However, there is a limit. A Christian must speak out against a sinful lifestyle and not vote for any law that supports sinful lifestyle.
Question: Should the Church allow a minority group to redefine the Christian institution of marriage, to support a sinful lifestyle, have it taught in schools, have ministers censored for speaking out against the lifestyle, have “family” involving children redefine, all for the wish of a minority group?
Answer: Never.
By that tortured logic, permitting other religions should be banned too. Along with a raft of things prescribed in the Bible that are legal. But most importantly, marriage in not a Christian institution, it is a legal institution with legal effects, that can be legal effected by Christian groups but can be legally effected by other religious groups and by secular government bodies. Christian have grafted their religious aspects onto their administration of this legal right, but it is not a Christian institution.
what would jesus do?
Eat some tacos, steal a car stereo, build a wall? Who knows?
you know nothing of true christianity……
what did jesus ever say about gays?
No one demands that you worship Buddha, Shiva, Allah, etc. What gives you the right to demand how others live their private lives? You don’t agree with homosexuality? Then don’t fall in love with someone of the same sex.
Regardless if I don’t like fried food, it doesn’t give me the right to discriminate against people who eat KFC and demand that they also boycott KFC.
Well, you should boycott KFC on health grounds
Please stop spreading fear and misinformation. No one is calling for the Church to change its views on marriage, for anything to be taught in schools (other than, of course, mutual respect for all peoples), or any censorship of ministers. This minority group is merely asking for equal respect and dignity under the law, nothing more, nothing less.
Is it also a sin to practice any religion other than Christianity?
Why do you permit the practice of Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism etc.?
When you refer to “the Christian institution of marriage”, then do you mean that Jews cannot be considered married? Nor Muslims, Buddhists, or even atheists?
Does the law in Cayman recognize marriage among Hindus? How can they be considered to take part in the “the Christian institution of marriage”?
The church allows child abuse by the legions but springs into action when two consenting adults want to marry.
Who made up these “sins”? No one is talking about the “Christian institution of marriage”. we are talking about a legal recognition of the union. (think court house not Church house.) Your churches need to be left out of this. I know of homosexual couples who have been together for 30+ years. And heterosexuals who are on their third marriage.
What is so frightening to so many in this community about equal rights? That is all that this is about. Some members of the community have the legal right to marry the person that they love, thus giving them all of the rights that come along with that legal recognition – inheritance rights, property rights, pension rights, the ability to make medical decisions for a spouse who is unable to, and so on. Some members of the community do not have that right, if the person they love is someone of the same gender.
Leave the church out of it – if your church does not wish to marry same sex couples, it doesn’t have to. Religious marriage is a completely separate matter covered by the right to freedom of religion (which also includes, as many would prefer to conveniently forget, the freedom not to practice any religion in respect of marriage or any other social or legal custom). If your faith dictates that homosexuality is wrong, don’t practice it. That’s your individual choice, and your right, and I will defend that right. But please, stop insisting that your faith should dictate anyone else’s rights, that is discrimination. And please stop saying that you are just exercising your right to free speech – when you give your opinion, that’s free speech, and I will defend that right too. When you try to use your opinion as a valid basis to deny rights to others, that is also discrimination.
Mature societies are able to evolve and recognise that sometimes the “way it’s always been” isn’t the way it always should be. Ensuring equal rights for all does not take anything away from anyone. Mature individuals are able to acknowledge that just because they find something offensive, immoral or just confusing they do not have the right or the need to impose their views on others. This is called tolerance, which is in sadly short supply here.
Super interesting that no one has the same problems with gays marrying in a church than with atheists celebrating christmas – lmao you all need to get a grip
I Love Christmas, and Gays!
Never met God, does he live here?
Christmas is a pagan holiday.
Why don’t you be you and I’ll be me?
You could have faith god creates lightning, moves the wind and brings the rain but doesn’t make it true.
People should be legally allowed to marry whomever they want, if they are adults and love one another and want to commit to each other, that’s it, good luck to them, end of debate, I don’t care if it’s opposite sex or same sex. Why isn’t that obvious? Why are some people in Cayman so zealous about the whole thing? it doesn’t have any affect on their lives one way or another.
I suspect some of the ‘anti-gay’ people in Cayman are themselves that way inclined. Think about it, if you have 1,000 people taken at random, probably 50 or so are gay. It’s the same in every human society. It’s odd that the communities with the fewest openly gay people also have the most vociferous opponents of gay marriage. I heard someone professing his anti-gay feelings who said that “these people should control themselves”. Well guess what mister, the reason most men don’t sleep with other men is not because they are “controlling themselves” – they just don’t want to. Maybe you should be addressing your own issues first……
When are Caymanians going to get over this.
Do you understand. The more gay men out there the more single ladies are avaibale and the more the Lesbians you can always pretend to be gay and say you have always wanted to sleep and both of them will feel sorry for you and bingo! 3some!!!!
Perfect world!!!
That doesn’t make any sense. Lesbians don’t sleep with men, and if you’re a woman “pretending” to be gay so you can sleep with other women, then guess what? You really are gay or bi.
Ooh you are saucy, let’s find a willing woman and I’ll make an exception to my normal men only threesome preferences to give you both a good time….
Dear Billie,
I wish you nothing but the best in your endeavour.
If you do happen to win the ear of an influential UK representative, kindly ask them about the discrimination, racism, and xenophobia displayed on the global stage in the form of their Brexit referendum vote.
As a Caymanian, and in light of everything that is currently taking place in this country / territory, I find it odd that you have selected such a specified sliver of perceived discrimination when there are much wider and glowing examples.
(Does come off a bit selfish on your part.)
Nevertheless, considering the many incidents and developments in the last 2 decades alone, the UK has proven time and again to not hold the interests of the Cayman Islands in high regard. Therefore, why would you, a supposed concerned Caymanian, seek help from such an entity on any sensitive or cultural issue?
Granted, you may get yourself an opening as LGBTQ issues are currently trending worldwide, however, please understand that you do not speak for all of Cayman if it happens.
Not because of the issue at hand, but because some of us have no interest in having the two-faced, self-serving, opportunistic, double-ended snake that is the (newly “Brexited”) UK dictate to us morality or societal standards.
Kind regards,
P.S. Civil partnerships will address most, if not all, of the concerns regarding gay marriage and will be the least intrusive of options as it concerns cultural sensitivities of the wider Caymanian community. In fact, civil partnerships should be considered by all persons seeking to be married and secure rights in this day and age. The body of law that currently represents the slow and awkward evolution of legal rights by way of marriage is hardly fit for purpose in today’s world.
However, I doubt many in the LGBTQ community care as the priority appears to be a tantrum-like dismantling of cultures and traditions even if it means bypassing a superior alternative in the process.
two wrongs don’t make a right…..
why do you always think other nations failings are an excuse for your own??????
look in the mirror instead of pointing fingers at others……
You are missing the point. It is not about 2 wrongs making a right. Instead it is to highlight the absurdity of seeking moral or social justice from a fundamentally flawed source.
– Who
But if you are seeking change, then it entirely makes sense to seek it from the only party both prepared to grant it and with the authority to do so.
Forced change is never change at all.
The Cayman Islands are already required under the ECHR to enact legislation to prevent discrimination against LGBT individuals and to provide for legal recognition of committed same-sex relationships. This is a simple fact.
We all agree we should move on to more pressing issues. The way to stop opposing and start doing what it is already obligated to do. That is the simplest and quickest solution.
This would be undemocratic.
It is good that the troll button is back.
Especially at 2:45 in the morning, right?

You are annoying 24 hours a day, sweetheart. An emojis are for the under 15s.
Happy to know I am keeping you up at nights.
Must be love.
By the way, to what age group is spellcheck assigned?
You are doing that “Have to have the last word thing again”. You remember what the nice man said about that evidencing narcissism, don’t you?
“As a Caymanian, and in light of everything that is currently taking place in this country / territory, I find it odd that you have selected such a specified sliver of perceived discrimination when there are much wider and glowing examples.
(Does come off a bit selfish on your part.)
Nevertheless, considering the many incidents and developments in the last 2 decades alone, the UK has proven time and again to not hold the interests of the Cayman Islands in high regard. Therefore, why would you, a supposed concerned Caymanian, seek help from such an entity on any sensitive or cultural issue?”
dude, you need mental help. once upon a time i thought you spoke for us but its obvious your head can be found buried in ignorance and hate. this movement is about action and not what you are famous for…talking crap…
step aside and let the new generation work.
* whodatis? ; i would imagine a miserable sad LAZY kid
Do your research.
By the way, I have offered a clear path to a simple and quicker solution to the discrimination in question therefore, I fail to see what you consider to be “ignorance and hate”.
Actually, if you want clear examples thereof you can simply click over to any other news story on this website where a Caymanian happens to be at the centre of the report.
Gotta love these selective and hypocritical bigotry-battling clowns of CNS.
– Who
You completely misunderstand and are so out of your depth on the Brexit issue, and if you did truly understand it, you would be contradicting all of the other xenophobic shit that you have posted here over the years… SMH
And you are right on time with the typical defence of the Brexit vote.
I trust you have lots of energy, because you will need it for the rest of your days if you insist on maintaining your spin campaign of convincing people the reality does not exist.
Good luck though.
Btw, on the contrary, I fully grasp the Brexit vote which clearly explains the “xenophobic shit” that is currently taking place in the UK.
E.g.( i.)Right-wing assassinations of democratically elected liberal members of government.
(ii.) Attacks and murders of Polish and other foreign nationals leading up to and in the wake of the Brexit vote.
You really should quit as you have no leg to stand on.
Lastly, do you have any thoughts on the issue at hand or are you yet another Whodatis hater of CNS? (Hint: That was a rhetorical question – please do not reply.)
– Who
Yes Who, it’s just like the coloured people who wanted to drink from the white people’s water fountain and pee in their bathrooms when perfectly good fountains and bathrooms had been built just for them.
As you said, drinking from the white people’s fountain is a “tantrum-like dismantling of cultures and traditions even if it means bypassing a superior alternative in the process.”
When will all the homophobes realize anti discrimination laws protect all of us…..S.80 of the Labour Law says nothing of Discrimination against sexual orietnation. THEREFORE YOU AS A HETEROSEXUAL CAN ALSO BE TERMINATED FROM YOUR JOB DUE TO YOUR SEXUALITY. How can you be against basic equality that PROTECTS YOU??
Because they are ignorant and full of misplaced anger. I have never met anyone who is at peace with their sexuality who is a homophobe.
The problem that we are facing is that the gay community is crying for equality but that equality is only fair to them if you agree with them and their values. No one is hurting or harming anyone in the gay community within our islands and that community is quite large and not the minority that Billie is trying to portray. Funny many of the people protesting on behalf of the community are not gay. Have you all ever considered that many of the gay people on island like their lives as is and don’t want to have it be as flamboyant and colorful as Billie’s hence why they choose to live in the Cayman Islands. Perhaps they like there very close knit gay community. Just like many heterosexual couples the lime light and flare is not for everyone. Billie and her protestors should factor in that this life they are seeking is not what the majority of the gay community seek and why they have never rose to the cause and we know many of the wealthiest in the country are gay.
We gay Caymanians simply want to love and be committed to the person we love. And yet, we live in a culture that not infrequently tells us the way in which we love is wrong and prevents us from obtaining the legal protections and burdens that are associated with being in a committed relationship that is recognized under the law should we desire them.
There are many different kinds of gay people, as there are many different kinds of straight people. When same-sex relationships are ultimately recognized in Cayman, those same-sex couples who don’t want to get married, or don’t want to live their lives any differently than they do today, will still be entitled to do just that. But that does not change the fact that there exist gay people in Cayman who want, deserve and are entitled to have their relationships and love recognized under the law.
Okay, but if I want to be ‘flamboyant’ or if I want to be a ‘Netflix homebody’ no one should deny me that choice. It is a basic civil right. No one should tell me I cannot live my life, marry, raise a family, participate in social causes, or anything else I see fit…as long as I do not hurt them. Your rights end at your nose, as do mine to you.
Utter rubbish!
The majority are not speaking out for the exact reasons Billie mentioned. Others live abroad so they can be with their loved ones.
We need to wake up! Because we are not gay my right nor your rights should never prevent others who are gay of their rights.
The law states two consenting adults of the same sex have the right to be together.
Grant them the right to civil union!
Billie I applaud you for being so brave, and truly hope others find the courage to stand up and support you.
Singapore has been voted one of the best places to live and they have outlawed this aternative lifestyle foolishness and I dont see the lgbtqrs or whatever they call themselves trying to change those laws.
Then you’re not looking. Among other cases and movements, three individuals sued as recently as 2014 to challenge the constitutionality of Singapore’s penal code, which still criminalizes (male) homosexual activity.
Note that Cayman had similar laws on the books as recently as 2000. The UK had to issue an Order in Council to decriminalized all private sexual acts between consenting adults in the Overseas Territories, after the Cayman Islands legislature and the legislatures in other Overseas Territories refused to do so. Unless you are ready to declare independence over the simple recognition of a same-sex couple’s love and commitment to one another, please stop wasting our people’s time, money and energy by opposing something that our relationship with the United Kingdom (and our own Constitution) requires.
You missed the point. They didn’t win but people still flock to live there
I encourage you to read more about the subject and about the current state and fight for LGBT rights in Singapore.
The fact that people still choose to live in Singapore does not mean that the country’s treatment of LGBT individuals is to be applauded. By your logic, there’s a lot of economic opportunity in Saudia Arabia, so their treatment of women must be right.
You are still missing the point. People live and work there because they accept the rules. Rights or no rights they still go there. I have lived there and would go back in a heartbeat when the opportunity arises. People come to Cayman knowing the limit is 7 years so why can’t the pink brigade accept that the law of the land is that marriage is between a man and a woman
Because some of us born Caymanians are gay too. Would you evict us from our home simply because we love someone else? We do not have a choice as to where we are born, and not all of us have a choice in the country we’re able to call home.
Singapore also canes people for chewing gum in the streets. That does not sound to me like a “best place to live.”
Yet people still flock to live and work there. If its the law of the land I would respect it. If chewing gum in the street was more important to me then I would live elsewhere
Speak for yourself darling, I loved getting caned at the weekends.
I am still awaiting an answer as to what one single thing straight people will lose if GLBT people were allowed to marry.
Would you lose the right to marry?
Would you lose the right to visit your loved one in the hospital?
Would you lose any pension benefits earned by your spouse if they perish?
Would you lose the right to live with your spouse if you had no employment?
Would you lose the right to live with your spouse if your name was not on a lease?
Would you lose health insurance coverage if your spouse’s employer would not allow you on the policy?
Would you lose any traditional protections should your marriage dissolve?
I sure hope someone can answer these questions!
We would lose the right to define marriage as between a man and a woman. You already hijacked the word ‘Gay’ to mean something completely different so how about leaving us with marriage as it is meant to be. There are plenty of countries that will give you what you want so why not settle in one of those instead of trying to change the world for only what you want.
Apply your own logic and go and live with your buddies at ISIS so you can carry on spouting religious hate.
Marriage is the socially recognized union of two spouses.
The fact you can’t sell your daughter for 3 goats and a cow means we’ve already redefined marriage.
I really don’t think the desire for “marriage” equality (as opposed to “civil unions” or “domestic partnerships”) is about hijacking the word or trying to change its meaning. What gay Caymanians are really yearning for is for their love and commitment to one another to be respected *equally* under the law. Unfortunately, that is not possible without using the term “marriage” under the law.
Why? Take, for example, the US, which treats now treats non-US-law same-sex marriages in exactly the same way as US-law opposite-sex or same-sex marriages (e.g., for immigration purposes). But did you know that the US Customs and Immigrations Service doesn’t treat a non-US-law same-sex civil union or domestic partnership as though it were a marriage for these same purposes? Accordingly, if Cayman grants only civil unions to same-sex couples, but not civil marriage, a gay Caymanian who enters into a Caymanian civil union with a US Citizen wouldn’t be entitled to spousal immigration rights in the US.
So, unfortunately, the labels do matter, and the distinction between “civil union” and a “civil marriage” does make a difference from a purely legal perspective. If the rest of the world truly respected civil unions as being the same as civil marriage, this issue wouldn’t exist (and everyone would probably be happy to call legal recognition of their unions a “civil union”, reserving “marriage” for religious institutions), but that is not the world we live in.
It’s also worth saying that I deeply respect matters of faith. For that reason, I point out that none of this desire for recognition under the law, of course, would change what any church would be allowed to consider a marriage. Just like a Christian church is not recognize a Hindu marriage as a valid marriage today, so too would Christian churches not be required to recognize a same-sex marriage as a valid marriage within their churches.
That is the first sensible commentary I have seen on why exactly civil union is not a solution, and the observation about different forms of marriage already not being recognised by the Christian church but recognised by the civil authorities is an interesting one. What say you, Who?
Rod Barnett ~ Your questions are spot on, thought provoking and get right to the heart of the matter. However, not many Caymanians are brave enough to think in such a broad manner. It is time for a change in Cayman and time for Caymanians to recognize that the church does not have to be the final voice in how we live. Equal rights are right ~ for everyone.
Normally Gay people do not bother me , BUT if I see two men kissing in public / theirs just something that my gut tells me is just so wrong ,then your mind wonders to sex side of it , that’s when one gets to shaking their head in disgust , I know I will be attacked for this , but its the truth , and I’m not religious at all .
I don’t think anything you have said is deserving of an attack, and your honest impressions are probably shared by many readers here. But next time you see two men expressing their love for one another in this way, I would urge you not to turn away in disgust, but to sit with them with an open heart to learn more about their relationship with one another. I think you will soon come to understand that those two men kiss for the same reasons as any other couple, and that they suffer the same joy and pain as other couple, and that they might, on occasion, share an intimate moment with one another, just like any couple might. What I think you’re expressing in your gut and in your disgust is confusion and a lack of understanding, nothing more.
Try learning spelling, grammar and punctuation. It will make your garbled mass of hate slightly easier to read.
I hate to see two fat slobbish tourists sucking face, but I would not deny them their civil rights.
1:33pm…you do realize that many heterosexuals practice A*$al sex with women don’t you?
Same difference…not for me and maybe for you?…but guess what…it is not my, your or anybody’s business… once it’s between consenting adults.
Homosexuality is not just a form of sex it is a form of love and for that reason deserves respect.
So many comments on here ask, what have they got to complain about? Even implying “they” should be happy we are not beating “them” up or lynching “them” like they do in some of our neighbouring countries!! Come on people have some more sophisticated thinking. Why should a person who has a different sexual orientation to what you consider the norm, not be able to avail themselves of the same rights and privileges you do? That is nothing to do with sex but to do with how they can legally form relationships. As a heterosexual you can choose to marry, you can then live with that person for your whole life, you can name them as a beneficiary of your pension, you can take advantage of a whole host of other rights and privileges as the recognised spouse of another, such as being a dependant for heath care etc. Many countries around the world have recognised this as a fundamental HUMAN rights issue and have addressed the inequalities. To the poster about the other issues that need addressing, I would argue that some of the problems you laid out also stem from a society that demonstrates intolerance of other problems, such as the rights of children not to be abused, and for their complaints to be taken seriously. So ANY advance in becoming more tolerant of each other will perhaps advance the causes you outlined.
Marriage is a sacrament – A promise to god between a man and a woman. Civil Partnership should be sufficient for all of the legal benefits of having a union. However, you shouldn’t have to force a religious group to do something they don’t believe in. That is, performing a marriage ceremony before the eyes of their God if they believe that it is a sin to do. Question: Would it be a sin on the part of a pastor to perform such a ceremony in the church (which is, against the doctrine of the church)?
Just food for thought.
For YOU it is a promise to YOUR god.
Do not force others to believe what you believe.
then don’t force others to accept homosexuality if they don’t want to. Its a two way street
You do not need to accept it, and you can continue to believe it is fundamentally wrong. But that doesn’t mean our laws should be written to treat similarly situated groups differently based on the immutable characteristics of who they are and who they love.
I don’t think anyone is asking for pastors in churches to be forced to marry same-sex couples if doing so would be against their faith.
Why would any homosexual couple want to be married in a church that hates them? I say marry in the court house not the church house.
Recognition of civil unions is all that is required per ECHR. That would advance the Cayman Islands to the year 2004. Gay marriage is an ongoing debate and varies by faith and denomination. We don’t need to go there. CIG will get sued and pay penalties if civil unions are not recognized. It’s a financial decision that we need to collectively make. Do we want to waste those millions, knowing already that we have a loosing hand?!? Ie. Wouldn’t we rather reduce crime or build mental health or drug rehab facility?
So, atheists are not really married. Is that correct?
Do you believe that Hindus should be allowed to marry, since they don’t believe in your god?
No. ‘Holy matrimony’ is a sacrament. ‘Marriage’ is a state-sanctioned union with civil rights and obligations.
Nobody has ever seriously proposed that religions be forced to change the way that they deal with matrimony. Priests can already refuse to marry you to a divorced person – that will not change. Rabbis can already refuse to marry you to a non-Jewish person – that will not change. Ministers can already refuse to marry you to a person of the same sex – that will not change. Where is this panic coming from? Your religious beliefs and practices will remain completely unaffected.
If others behaving in a manner contrary to your own personal, religiously-held beliefs bothers you, that is a completely separate issue. Nobody should have the right to impose their own beliefs on others and force them to live in accordance with religiously-based standards that are not shared. That is not freedom of religion. You would not tolerate such standards from another religion being imposed on you. Do not seek to impose your standards on others.
I have said over and over, God made Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve. The BIBLE says to be fruitful and multiply, how many men you see having children for another man, how many women get pregnant for another woman. Cut the bullshit if you are gay then don’t expect us to change our laws so you can run around married to the same sex. We as Caymanians have never hated gay people as I for one grew up in the same neighborhood as a gay and we had a great relationship as he respected my choice of a woman and I respected his choice of a man. What amazes me is most of these gays now is not even Caymanian and have absolutely no rights to challenge our constitution.
“God made Adam and Eve” Prove it.
Disprove it!
The burden of proof rest with you and that BS claim.
Another idiot who does not believe the bible
Even if the biblical story of Adam and Eve is fictional common sense and logic should tell you that without a man and a woman mating you and me wouldn’t be here reading and commenting on good ole CNS.
Bible told me so. And the men that wrote the Bible said “God” told them. And the Bible says it comes from “God”. What more proof do you possibly need (because I don’t have anything else to offer.
No challenge to the Constitution is necessary. What is necessary is enforcement of the Constitution, and enforcement of Cayman’s obligations as a signatory to the European Convention of Human Rights.
Many same-sex couples want the right to marry precisely to give the legal stability to their love necessary to start their families. How do you respect your friend’s choice of a man if you do not allow his relationship to be entitled to the protections and responsibilities that come with marriage under the law?
And isn’t is somewhat ironic that a human can only be created with the union of a sperm and an egg?
Just as ironic that all religions claim to be the true word of a sky fairy.
By this logic, we should really be focused on forcing all single mothers to wed, and rape victims to wed their rapists, and all married couples to procreate.
Can you prove God exist?
You believe in god? Do you not believe god created love?
Homosexuality is not only a form of sex it is a form of love and for that reason it deserves our respect. Stop with the Adam and Steve BS and just please do yourself and others a favor and grow up.
You call yourself an athiest, but use the argument of God creating love? On the subject of respect, there is no way I am going to respect a man inserting his body part into another man or him teaching my children this is an ‘alternative’ lifestyle.
On the topic of respect, I respect two consenting adults who share love. I would never teach my child your to kill your family if they worship other gods, that slavery, rape and murder is fine so long as its in the name of the lord. I respect two adults who share love not christianity which spreads bigotry and hate over a god no one can prove exist.
You sure seem to be obsessed with this atheism and God. You have the right to believe it and I can respect it, but I don’t agree with it. I read my post again and really could not see where I mentioned killing family, slavery and the like. Why introduce generalizing sweeping counter arguments to further your cause? Are you not guilty of the very thing you accuse me of? That is to say spreading hate and bigotry? You obviously have no respect for God or Christianity because of your use of lower case letters, yet you demand respect for your cause as a right, but deny my right to believe marriage is between a man and a woman. There really is nothing to discuss or reason with is there? It’s your way or no way it seems.
Grow up
It amazes me every time when people actually believe this adam and eve story.
Do you really, I mean REALLY believe we all come from this first couple ?
Ever heard if inbreeding. ?
Look it up and focus images.
You might recognize some politicians.
Is anything more lame than trying to justify prejudice by citing an ancient book of fairy tales?
If you believe God made Adam and Eve you also believe in talking snakes. I feel bad for you regarding your obvious lack of education.
By all means continue to believe what the bible tells you. I prefer national geographic myself, more of a science kinda guy I guess.
Oh, and FYI.
How will the good book explain this one?
Dear Billie, the Baroness is on her way and she will assist you with your issues. You might want to let the Baroness in on the fact that our Constitution outlines our Country as a Christian one which believes in the union of woman and man. I personally think the constitution the PPM administration put forth and approved is utter rubbish and not realistic by any means what-so-ever.
However, that being said; I do understand your frustrations but let me ask you something, do you believe that LGBT rights is a priority at this time considering all the other plaguing issues this Country is currently faced with?
For example, you may or may not have noticed a recent court case which was thrown out or dismissed due to incompetent police work whereby a child was being sexually molested and abused for some 6 years at home by relatives; this is an extremely important and sensitive issue which needs to be dealt with. This is just one of many cases like this; some are reported, some not.
Crime is also a very serious issue here, people are being robbed at any given time of day.
Although I understand your frustrations, in time your issue will be resolved and in time the LGBT community will get its equal rights; it’s inevitable.
However, where is the justice for the child who was raped repeatedly at home for almost a decade?
Where is justice for the lady who was ran over by a drunk driver while jogging in the morning on South Sound?
Where is the justice for Bethany Butler, the 6 year old child who was murdered by her own mother?
We have serious issues with drugs and alcohol here, serious public education issues, serious crime issues, the DUMP issue, mental health issues!
Your rights will come, I promise you that; just give it time.
As a member of the LGBT community, I can tell you I share all of these frustrations, and would happily fight alongside you to address these ills in Caymanian society too.
“Justice delayed is justice denied.”
If the UK impose laws on Cayman without the will of the people for a minority, it just will show the ugly head of a modern day colonialism. That is why I see a REFERENDUM will be necessary to show to the world where Cayman stand on this matter, and it will show (if the UK should impose on us), her hypocrisy as a defender of democracy in the world. As for CAYMANIANS hating gays that will be a false one to prove, unless of course you outlaw the Bible as a hatespeech book.
If you cant sort out a referendum on the port, this has even less chance of getting through. Why do you even need a referendum on peoples rights? Would you like someone to diss your human rights? How would you feel if your rights to say what you want were taken away? Its effectively what you are advocating for the LBGT movement
What if the abolition of slavery had been put to a referendum in which only Caymanian slaveholders could vote?
Anthony Eden 4 Premier
The least that can be done here is an opportunity to meet with Baroness Joyce Anelay when she is here in Cayman. Let’s stop the discrimination, intolerance, hatred and bigotry that is growing in our islands as a result of an issue that truly makes very little negative impact upon these islands which let’s face it have, is and will be compounded with a lot more critical issues that call for the masses to be more forthright in fighting to solve than the right for people to love whomever they choose and have that union/partnership recognized by the Law of the Land.
Everybody has their right of free speech. If someone says something you do not like, simply reply back and state what you believe. Don’t go to law and courts and try to hush that person. If they are teaching people to hate a person or harm a person then that’s different. But in Cayman I am still scratching my head regarding Bryan’s claims … maybe she in her personal life experienced hate. As far as I know, I don’t see it here in Cayman. I’m a born Caymanian and I know folk may be religious but I don’t see no one causing harm on a gay person or heard of it. :/
Religion is always the problem-the Dalai Lama gave a great speech recently-he stated no religion in the world teaches hatred-and those people who say it does can no longer be a real part of the religion/church. I suspect the Dalai lama is a lot smarter than most of us, but of course his opinion will matter little to the very people he was talking about-the haters in certain Churches here.
If the Dalai Lama said that he couldn’t be more wrong. Judaism, Christianity and Islam do teach hatred. If you deny this just read the Torah, Bible, and Koran and see for yourself.
It is ironic that persons like you who use the word “haters” also harbor hate. Do you ever think about that? A belief in the infallible Word of God does not equate to hate. Do you believe that laws created to control human behaviors are grounded in hate? No, they are there for our protection, same as the teachings in the Bible. Should paedophiles have the right to “love” who they want too? Where do the freedoms to love stop? It is not about hate, it is about preventing a dangerous downward spiral into complete and utter moral depravity.
Seriously, what is with the amnesia on this island…how many other people recall that Swiss banker Bise was beaten and burned alive in a car? You’d think that would be quite memorable in the recent criminal annals.
@2:16 pm — you are not seriously depicting the Bise murder as an example of community attitudes? You know that is not true and that that crime was far more complicated. What you are trying to do is dishonest and besmirches a community that lives and let’s live in freedom and peace.
Of course, you and others are hurting right now by refusing the obligation to recognize same sex civil unions. Currently, that refusal directly affects and discriminates against LGBT couples in contravention of the rights afforded to them under ECHR as a BOT. Cayman needs to get with the times or loose an expensive fight in court – and the millions in costs, penalties, and interest are funds that WILL belong to the public and they WILL be wasted. That will effect everyone in Cayman…straight, gay, old and young. This is a financial decision, and we are well on the loosing side.
Gay is the new black
Lives matter; period!
No matter size, colour, sexual orientation. ALL lives matter.
Constructing sentences that make no sense is the new ignorance
Whenever you hear them come with enforcing “anti-discrimination” laws, that simply will lead to the silencing of ministers, pastors, and priests from publiclly teaching or preaching what they believe and what the Bible says.
The thing that gets me, is how they compare being gay to a race like being black or latino. And thus their rights are being deprived like the black people during slavery days. However, most if not all scientist can prove that there is no such thing as the gay gene!
Please stop spreading fear and misinformation. Caymanian LGBT individuals are calling for equal respect and dignity under the law, not a silencing of people’s rights to voice their opinions. You can believe whatever you’d like and preach whatever you like without infringing on someone else’s love and dignity.
Can someone please tell me how the LGBTQ community is suffering? All because people as speaking their minds and having their freedom of speech is what all the fuss is about? I am not one to judge nor is it my place to do so but people who are a part of the LGBTQ community has been living here for YEARS, no one has been killed, lynched, not given jobs or done anything to make them feel unwelcomed so why all of a sudden there is a big fuss? Because of the situation with the immigration department? Each side is entitled to their opinion and we all need to respect one another. Period, the end.
SMH- young Caymanian
Can anyone tell me why the LGBT community aren’t allowed the same rights as others? Would that not be mutual respect?
SMH – Young Caymanian
They are “suffering” because they do not have the same rights as others. Of course this is unfair, so are they simply meant to keep quiet about it, because no one is lynching them?? I also know that work permits have not been renewed once it was known that the applicant was gay.
Do you also think that women should never have been given equal rights as men to vote, because they were not being “killed or lynched”? The arguments that are taking place right now with regards to the blatant discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, are as ridiculous as past arguments about discrimination on the basis of skin colour or gender. It was wrong then, and it’s wrong now.
As long as anyone is refused the same rights as others (ex: having a dependant on your work permit) due to a personal characteristic, then it is completely understandable that they should object and fight as hard as they have been.
Part of respect is acknowledging the existing obligation to recognize and protect civil unions. If you object to Cayman’s obligation then you are not respectful, you’re an ass#@£€.
Marriage is about love and commitment. We gay Caymanians simply want to love and be committed to the person we love. And yet, we live in a culture that not infrequently tells us the way in which we love is wrong, allows employers to fire us or business to serve us simply for being who we are, and prevents us from obtaining the legal protections and burdens that are associated with being in a committed relationship that is recognized under the law.
History will prove that there is only one acceptable outcome: and that is an order in council from intelligent people forcing Cayman’s obstinate dino-brained MLAs to do what’s already required under international law. If it needs to go to trial, Colours Cayman can appeal for funding from hundreds of private and public agencies worldwide that fight these fights as part of their philanthropic mission. Cayman is an open target with people like Billionaire Peter Thiel taking down the Daily Beast with the financial equivalent of pocket lint. It’s very unsettling as a Caymanian that there are still so many MLAs eager to double down on the loosing position with our public money and the louder they get, the more likely this is to becoming a big embarrassing international slap. Maybe that’s what has to happen.
That’s what the politicos want, so they can say to their church voters that they were against it and it was forced on them…
What we need to do is move out all the dinosaur politicians and get some fresh faced leaders like Winsto…… Oh no wait, he is also a 1940’s throw back homophobic peddler of hate.
Live and let live Winston
if caymanians really believe the bible…they should criminalise homosexuality and charge gays accordingly….
what…you have’t got the guts/conviction to do that?????
Christian fundamentalism, faith in their own ignorance, forcing their confusion as the way of life and they wonder why people see it as disgusting.
gays don’t have problems in Cayman. I know many of them, even have a friend who is Gay (yes only one lol), no one bothers them. What people do is their own business, I’m sure you don’t read of any violent attacks on Gays residing in Cayman or people throwing verbal attacks at the many bars they frequent. When you start to pursue the aggressive Gay agenda you will have problems and great divide. The LGBT don’t want equal rights, they want to silence ANYONE who doesn’t champion their lifestyle. Instead of them creating their own venues to get married in they will come to the church and force Pastor to marry them, but they will NEVER go to a Muslim Mosque and ask and Imam to marry them.
Food for thought.
I tend to support the LGBT community in their pursuits, but on this case you are correct. There is a tendency for that community to force everyone to adapt to their beliefs. Kind of like when women entered the workforce.
Please stop spreading misinformation. These types of scare tactics only create division in our people where none needs to exist.
No one is attempting to silence anyone, force anyone to give up their religious beliefs, or force pastors to perform marriages they don’t respect in their churches. The only thing LGBT Caymanians are asking for is equal respect for themselves and their relationships under the law.
You accuse LGBT Caymanians of not creating their own venues to get married, but isn’t that precisely what they’re trying to do by asking the government to enact the legislation necessary for their relationships to be respected?
You are so correct, every single word. Funny too!
It is sad that CNS and Bryan has sensationalize hate for gays as a big thing in the Cayman Islands.
The Church community has simply held on to their beliefs that homosexual lifestyle is a sin in the eyes of God and on society. And if it is a sin, no wise should there be any support for any law encouraging it.
Yes … you may have some people who hate people, this article makes it looks like you have hate rampant in the Cayman Islands against a minority. THIS IS FALSE
Treating slaves well and with respect did not make slavery any less wrong.
All this controversy over a god that no one can prove exist.
Or prove doesn’t exist. Perhaps that is why it is called FAITH!
Faith is useless, it is absolute confidence and trust in your own ignorance.
Knowledge is power.
It’s called faith because it’s not knowledge.
Well, He has proven Himself to me. I came to him as a completely broken human being due to some sad circumstances that I experienced as a very young child. He has slowly but surely put me back together over the years in spite of my personal failures. I do not consider myself religious neither do I attend church, yet God is the most real person I know.
I love God with all my heart and hope that others can find the answers for their journey.
God is love indeed, but He is also holy which means that He is worthy of respect.
He lets us mess up because we are prideful and stubborn, but when we get tired of those ways, He is ready to help.
May we each find the hidden treasure.
It is too late for me to be an atheist. I have had my encounter and there can be no going back.
Never too late to indiscriminate.
Is that a word? I am merely speaking from my experience. You speak from yours.