Road rage results in teen’s arrest but video shows he wasn’t aggressor
(CNS): A road rage incident on Rex Creighton Blvd during Wednesday evening’s rush hour traffic may have resulted in the police arresting the wrong man. A 17-year-old boy was arrested, and a 72-year-old man from North Side was warned for intended prosecution for the offence of common assault. However, the incident was caught on camera and circulated widely on social media, and the footage shows that it appears to have been started by the elderly man, who sustained a facial injury during the altercation.
Footage taken from various angles and circulating was a huge talking point on Thursday as it circulated across social media and in chat groups. It was also the main subject of Cayman Marl Road’s call-in breakfast show and has since become the subject of various memes.
It is understood that the teenager, who was driving an SUV, had merged into the traffic jam in front of the North Side man, who was driving one of just a couple of Teslars that have been imported into the Cayman Islands. This had caused the elderly Teslar driver to break heavily, which in turn caused another fender-bender involving a third car. This seemingly enraged the elderly driver and his wife, who then got out of the car to confront the young driver in the SUV.
The older man then proceeded to climb into the teenager’s car and attempted to strike him, but the younger driver grabbed the man in a headlock.
Police said that when they arrived at the scene, the officers saw the vehicles and their occupants on the side of the road. The occupants were speaking with first responders, and the 72-year-old man had facial injuries. The police said that they were told that he had “exited his vehicle and confronted the juvenile” and an altercation took place between both parties that led to the man receiving facial injuries.
The police did not arrest the older man, indicating that common assault is not an arrestable offence on its own. But the juvenile was arrested on suspicion of assault ABH because of the facial injuries sustained by the other driver, though witnesses said they did appear to be serious. However, CNS understands the teenage driver was released fairly quickly after the incident.
While the older man was not arrested, the police said an investigation into the incident had begun, which would include the collection of evidence to establish the facts of the matter. Police said that they are aware of several videos of the incident circulating on social media and that the incident occurred in peak hour traffic when many motorists would have seen the incident take place.
Investigators said they now require the assistance of the public to be able to understand the incident in its entirety.
Anyone with information regarding this incident, including video footage, is encouraged to contact 911 or call the Bodden Town Police Station at 947-2220. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or the website. These anonymous tips may include media files such as videos, pictures and voice recordings. Tips can also be submitted anonymously via the Cayman Crime Stoppers website.
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I would have taken the old mans actions as an attempted car jacking, when he came through window.
You have to assume a carjacker will have a weapon, and act accordingly as if it is a fight for your life, then claim self defense.
I’m confused. Attempted Assault (black teen) is an arrestable offense but actual Assault (white guy) is not? This sounds more like Driving While Black in Texas.
Yup. This is Cayman 2025! So sad what Cayman has become.
I cannot blame the teenager for defending himself. In fact, the older driver’s actions reminded me of something I observed.
Somehow, it seems our young people are expected to take disrespect. It starts in the public schools, where teachers from other nationalities call them stupid, “wutless”, lazy, et al. It’s verbal abuse. Those teachers would not get a job in the uppity private schools because of their appearance or their accent, and they certainly would not have a job left, if they said such things to private school students. Such abuse chips at our children’s self confidence. They get anxiety going to school! Their grades drop, they get depressed, they get into toxic relationships. What are we doing?! Where does it stop?!
Why aren’t there cameras with audio in every government school classroom?
because the amount of humble pie many parents would need to eat would be insurmountable!
Because putting children under video surveillance is creepy and wrong?
Have we perhaps had “Enough”?
Enough Cayman Status to people who are not Caymanian-at-heart, enough traffic, enough lack of common sense — enough being treated as if we are tourists in our own land! There is the protest tomorrow; we can attend, and make a quiet stand. We can provide any footage and/statements to the police. We can also ask those running for office, whether they are prepared to decrease revenue from PR/Status grants and land sales, in order to limit the number of foreigners in our shores. We are too small for 100,000 people! In this scenario, I agree that enough is enough.
Aren’t these racists on SEZ permits?
Not speaking of this incident but in general – please stop the police bashing.
Stop denigrating our serving officers who are many different nationalities and ethnicities.
The majority of our police service works diligently to keep our islands safe.
It’s getting so tired, the sport of complaining.
An RCIPS staffer.
Nah. You all need to do better. And it’s time we stopped hiring police from Jamaica.
To 9:08am: We need more Caymanian police officers, yes; but the next time the RCIPS is recruiting, pay attention to how many of the Caymanians that get selected, get past the training period. In my view, effective police officers (wherever they hail from), need solid English comprehension and report-writing skills — if the police report is badly written or incomplete, how can the DPP build a solid case for prosecution? Strong observation and analytical skills; emotional intelligence training; an understanding of Caymanian heritage/culture, empathy, and at least a rudimentary understanding of the human condition. Being a police officer is not easy; more often than not they are dealing with people who are already agitated, and their very uniform makes matters worse, so before we bash, let’s think about that.
Lazy attitude that’s make you all look bad!!!
Can’t even hold the basic laws.
Everytime you get into a car here you see at least two to three major driving accidents.
YOU got to be smoking some heavy shiiite. THe major accidents are being caused mainly by work permit holders who are driving cars perhaps for the first time or are unused to driving in such small spaves as we have and lastly their foot heavy, So you o on smoking what you doing and soon ta brains gonna be looking behind you waiting for you to catch up.
lmao get bent. the RCIP is a disgrace. Response time are measured in hours, officers fail to obey basic traffic laws, corruption is so engrained it’s become a factor of everyday life and incompetence extends from the highest to the lowest level.
you have the gaul to come here and ask for lenience? why? the police are supposed hold themselves to a higher standard to exmplify the ideals of the laws of the land yet our “protectors” can’t even hold themselves to the standards of a gas station attendant.
iv had a case open with them that they have called me multiple times asking me to close. I was struck by a stolen car at a roundabout, the entire thing was caught on multiple cameras, and was even posted online when it happened. the police made no effort to aprehend those responsible. No evidence was gathered, no witnesses questioned, no follow up calls ever made.
no, I will not go easy on them.
Another example of stupidity from a “RCIP staffer.”
What does it matter that different nationalities and ethnicities are represented????? You are hired to enforce the laws with the same standards of professionalism – N & E have no bearing on your conduct. (OR ARE YOU SUGGESTING IT DOES? A pretty damning suggestion).
I must say that there are some who need to be removed from service but the bashing in general needs to stop. Afterall, RCIPS does a good enough job that we call when we are in trouble…after bashing them.
10:09am. When it is their own nationals they are given a bligh but locals are penalized. You give them all the information and nothing happens. I know this for a fact.
So the police are the real victims here?
Literally the only organization that has to announce they will be doing operation: doing the job we signed up for a week out the year, and expects praise for doing so.
None of us forced you into service. Do better and serve us instead of treating us like revenue generators for doing 51 mph on a highway.
When has there ever been any speed traps at night on weekends? That’s when most road deaths occur yet no police are out with their radar guns…instead they want to pick you off just as the speed limit changes from 50 to 30 during your morning commute. Pathetic.
As well, how can you call the RCIPS anything but corrupt after they failed to breathalyze Jon Jon after hitting inanimate objects twice at night?
Give you head a shake “Good Governance”.
So quit your job and stop supporting these local tyrants then, we are being oppressed here.
Then you should discuss the following within your Staff:
1.RCIPS refuse to staff a patrol car presence on our roads at times when speeders threaten other safe drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.
2.Newlands bypass to Hirst Road this weekend saw multiple racers clocking near 100 m.p.h with 2 cars abreast of the 2-lane road, with No police presence to deter such behavior.I witnessed this is broad daylight.
Get us some valid response & reasons to these 2 questions and the public may give some credit to the police.
Respect to all..
I hope the parents of this young man sues larry and the Rcips. A lesson should be made of an example considering if Larry did this anywhere else in the world, the out come would be different and why would Linda get away calling this kid the N word?
Guys thinks he’s that and them some. Seen him around the island and he’s lucky he didn’t come across someone different.
after reading the above incident …
first of all it seems road rage is a excalating problem in cayman , and everyone is in a hurry to go no where ..
my opinion of the matter is , hopefully the young driver gave indication to enter into traffic however he may have made poor judgement , resulting in the Tesla driver to react in violence ,
( if the Tesla driver did this in the states he would have been Killed by the other driver as a case of self defense . . it seems the 72 yr old (?with a big ego ) thinks because he drives a tesla , which is only a material asset ,but he may want to use his money for Anger management instead as well as to be kind to others …
personally he should have been arrested as the 17 yr old remained in his own car and reacted to defend himself . The parents of the 17 yrs old should file charges on the 72 yr old as well as civil suit , and sue the RCIP as well ….
the officer made ooor judgement in arresting the wrong person …( it shows the offices need more training i).
Because he shouldn’t drive recklessly and cause others grief?
Old man attacks a young guy and gets his arse kicked then kid get arrested? Hmmmmm
answer is simple, police showed up and saw a rich white guy and regular local, they know where their bread is buttered.
Money talks, money walks….
As in EVERY country. Cayman get no pass for being corrupt!
When will the road extension be finished between King’s and Harbor Walk? They started like 8 months ago. Daily road rage material in front of Downtown Reach where the ‘Fits’ of this island need to ‘Fit’ and squeeze in right at the end without lining up like everyone else.
National Road Authority doing an outstanding job…again
Having 2 lanes within the whole stretch of 3 lanes makes no sense at all, the bottleneck just got re-positioned. Nobody seems to have a long term vision
Because many people use lanes 2 and 3 like lane 1 is made of lava, it causes more traffic to tailback to the Downtown Reach roundabout. So, because this roundabout is now clogged up for no reason, vehicles heading from central GT that need to turn back at the roundabout have to wait cos of all the idiots that refuse to use perfectly good tarmac.
Use all three lanes, and lane two allows lane 1 to merge like a zipper. That’s how it’s supposed to work for everyone to move in the most efficient way. Unfortunately, we have drivers here who have brains made of marshmallow.
good idea, only problem is that you will need permanent lane dividers all the way to Agnes Way to avoid same issue as there is at Mango Tree. Too many are lining up deliberately in the wrong lane just to squeeze in right at the end. To blame are also those who let them in, try that in any city in the US, good luck
They are very busy building roads to nowhere. One in Lower Valley and another by Conch Point.
Did the RCIPS also ticket Larry for not properly displaying his vehicle licence plates? Or, is there an exception for Teslas???? Inquiring minds want to know….
no, it’s just the usual exception for rich foreigners.
Exactly. He has had this vehicle on the road long enough to have the plates properly displayed. Once again white privilege.
Exactly. He has had this vehicle on the road long enough to have the plates properly displayed. Once again white privilege.
Yes, I only ever see white people with no plates on the front.
Sit down, you plank.
This type Tesla vehicle is banned in the UK. Why is it permitted in Cayman? Civil Service is probably not even aware about the UK ban or the reasons for the ban. Time to ban it in the Cayman Islands.
The moment someone imports a cybertruck into Cayman, they should be automatically deported. Not because they’re banned in the UK but because they’re an asshole.
Whiteman comes to attack you in your car and you defend yourself and police arrest you Sounds like we Down south of Mason Dixon Line N!@@%$ gots to know dey place round Ya!
TBH, I think “[rich] white man in Tesla” was more likely to be the case. Either way you’re right, it’s wrong.
What is going on on our roads is simply dangerous. Driver’s seem to have no idea of the basic laws of the road. Two examples:
1. Overtaking using an inside lane. Crazy! On the bypass from Kings roound about into town is like a race track. Three lanes and drivers overtake on an inside lane. Wake up. . .this is dangerous!
2. Solid white lane line means do not cross, yet drivers are cutting across these line with merry abandonment.
Drivers. . .THINK! leave the house 10-mins earlier so you’re not tempted to speed. Don’t overtake using an inside lane. Learn that solid white the line markings on the roads mean don’t cross.
Still not right to assault another person in road rage.
No matter what time you leave home or anywhere, there’s traffic. Too many people here now!
This for many, is the reality of what you are suggesting. 15 years ago I used to set off from NS after 8 and still be in my chair at work by 9. Since then I HAVE set off 10 mins earlier; then 10 mins earlier than that, and so on until I now have to be out of the house well before 6 am and it’s only getting worse. BT Rd and Spotts straight are also racetracks during this time, and then reverse the same long, tiresome, stressful journey every night after 9-10 hours in the office. It’s exhausting and not good for anyone’s mental health.
Why aren’t more people being allowed to work from home? Their employers know who is responsible and can be trusted to actually work, so why not reduce the number of people on the road please
So, elect better Ministers!
Indicating right when going straight on a roundabout!
If you’re not planning to take the first exit on a roundabout then you need to indicate right regardless. Try not indicating in UK as you say and see what happens, you’ll get blasted or worse.
I would like to offer my legal services to that young man for free. Unfortunately, at the moment I am only qualified to practice law on CNS. Perhaps a real lawyer will make the same offer.
Everyone should have dash cams in their cars. The police never get it right. Protect yourself.
That truck had least 8 cameras so should have some evidence showing.
Also put up those permanent divider cones in front of Mango Tree, another road rage waiting to happen there. All those special drivers (80-90% of a certain Nationality) squeezing in at the very end making everyone else’s ride twice as long going to Foster’s that lined up in the correct lane.
Planning department interested for in the parking mess there ???
Put up on the road before Chrissie Tomlinson roundabout to block persons from coming through Tim Horton’s to go back to town. Spend an extra 10 minutes every morning when working east because of them
Gosh, so essentially Larry lost his marbles because someone hit his ugly ‘truck’? SMH
His truck wasn’t even hit.
he didn’t even get mad at the person that hit him
In other, related news: Stop lights and the Newlands 3-way been needed for a long time….
Trashy Larry and his wife loco Linda need to haul their racist asses back to where they came from but Trashy Larry must be arrested and charged for assault because he started it!!!
Chagos might be a good place for them?
And Larry… in the meantime, get a Haircut.
Stupid comment, just saying for a friend!
Inside your vehicle is deemed a personal safe place. The STUPID Policeman should be empathetic to the young man as his safe space was violated in this incident.
The intruder was lucky to have come away without very serious body harm inflicted upon him.
Old man is lucky young man wasn’t armed as some are. Also lucky young man only inflicted facial injuries which most would do if someone jumps in their car. Iron men of a bygone age would have left him toothless as well.
what in the name of terrible legal advice is this?
It’s not up to the Policeman. If a crime is committed and the victims BOTH want to pursue charges, the cop has to follow the protocol.
The old guy, even though he started the whole thing and seems to be a real piece of work, had injuries. The young guy did not.
So the young guy who caused the injuries, even if he was defending himself, can be arrested on suspicious of assauly causing injry. The old guy can be prosecuted for common assault but that offence is not onwe you can arrest for. So he was warned for prosecution.
The prosecutor makes the final decision on charges. Not the police who respond. He/she/they just have to follow the protocol.
We did this to ourselves when we elected those who clearly do not represent us ! Those who have put the power in the hands of this Foreign hoard need to be remove from power and not elected to power because they now seek to one again deceive us by preaching Caymanian values !This incident is but a clear demonstration of the life and death power these people have over us in our own island Cayman. Where their decisions can make or destroy our future for both us and our children in this instance..
There are too many foreigners here doing the most and getting away with it. If this were the US and a Caymanian decided they were pulling that foolishness, they would be deported right away.
Stop granting all of these foreigners status and other random ways of being here. Talking about “do you know who I am?” No Larry, do YOU know who you are? Foreign. Did you forget WHERE you are? All you foreigners do is come here and complain. We didn’t beg you to be here.
That could never have been my son that man grabbed like that. Don’t even play about your life like that.
Take back Cayman!
PS. That “truck” is ugly.
So if you’re a Caymanian, you are never in the wrong.?
You were educated overseas, nah true?
They never drive like assholes. It’s all Jamaicans and whichever expat that is scapegoated.
You’ll do NUTTIN. Shut up. Larry is Caymanian. Make peace with it.
You may not like it, neither do I, but stick a sock in it. We invited them in, our politicians let them stay (Big mac mostly).
So like usual, and unlike brave people at CPR etc YOULL DO NUTTIN!!!
STAND UP OR SHUT YOUR MOUTH. Otherwise you’re just another crab in this bucket like most of us.
Over the last couple of years I have come across several angry old men. They should be setting an example to the youth – not behaving in such a disgusting manner themselves.
I am most definitely in no way defending or condoning the actions of the elderly man but so far, I ain’t seen one comment about anybody holding the youth ‘accountable’ for his actions in merging erratically in a way that caused a third party accident…am I missing something here…??!!
Listen…excessive traffic, speeding, and horrendous driving skills not to mention complete carelessness are frustrating and driving people c-r-a-z-y on Cayman roads.
Seriously…do better people…! #facts #disgusted
he called him slurs but ok
But is it ok to receive slurs back? Asking for an expat friend.
No one has to talk about the erratic driving or the third party fender bender it caused, because the young man stopped and he was waiting on the police to come! However, all of that is irrelevant, the only person responsible for the fender bender, is the person that hit the car from behind! Regardless of whether a car slams breaks, if a car is the appropriate distance and driving at an appropriate speed, they would have had ample time to stop! I’ve had a taxi driver pull in front of me and cause me to slam my breaks, a car ran into the back of me, guess who was responsible?! The car that hit me!
Regardless, all of the above is irrelevant, because Larry left his vehicle, approached the young man’s vehicle and both verbally and physically attacked him! Larry was the aggressor, end of story!
If you don’t understand this, then maybe you shouldn’t be driving either.
Unfortunately the actions of Larry the Cable Guy drowns out your point.
Does it warrant being ATTACKED!?! FOH
yes, you cut Infront of me erratically and I will slap you too! I could care less who you are. learn to drive responsibly and courteously.
No you won’t, coward. At best you’d run up and get done up just like Lumpy Larry did. You ain’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.
You’re willing to play with your life like that?
Dude they were stuck in traffic and this sounds more like a case of give way wars by Tesla than a case of being cut up at high speed. Big difference.
It’s “I couldn’t care less” you sound like a fool when you say “could”
I dare you to come test us then and find out, cause i promise none of us nah the ONE, TWO or THREE. Come try your luck bout slap, mussa one drop you want.
soft keyboard warrior.
Is there evidence that the young man merged erratically in a way to cause the accident? Perhaps the 72 year old angry man just cannot handle the big ugly vehicle he was driving!
you need to read the road code again.
While your statement stands with a point the road code states to drive 2 car lengths behind each other. If they had followed the rules they too wouldn’t have ended UP in a car accident. Stop acting like breaking the law was ok. Thanks!
It’s worth noting here that 2 cars is only appropriate for speeds under 20 mph.
The faster a car travels, the longer it takes to stop.
Stopping distance = thinking/reaction time (which varies between individuals) + braking distance.
Taking that into account, for average family cars on straight roads in normal conditions UK recommends these distances:
20 mph = 3 car lengths
30 mph = 6
40 mph = 9
50 mph = 13
60 mph = 18
70 mph = 24
Nobody, including police and everyone using the roads, seems to know this.
Sure. Try that BS in traffic and you’ll get honked at, rear ended or worse.
There’s no excuse for road rage
Unless you are really really upset.
1. Tesla had no reason to “brake sharply” when stuck in traffic unless not paying attention or (more likely) trying not to let the young man merge.
2. Driver behind obviously too close to brake in time or not paying attention (I’ve been there, done that and was held accountable in court for the rear damage).
3. All of this could have been avoided had Tesla let young man merge. Even if annoying, it’s just not worth it as this incident illustrates.
4. Nothing absolves 71 year old from his absolutely disgusting inappropriate and disproportionate response.
You 9:16 have evidence 0f “merging erratically” cause if you don’t you’re just blowing smoke out if ya rear window or carcass.
Wait a minute, you can’t arrest someone for common assault? Sounds like more than common assault. Seems like the teenager was just defending himself.
Its because common assault is basically impossible to prosecute realistically, it is the common assault is the ‘apprehension of unlawful force’ basically it can be anything, looking at someone the wrong way can be assault, making a gesture toward someone, even words or tone can equal common assault which is why the charge is almost always looped in with battery which is the actual application of unlawful force as assault and battery
Not very many easy to access local sources on this information but the UK’s CPS has charging guidance which is broadly about equivalent to the law here which can offer some guidance for anyone interested
Now (I think) I understand why there is ALWAYS a “resisting arrest” attached to the deluge of common assault charges before the courts! /s
If common assault is not on its own arrestable, then how does that give rise to a “resisting arrest” charge? If you can’t arrest me, how can I resist that arrest?
I mean, what came first, the chicken, the egg or the jamaican police man or the trini prosecutor?
Exactly. He stayed in his car & the old guy climbed in.
Nothing excuses that.
Even if the youngster caused an accident.
The old guy had no right to get aggressive & climb in the kids car to confront.
Next time people lock your windows & doors to stop old blow hards gaining access.
Exactly. He stayed in his car & the old guy climbed in.
Nothing excuses that.
Even if the youngster caused an accident.
The old guy had no right to get aggressive & climb in the kids car to confront.
Next time people lock your windows & doors to stop old blow hards gaining access.
The youngster did not cause any accident, if you hit someone from behind, unless they are reversing against the normal traffic flow it is your fault. Case Closed.
Larry got out of his vehicle and assaulted the youngster, once you touch someone that also is considered battery but Larry being the great YT hope was allowed to go home because our PoPo still living in the colonial mindset.
Cayman law: Protect person and property with reasonable force.
So, what the police had at the scene was hearsay. They heard the boy scratched the older man, so they arrested him. They would have also heard that the older man attacked the boy but they did not arrest the older man – why?
It may have been the older man wife that scratched him trying to stop him from attacking the boy, nah true?
Why not arrest both persons? Or, just not arrest anyone and warn both parties for prosecution after they investigate?
From the video i saw, the older man (and maybe the wife?) could be arrested for a couple charges: disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, threatening violence in a public place (dunno why this only relates to a public place??), breaking and entering private property, unlawful trespass (into the boy car)… maybe a few others. But only the boy gets arrested???
CNS, no mention of the racial slur used in this article. I think you should update your writing to include the horrific language used by the white foreign female that day towards the young Caymanian man.
I thought the same thing. Why did CNS not mention that in the article? she should be ashamed of herself. And of course, if the dashcam hadn’t been recording she would no doubt have denied it.
hold on, that slur came from the kid! about five times. she was wrong but he was wrong too, have some self awareness for God’s sake
After observing the furore online, I now realise just how many special constables we have in Cayman!
That Cybertruck will be bristling with cameras. The younger driver also has a forward facing dashcam. The prelude, and most of the incident will be captured on various cameras. Then, there will be witness statements, if, and it’s a big if, people want to give an official record.
It looks like old, white, shouty people with a tinge of racism, and a young foul mouthed local, who may or may not be a terrible driver.
The point is, an arrest doesn’t necessarily lead to a charge. A lack of initial arrest doesn’t preclude prosecution further down the line. If police turn up and one person has injuries, it’s usually going to lead to an arrest.
TLDR…let the police do their job, pass it on to the DPP. Armchair detectives, you may stand down.
he will be paid if he plays his cards right, because if be filing for a wrongful arrest on top of everything else.
okay, whatever. Based on the evidence I’ve seen so far, it’s not a wrongful arrest, but keep watching Suits and TikTok for your nuggets of information.
Hopefully you aren’t a police here in Cayman, because it’s idiots like you that cost the public purse with your lack of common sense and basic investigative skills. The ln have th audacity to ask for witnesses when they were all at the scene. FOH
Ah yes, we go by the rule of commonsense, rather than, you know, the penal code and traffic law.
The law and commonsense aren’t always aligned.
Good job you’re not an officer in the RCIPS, cos you seem like a real arrogant dick.
The Jamaican police in Cayman are racist against Caymanians!
You can say they are biased or bigotted – but by definition it cant be racism. Caymanian is not a race. And the arresting officers and the young man are both the same race.
Pathetic police work. Eyewitness accounts and videos clearly revealed that the aggressor was the Tesla guy. The racist language from him and his wife are unacceptable and inflammatory.
These terrible Tesla couple’s actions and words were a true mask-off event. Let’s hope the young Caymanian’s family sues them soon!
Time for them to pack it up and get out of here.
Eye witness account are meaningless if the eye witness won’t give a statement and be willing to testify in court.
The videos can’t be used as evidence unless the person who recorded the footage allows Police to use it and gives a statement saying so and is willing to attend court.
Everyone’s an expert in their own mind but in realtiy they have no clue how law, evidence and procedures work.
All that being said, Larry messed around and found out, and I would bet $$$$ that the young man in the car will not end up being charged by the prosecutors as it was self defence. We will see!
get these people out of my country.
Yes throw them out, but also teach the 17 year old how to drive showing courtesy and attention to other cars in traffic.
If both parties had been Caymanian this would not be anything other than a youte driving erratically and the “aggrieved” party reacting aggressively.
An everyday occurrence on our roads.
And get rid of this entitlement attitude by many of our youth.
It does not surprise me that the RCIPS arrested the wrong person. The entire law enforcement and criminal justice system in the Cayman Islands leaves a lot to be desired. We don’t have a system in the Cayman Islands that is based on facts, the truth, and the pursuit of justice. We have a system rooted in bias, incompetence and outdated processes and procedures. The only justice to be found in the Cayman Islands is the justice that you can afford to purchase.
One can only hope the police acted as they did because they didn’t have the advantage of first seeing the videos. It’s abundantly clear who the aggressors were and who the victim was. The irony being the aggressors displayed childlike behavior to the extent that the entire system of selling of residency has to be questioned! Money can’t buy class, but it can buy residency.
What we see is who hit first. Who opened the door of the property of someone else and threw the first blow, that’s a criminal offense. Show us otherwise, otherwise get moving on the investigation and arrest. Big ugly bully! We are waiting just for a little. Threat it as a drug or firearms bust Rcips!
Guess Linda also reads CNS. 1 Thumbs down.
Maybe don’t arrest anyone until you have all the information. Being a white man is clearly a defence to everything here. But also a great example of the arrest and charge without any proper basis RCIPS policy that happens daily, this one just happened to be caught on camera.
Police farce!
If police did that they’d never arrest anyone!
That’s why they do arrest people on SUSPICION. Arrested person gets bail, police then collect all the facts, put a case file together, then DPP figure if it’s worth pursuing.
You and the police seem unfamiliar with the UK’s Police and Criminal Evidence Act (which last time I asked police claimed to use), Code of Practice G relating to procedure and powers of arrest. If they were, this young man would likely not have been arrested at all.
please leave the race crap in the USA. The police officers aren’t white so that can’t fly.
Sadly race with respect to skin colour has always been a not publicly spoken about issue in Cayman. Lite skin, clear skin, brown skin, dark skin. There are a shocking number of Caymanians pulling race on their own people not just expats and I don’t see it ending any time soon.
We have many black people on island who swears they are white, true story.
You’re factually wrong in many ways.
Arrest, then investigate.
Charges are brought by the DPP.
Being white is no defence no matter how you perceive it. If you’re charged, then the DPP expects there to be a reasonable chance of a conviction. People are often claiming that Jamaican officers let their compatriots off. Most Jamaicans are black, so what is it? black privilege or white privilege, it cannot be both.
Jamaican Officers think white people are Gods. It’s a mindset from days of slavery.
Facts, please study the tribal conflict and history between the Windward Maroons and the Leeward Maroons!
You have framed it incorrectly… It’s White Privilege and Nationality Privilege.
Most Jamaicans are not “Caymanians”.
As an RCIPS officer, I assure you you’re wrong. I’ve arrested plenty of white foreigners, white locals, black Jamaicans, and Caymanians of all shades. I’ve also been paired with Caymanian and Jamaican officers, those officers never showed any difference in approach to who they interacted with, based on where they were from. Stop this persistent nonsense. Look at who goes to court, it’s every background that is represented here!
Everyone one of the white foreigners got off. The Russian gun importation guy, the cayman Brac American container of guns and ammo, the nurse who brought drugs to the island, a numbers of importation of ammo and drugs by visitors and fines imposed verses the locals get charge and go to jail. Discrimination at its best!!
Not every one!
What about Skylar?
Finally, a sensible person adds facts to the discussion.
Ya, they only treat people different based on their position in government! Can I sell you a donkey?
I’d imagine most Jamaicans are Jamaican. But that’s just me.
Most Jamaicans are black, but yes, still Jamaicans, too.
At the very least, you’re imaginative. Logical?…hmm
11.20am Agree they should never be but unfortunately since the infamous 2003 Status giveaway there are now more of them than us.
Not in my experience, I was once hit from behind whilst stationary by a speeding Jamaican security guard. The attending Jamaican cop urged my white a$$ to make a statement saying it was my fault. I have absolutely no respect for these Jam Crook Cops.
File your complaint with the Office of the Omsbudman.
Have no respect for crook cops whatever colour or creed, including crooked Cayman cops that carry firearms!