HSA appoints new chair after Ozzie’s departure

| 13/02/2025 | 12 Comments
Yvette Dilbert

(CNS): The Health Services Authority (HSA) has appointed Yvette Dilbert as the new board chair after Osbourne “Ozzie” Bodden stepped down after more than three years in the role to hit the campaign trail. Dilbert has a list of relevant health and public policy qualifications and experience, having served as Faith Hospital administrator for 20 years before she retired at the end of 2020.

A release from the HSA said Dilbert played a pivotal role in strengthening healthcare services within the Sister Islands, improving operational efficiency by refining financial and administrative management, ensuring regulatory compliance, and optimising resource allocation. She also managed initiatives related to disaster preparedness, human resources, and specialised medical services.

Her journey with the HSA began in 1974 as a nursing assistant. She became a registered nurse in 1978 and later expanded her expertise by qualifying as a midwife. In 1999, she was promoted to nurse manager before assuming the role of Faith Hospital administrator in April 2000. Officials said her leadership and dedication during her tenure have made a lasting impact on the organisation.

“The HSA is an institution with immense potential, and I deeply understand the vital role it plays in the lives of Caymanians,” she said on taking up the top board job. “Since I first joined, the organisation has grown tremendously in size, and so has the population it serves, but still, it remains resilient and has even played a significant role in responding to various healthcare challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic.”

HSA CEO Lizzette Yearwood welcomed Dilberet’s appointment and her extensive experience in healthcare administration. This, coupled with her deep understanding of the HSA’s operations and challenges, makes her an invaluable asset.

“We are confident in her abilities and look forward to the leadership and vision she will bring to the Board and the HSA as we continue our mission to provide high-quality, accessible, and sustainable healthcare services to the people of the Cayman Islands,” Yearwood said.

“I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Mr Osbourne Bodden for his many contributions to the improvement and development of this organisation over the past 3.5 years. We wish him all the best in his future endeavours.”

In a message to the HSA staff, Bodden wrote that he was honoured and pleased to see the changes and growth of the team and services. “I have personally witnessed and have heard throughout the community of their positive experiences,” he said, adding that his decision to step down was not made lightly.

“However, I am confident that the HSA will continue to shine and serve as the preferred healthcare provider in the Cayman Islands,” he said.

Bodden is running for office on the TCCP ticket against independent incumbent Chris Saunders and CINP candidate Haymond Rankin in the constituency of Bodden Town West.

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Category: Health

Comments (12)

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  1. Mumbichi says:

    Good. Miss Yvette will kick ass and take names, and she knows how. Just what we needed.

  2. Anonymous says:

    2 Questions:
    How much are Board Members paid?
    Are they paid for Meetings they do Not Attend?!

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh best believe it is not a volunteer service, this administration has used it to handsomely reward their supporters, especially supporters of the previous health minister.

      These board members are taking home the equivalent of a full month’s salary to show up and enjoy lunch a couple times per month. XXXX

      CNS: I removed the bollox at the end. “I have an idea in my head which I want to believe, therefore it must be true” is not logical thinking.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Impressive to go from line officer’s assistant to the Chair of the company board. This is the ‘opportunity’ which Cayman’s growth from the 1970s through now gave our people. If you had the ability, you had the opportunity. This is the opportunity that our people are asking their politicians this election if the government has ways to make sure the country still offers this quality of opportunity to Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or maybe you are just promoting incompetent people to positions where they do not belong

      • Anonymous says:

        Why would you assume that? Particularly as a rebuttal to ‘opportunity is good’? (About as unobjectionable a statement as ‘the sky is blue’.) Is your problem Caymanians getting opportunities in Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      This Bracer retired years ago…suddenly she’s helming the HSA. Coincidence?

  4. Anonymous says:

    13 @ 8:51pm – You’re absolutely correct, in many cases. But please do not write-off Mrs. Dilbert before she starts. Her background includes governance and administration, as well as strong technical abilities. On paper, she’s a good choice but it’s on her to prove that.

    Or would you rather the same old Board members recycled across the public service?? Look at the new NCC revealed yesterday. Stacked with the same-old, same-old.

    Please give Mrs. Dilbert a chance.

    No, I’m not her or a family member; I barely know the lady.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Ossie- another quitter!!

    He’s in good company now

  6. Anonymous says:

    Nothing against the new chair, however, we as a country seem to constantly confuse technical skills with governance capabilities. Someone doesn’t rise to the Board room and is automatically successful because they were a good doctor, nurse, or administrator.

    The HSA is the government’s largest statutory authority spending over $100 million annually. No one should be appointed to that Board without some prior experience in the Board room.

    To be clear, the HSA improved over the last three years despite the Board and not because of anything that bunch of novices board members brought to the table.

    We are seeing the same thing with the elections, some nice characters running, but they have no leadership experience. In three months, a crop of elected novices could be representing our country on the international stage and deciding the future for some 80,000 people.

    We need to raise standards and insist that the people appointed to our high offices have relevant experience for the positions they are appointed to.

  7. Anonymous says:

    A very good appointee, imo. Congrats Mrs. Dilbert.

    Thanks for your service, Mr. Bodden.


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