Premier confirms parliament will meet in New Year

| 09/12/2024 | 13 Comments
Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly presents one of 13 bills to parliament

(CNS): The beleaguered minority UPM government will be calling at least one more meeting of parliament in January, the premier has confirmed. When the House met on Monday, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly told MPs that they would meet again in the New Year before the election, even though she doesn’t have a quorum on the government bench, with just eight members, and will need the support of the eleven opposition members.

It is not clear what bills the government will bring, but the opposition has stated that they will not support any legislation deemed as controversial.

Opposition Leader Joey Hew told CNS recently that the Progressives would need to see the bill relating to the referendum proposed to take place on Election Day before they would consider whether or not to support it. The proposed referendum questions would ask voters about a cruise port, a national lottery and the decriminalisation of small amounts of ganja.

Hew has also said the PPM is not inclined to support changes to the National Conservation Act given the contention surrounding the amendments the government is believed to be seeking.

However, Deputy Premier Kenneth Bryan has indicated that the government still wants to bring both pieces of legislation before the elections as well as amendments to the immigration law relating to the application process for work permit holders to acquire permenant residency and Caymanian Status.

None of these bills have been published to date and will require at least 28 days of public consultation before they are presented to parliament if the government presses on with the goal of bringing the controversial amendment bills and the new bill paving the way for a national ballot.

Meanwhile, on Monday, the government managed to steer through 13 amendment bills relating to an increase and validation of fees for the offshore sector to ensure it will meet next year’s revenue targets without incident. Only minor barbs were exchanged across the floor during the proceedings, with no one drawing blood after Speaker Sir Alden McLaughlin kept a tight rein on the obvious tensions that exist between members.

The meeting was adjourned in the evening until Wednesday at 10am, when the government is expected to complete the remainder of its business for this session.

See the proceedings below on CIGTV:

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Comments (13)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    how many days per year does the parliament sit?

    • Anonymous says:

      If we were to remeasure their income based upon meetings, we would absolutely soil ourselves with anger.

  2. Anonymous says:

    If PPM turn up and support vote, I going for anyone not PPM
    Red Bay, That means not you sir alden.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Must be nice doing sweet f*#k all for 30k a month.

  4. Anonymous says:

    No doubt their handlers are insistent on total evisceration of our conservation legislation and a non-binding cruise port referendum that can be ignored prior to the next election. After all, that is what they bought and paid for.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Did anyone piss up the side of the building during this last meeting?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Someone has to pay for JuJu’s drapes, I mean wardrobe.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Sure they will meet if it means dividing up more white elephant capital projects they can get kickbacks from and of course put their dishonourable names on.

  8. Anonymous says:

    And so will melt the attractiveness of our financial sector Ā«Ā you fools ! what have you done ? I am melting !šŸ« Ā Ā»

    The level of lack of foresight that reigns either from the UPM or the opposition is ā€¦ unconscionable to stay polite to say the least, this might be the last straw that breaks the donkeyā€™s back !

    When that happens I donā€™t think the asylum at 33 Fort Street will realize how quickly and regrettable the situation will become.

    Having witnessed several financial hubs go through the process , leaving a venue for more clement skies , I guess Cayman will be next.

    Lugano has its heyday, Hong-Kong,The Bahamas and now Cayman will make the list of financial centers that legislature smashed, wire transfers were made, some will pack their bags others will transfer registrations to Singapore, the UAE etc ā€¦ Legal services will benefit for a short period and then silence šŸ¤« ! The selfsame politicians wonā€™t be there when that happens ā€¦

    But the Caymanians will be left with the deficit and the ever present Civil Circus strangling its impoverished citizens in an ever faster spiral of taxes to compensate for the lost revenue..

    I repeatedly see that happen and itā€™s always the people that end up holding the bag and facing the consequences of the actions ā€œthe happy fewā€ ā€¦

    ā€œGood night, Cayman, and good luckā€


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