Health ministry to begin search for new CMO

| 20/03/2025 | 17 Comments
CMO Dr Nick Gent

(CNS): Dr Nick Gent, the current chief medical officer, will be leaving the Cayman Islands at the end of his contract term in September. Officials from the health ministry said that Dr Gent, who has been here since September 2022, has used his extensive knowledge and experience in public health, epidemiology, healthcare policy, human rights, and disaster preparedness and response to provide advice, guidance, support and direction to the ministry and the government broadly.

In a press release announcing his departure, there were no indications why Dr Gent was leaving, but it appears to be his choice rather than the ministry’s decision not to renew his contract, given that there are still six months remaining on his contract.

During his tenure, Dr Gent has navigated critical health challenges, advanced public health initiatives, and worked to strengthen the nation’s healthcare infrastructure, the ministry said.  He has also championed an evidence-based, data-driven approach to decision-making.

Premier Julianna O’Connor-Conolly, who has held the health ministry for just a few months following the resignation of Sabrina Turner, expressed appreciation for Dr Gent’s contribution.

“Dr Gent has been an invaluable asset to the Cayman Islands, particularly in guiding our health strategies and enhancing the resilience of our healthcare system. His expertise and commitment to public health have been instrumental in ensuring the well-being of our community. He has been a vocal advocate for the health of the nation, and his leadership, especially in light of ongoing and growing regional and global crises, has been exemplary,” she said.

A press release said that the recruitment process for a new CMO will begin soon to ensure a smooth transition and continuity of leadership. The formal selection process will prioritise securing a candidate with the expertise and vision to continue to build on the positive strides that have been made in strengthening the local healthcare system.

“It has been a privilege to be able to work alongside so many people committed to improving the lives of those who call these islands home,” Dr Gent said in the release. “To serve the people of the Cayman Islands, to learn about their culture, and to have been embraced with such care and kindness has made these some of the most enjoyable years of my life.

“I am grateful to have played a role in helping to advocate for the nation’s health. I hope that the strides which we have made are but the beginning and that Cayman will continue to push for progress and equity in this area.”

Gent spearheaded and supported several key initiatives, including regulations to control and monitor the use of controlled drugs, modernising of pharmacy practices via the new Pharmacy Act, signing Cayman on to the UK National Health Service quota system for rare medical cases that cannot be treated locally, securing COVID booster vaccines, guiding the STEPS 2023 National Health Survey and advocating for affordable and accessible preventative health care.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (17)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Haven’t heard such good news in a long time! Good riddance! Please take a few more with you.

  2. Anonymous says:

    He’s would also not be compatible if the referendum on Cannabis passes with a yes.

  3. Geezer in pain. says:

    Not a man who places patients first, preferring the almighty dollar. Not beneficial in any way, shape or form. Does not understand the health benefits of alternative medicines – or care.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I only just realized that JuJu had taken on the Health Ministry a while back. Wow, a real poster child for healthy lifestyles.

  5. Anonymous says:

    The only news that could have been better is if they said the people who hired him were also leaving on or before his departure date.

    This guy caused so many disruptions with his “you’re an idiot, I know everything attitude.” He challenged doctors’ opinions in fields where he had zero training or experience. He was even trying to tell ER doctors at the HSA which patients should be prioritized in the waiting room. This is crazy stuff!

    The full extent of the damage from his tenure may never be known, but I am so happy to hear his time is coming to an end.

  6. Anonymous says:

    What a relief! Good riddens! I never met anyone that liked this guy and doctors especially hate him.
    Thankfully he could at least know when he wasn’t wanted!

  7. Anonymous says:

    What’s up with this job? No one stays more than 3 years and then it takes about the same to find a replacement. How much of the people’s year is he getting extra money?

    • Anonymous says:

      Dr Lee would have stayed but that court case stopped that!

    • Anonymous says:

      Interesting and very relevant question 10:34. Part of the problem of course is working in the Ministry with idiots like Sabrina Turner and Dwayne Seymour…how many of you with any brains would like to work with them? But the other problem …or one of them…is that doctors, both private and HSA….are a damned disagreeable lot who think they know it all and don’t want anyone “above” them telling them what to do. The comment from 7:57 is probably from one of these doctors who was horrified that anyone might suggest to him or her a different way of looking at things. I’ve been there in the HSA and it’s a vipers nest.

    • Anonymous says:

      They’re rolling them in and out every 3 years for liability purposes.

  8. Anonymous says:

    good riddance

  9. Anonymous says:

    UK CMO introduced UK NHS style long waits for services in HSA. Putting cost cutting and saving money above people’s health and quality of life.

    • Anonymous says:

      The CMO has no control over HSA waiting times. Only HSA can fix that. Or maybe the local companies who have brought in thousands of low paid workers and sent them to Cinico for healthcare.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Promote Dr. Jefferson. He has the training and education, and is probably ready to move to a more administrative position.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Can’t say I’ll miss this one, talk about arrogance. It is also rich that he seeks to take credit for the modernization of the Pharmacy Act. That Act was drafted years before he arrived, I know this because I helped to draft it.

    Bon voyage sir, many here will be happy to see you go.


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