CINWS gears up for 2025 hurricane season

| 20/03/2025 | 3 Comments
Group photo of the NWS Hurricane Workshop (L-R) CINWS representatives Allan Ebanks, Winston Gall, Kerrie Forbes, Gilbert Miller, Michael Carey, Shakira Gregory, Shamal Clarke, Kerry Powery, with Casandra Morris from the Strategic Innovation Unit and Tyleisha Galbraith from the Department of Communications

(CNS): There are still more than eleven weeks to go before the official start of the 2025 Atlantic Hurricane Season, but given that storms can form well before 1 June and with climate change making regional weather patterns increasingly unpredictable, local weather experts are already preparing for the season. On Monday, the National Hurricane Center issued its first tropical outlook in 2025 for a disturbance in the Atlantic, and while the system failed to develop, it serves as an early warning to be prepared.

In alignment with its mission to ensure the safety and well-being of all three Islands, the Cayman Islands National Weather Service (CINWS) has already held a pre-hurricane season workshop.

“The safety of our residents is our top priority,” said John Tibbetts, Director General of CINWS. “It is imperative that we continually evaluate the effectiveness of our systems, especially regarding the monitoring of weather patterns and the timely dissemination of information.”

Representatives from the Cabinet Office Portfolio, including the Strategic Innovation Unit, CINWS and the Department of Communications, worked on identifying gaps in the current systems and exploring improvements to weather monitoring and communication strategies. The team looked at lessons learned from last season and assessed existing procedures. Updates to operational plans and strategic initiatives and enhancements to communication strategies for disseminating critical information were on the agenda.

Chief Meteorologist Kerry Powery said the work won’t stop there .“We are committed to addressing additional action items with other key stakeholders and closing any gaps ahead of the 2025 hurricane season,” he added as he urged everyone to stay informed and be prepared ahead of the season.

While officials have not yet expressed any concerns about cuts to staff and resources at the US National Hurricane Center, there has been considerable chatter across local social media channels about the impact this could have on the information that the Caribbean region relies on during the season.

The agency is on the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) as an area for cuts. Hundreds of employees, including some of the top meteorologists and researchers in the US, were fired last month, part of a broader elimination of probationary employees by billionaire Elon Musk and his team at DOGE.

Dr Andrew Hazelton is one of the NHC’s Hurricane Hunters who has been fired. Part of the crews that fly deep into powerful hurricanes to collect data on the storm’s power and direction has told the UK press the loss of his job and some 800 others at NOAA will make things less safe as the improved forecasts that come out of the NHC, which everyone relies on in the storm season, may no longer be as accurate or as readily available.

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

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  1. Anonymous says:

    So all these people will be focusing on “enhancements to communication strategies for disseminating critical information” and “ monitoring of weather patterns”?? No joke?

    I want to hear how exactly Cayman is PREPARING for hurricanes! Not how residents prepare, but how Government and its agencies prepare! What exactly they are doing to save lives and properties, efficiently and effectively protect and restore essential infrastructure.

  2. Anonymous says:

    They are confusing preparedness with the weather monitoring! 🤦‍♀️

    “The safety of our residents is our top priority,” I get nauseated when I hear that

    “It is imperative that we continually evaluate the effectiveness of our systems…” empty words with no meaning

    “…especially (‼️) regarding the monitoring of weather patterns …” the most stupid statement that has nothing to do with actual safety of residents. The year is 2025 and everyone monitors weather patterns with smartphones

    “…and the timely dissemination of information…”. This statement is even more stupid than the one above.

    So what is Preparedness?
    ✅ making sure all buildings are hurricane resistant. Old buildings are reinforced and elevated when it is possible. Government allocates funds for free buildings inspection to make sure they are built to withstand hurricane-force winds and flooding and provides assistance with hazard mitigation retrofitting to residential and commercial properties. Adding a “third nail” to hurricane straps (also known as truss straps) significantly enhances roof-to-wall connections, improving hurricane resistance. Assist residents with securing homes with shutters or impact-resistant windows.
    ✅ authorities develop and implement evacuation plans, identifying evacuation zones and routes, and ensuring the availability of shelters.
    ✅ utilities strengthen infrastructure by clearing tree limbs, inspecting poles, upgrading to stronger materials, and using infrared technology for inspections
    ✅ Utilities crews are on standby, equipment is ready and supplies are stocked up . They trained to use drones to quickly assess damage and speed up the restoration process.
    ✅Rescue teams are properly and regularly trained, rescue equipment is ready and in good repair, fuel volumes are sufficient for the rescue operations and access to it is secure..
    ✅All vulnerable and living alone residents identified in advance and assisted with evacuation to shelters in accordance with developing situation. They are assisted with 30-day supply of medications. In Florida, you can get early prescription refills for a 30-day supply even if you recently filled them if you reside in a county under a hurricane warning, and a state of emergency is declared.

    This is what I wanted to see in this article…not the usual blah blah blah

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hopefully we are fully prepared cause we might not have NOLA

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