Six Cuban migrants arrive in East End

| 13/02/2025 | 4 Comments

(CNS): The Customs and Border Control Service (CBC) confirmed that a boat carrying six migrants, understood to be Cubans, entered Cayman waters in East End around 9am on Tuesday, 11 February. CBC said it responded promptly to the reports, and all of the individuals were located and taken into custody. The six migrants are being processed in accordance with established CBC protocols, officials said.

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Category: Local News

Comments (4)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Job Creation from issuing local CI Treasury Bonds Certificates

    Government borrowing bonds & yields explained

    If the Cayman Islands Government considered issuing a Tax Free Treasury Bond Certificates, over 800 Full Time well paying Jobs could easily be created with-in the CI Cadet Core and the CI Regiment to gain various expertise in variety of career fields like the US & the UK Armed Forces offer thier service members

    This would help us to get idiol youths off the streets, keep them off the Streets and give them something constructive to do to while preparing them for a future career in the following fields below, like the former US President Franklin D Roosevelt did to help get people back to work in the US economy during the Great Depression, in-addition to that, our youths could work along side our industry professionals in right here in the Cayman Islands, like the United States did by recruiting Military Personel Troops to work as service members; while encouraging consumers to spend cash in the economy to recover from the 1930’s Great Depression:

    The Great Depression explained in 11 Minutes

    • Medical Doctors & Nursing

    • Finance, Accounting & Administration

    • National Security Intellegence Gathering

    • Cyber Security & Information Technology

    • CI Cadet Core & CI Regiment Police

    • CI Cadet Core & CI Regiment Firemen

    • CI Cadet Core & CI Regiment Border Control

    • CI Cadet Core & CI Regiment Coast Guard

    Here is an example of the United States of America Army ROTC Careers that prepare High School and College Students with training and experience that lead to professional career paths after being relieved from thier duties

    We are and still is in the worse recessession since the 1930’s and our future leaders need to connect with the past 1930’s events to decide what worked back then to stimulate the recovery of the economy; and what can work now to stimulate our economy for recovery

    Sir Alden McLaughlin, MP Sabrina Turner and the PPM did a good job by creating our Regiment and getting volentary Cadet Core and volentary Regiment personell to work alongside industry professionals in our Fire Department with Fire Men, but they were only volenters, not full time paid employed service members

    Here is another way that the a CI Tax Free Treasury Bond Certificates could stimulate our economy and create an additional 400 well paying jobs for Caymanians

    The RCIPS, the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, Customs & Border Control could build Ocean Marine Stations on the North and South Side of Grand Cayman, an Ocean Marine Station on Cayman Brac & one Ocean Marine Station on Little Cayman,. Provide each staion with (4) four Coastline Patrol Vessels and have them manned by 300 to 400 Caymanians on different 24 hour shifts

    Build a proper Coast Guard Station and purchase (3) three larger 120 to150 foot Ocean Patrol British Royal Naval Fridgettes and hire an additional 200 Caymanians to man these vessels

  2. Anonymous says:

    Damn Cubans stay home and work hard so your country can become better. Cuba once had the most cane sugar. now they so lazy it’s none there. they have to import it. What a mess.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The orange gorilla can advise on how to handle the new unexpected arrivals.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The Cayman Islands staffs and equips a full-time Coast Guard, RCIPS Joint Marine Unit, and an Aerial Response Unit with two late model EC145 state-of-the-art helicopters. The Cayman Islands Coast Guard is responsible for maritime security, maritime enforcement of local laws and international laws in Cayman Islands waters, and compliance with conventions regarding safety at sea and pollution prevention. Those responsibilities begin 12 miles from Grand Cayman’s shores, not just within the reef at East End, and after landfall. How are there any visitors making this type landfall given these responsibilities and resources? Perhaps Commander Robert Scotland could comment.

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