Suspect chiro-doctor still practicing, despite arrest

| 15/06/2016 | 0 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): The police have confirmed that they have no powers to prevent a doctor who was arrested following allegations that he took inappropriate pictures of female patients from practicing. Working as a chiropractor at a surgery in Pasadora Place in George Town, the 47-year-old health practitioner, who was released on police bail after his arrest last week, is understood to still be seeing patients. The investigation into allegations that he took images of at least two women he treated, apparently without their consent, continues but the doctor has not been charged.

Although the RCIPS has contacted the Council of Professions Allied with Medicine (CPAM), which regulates the chiropractic profession here, a spokesperson for the police confirmed that CPAM has not yet notified the police of any changes to the licence of the doctor.

Although there are undisclosed conditions to the doctor’s bail, the RCIPS stated that the police do not have the powers to suspend his licence.

Category: Crime, Police

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