Mac faces first challenger as Hunter declares for WBW
(CNS): Julie Hunter has officially announced her intention to run for elected office next year. The well-known West Bay community leader, one of the first people outside of parliament to declare her candidacy, will be running against McKeeva Bush in West Bay West.
Hunter, who was born and raised in Northwest Point, will hope to unseat the veteran politician she once supported. But Hunter no longer believes Bush is the right man for the job and has said she hopes to address the challenges of unplanned growth to preserve the Cayman Islands’ unique identity and quality of life.
Hunter said that beyond her experience and decades of community leadership, her “guiding light is my unwavering faith in God”. But with the Cayman Islands facing a catalogue of earthly troubles, Hunter said that she has shared the challenges of the community and heard the cries of our young people.
“We are at a crossroads. If we do not act now, I fear it will be too late. I am ready to dedicate my skills, faith, and lifelong service to leading our islands toward a brighter future,” she said, adding that she is not running to be a career politician but to enact meaningful change that reflects the values and wishes of the Caymanian people.
However, as we have recently seen, nothing gets enacted without the collective support of others and running as an independent candidate could now be more of a hindrance than a help. The voting public learned a new lesson on the pros and cons of party politics during this current administration. Hunter has not said if she plans to join any other people on a platform with a shared agenda.
Rumours abound at present over who is running with whom and where, but very few candidates have officially declared outside of the existing members of parliament. However, it has long been rumoured that Dan Scott is pulling together a new group, though he has not yet formally declared.
Local Olympian and champion cyclist Craig Merren is also understood to be running for David Wight’s seat in George Town West, as the veteran member of the PPM is not expected to stand in 2025. The PPM is fielding a number of new faces since several existing MPs, including Sir Alden McLaughlin, are rumoured to be throwing in the political towel and stepping away from elected office.
See her video presentation here.
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Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics
For all those who continue to berate anyone who puts God first, please remember that the Cayman Islands have ALWAYS been a God fearing country. The almighty has and continues to be honored by prayer offered at the sitting of Parliament (formerly Legislative Assembly), by the bible offered for swearing in before giving evidence in court, by the reference made to the almighty when singing our National Anthem etc. All of which are an integral part of the Islands hierarchy.
Kindly do not accuse me of attempting to stuff religion down your throat, nay I am simply reminding you that God is as much a part of Caymanian heritage as Thatch Rope and Turtle Meat.
What a waste, can we have some candidates who don’t take advice from fairies please?
OK.. Will we Ever get MPs who will rewrite the overgenerous MP Benefits packages. And voters who will demand this!?
Huge salaries and executive medical and pensions now given.
Many double dip and some are still back on salary as well.
Especially please change rewrite their Pensions to what the civil service now has.. Defined contributions only.
As I’m told, it remains now that the MPs get salary and healthcare for Life after only 1 term as MP!
So there are dozens of past MPs still getting top Cheques$$ monthly!! And their spouses will after they die!
To Anonymous 12:07am
Feel free to dissect it at your leisure.
Complete BS, as a past MLA I do not get health or defined benefit pension neither will my spouse or children.
Good, at least there is one person in WB who is sick and tired of that man.
Last time, McKeeva edged Mario by just 28 Honduran and Jamaican mail-in wotes. Anyone running in WBW needs to closely examine that voting register. Many haven’t lived in Cayman for years and years.
Part of the issue with Cayman’s political class – they spend half of the campaign cycle applying for the position of Elected Pastor rather than offering economic, migration, housing or developmental policies.
If you want to dedicate your life to the Church then as it was famously put – get thee to a nunnery, there are plenty of organisations and institutions where you can participate in a primarily spiritual or theological role – it is not politics, you are not applying for an ecclesiastic position.
We have real issues that need real solutions, not people with their heads in the clouds, if people want to be preached at they will find their way to one of the many dozen Churches available to them.
The only thing worse than a crook is a self righteous crook and we already have plenty of those in Parliament
Thanks but no thanks
Personally, she lost me once she brought religion into the mix. Diluting the WBC vote is a bad idea, but having to choose between a crook and a religious zealot?! We need better candidates than these.
To all of you who believe you are the salt of the earth and that your Didi staging attitude towards religion and people who follow this pursuit, let me remind you all that there is one factor that you like everybody must be aware of , you can’t escape DEATH and there is only one pf two places your eternal soul will rest chose the right one ya hear !! Before it’s too late cause there are no second chances . Selah!!
That’s your belief and opinion. Don’t preach to others!
To X 2:37 pm: for preaching, go to church. Parliament is for laws, not preaching.
as if every single other candiate doesnt fake mention god lol get real. its a felon vs …not a felon.
I find it very discouraging that whenever there is an article about politics or current and potential political candidates, the comments are mostly juvenile attempts at humor or insults. We should be asking serious questions, such as what qualifies this person to lead us? I think the time for joking about Cayman politics and candidates is over. We need to take this process and these people seriously. For far too long Caymanians revert to heehawing and backslapping when discussing our political present and future. How can we expect those that we elect to office to take their roles seriously when we clearly do not? Enough with the “smiling up” and joking. This country has serious problems that require serious people to come up with serious solutions. Let’s please show the people running to lead this country that we take our political wellbeing seriously and that we expect them to do the same.
Right… I’ll be serious and tell you Cayman’s #1 root cause biggest problem and that’s the relentless perpetuating cycle of single parent Caymanian mothers raising 3+ kids on their own with the dead beat fathers no where to be seen. What cycle? Cycle of poverty struggling to get by mission impossible raising all those kids lack of two parent income and lack of father Denzel Washington like needed discipline. It starts in the home. Break that Caribbean cycle and everything massively improves in Cayman society. Do Cayman politicians have the balls 🥜 to raise this?
Did you bother watching her video presentation linked above?
Two very important things we know aside from her own assertations:
1. She is not Mac.
2. She still isn’t Mac, and that alone is good enough.
She sounds like the other Julie.
Julie 1 and Julie 2
Oh what a ting, what a ting,
What a ting on a Saturday night.
Julie 1 and Julie 2
I will hold on to hope that voters who were born here will respect themselves enough not vote Mac back in. Yes, he did a lot of good, but I think we all agree that we do not know half of the bad. Please think that you are not just sending a Caymanian to Parliament. You are sending a Cayman Ambassador to the world! Choose hard working, honest, professional people who respect you, themselves, their families, our laws and their country. Mac has been there for 40 years. Is is that not enough?
I can’t think of anything he did that was good. Not one thing. He’s been slithering around for 40 years, holding Cayman back, and getting us added to watch lists. A career menace, unapologetic criminal, grotesque womaniser, and power-thirsty megalomaniac.
To Anonymous 4:55pm As much as I dislike the man’s overbearing personality, he has actually done some good— and please, don’t anyone think I am saying people should vote him back! We have a Caymanian history book because he commissioned it; the Labor law and maternity leave provision because he fought to pass the law; the scholarships secretariat because he fought to have the regime instituted. And a couple other things, but it is time for WBW voters to give someone with a clean slate a chance, but Parliament is not the place for religion. For that, go to church.
So in 40 years, he has brought us a book, some leave and a couple other things? Brilliant! Lets vote the woman beating, public fund using, illegal business dealing, drunk driving, public pissing, alcoholic back in then!
Nobody said that. In fact, they specifically said that they hope he doesn’t get voted back in. Consider working on your comprehension.
The poster said he had done some good, my point was that any good he has done (if any) has been heavily outweighed by everything else he has done. My comprehension is fine thanks.
MB has a loyal following that elects him over and over despite his shady character. I doubt this woman poses any challenge.
Unseat Mckeeva – thank you for the laugh Miss Julie. It wasn’t so long ago you were one of his biggest cheerleaders.
Anyhow Miss Julie I wish you luck in whatever your future endeavours, but it won’t be in a seat replacing McKeeva.
I do hope that her early declaration – before Mario declares- isn’t the case. If both run, daddy Mac is sure to get back in. It will be very interesting to see who she is a part of and if DS will also be funding her this election. All these ‘so called’ independents – what a joke. This country deserves better!!
Yes. A current Independent = One who is on the Cayman auction block going to the highest bidder. Cayman politics is completely corrupt.
I need my driveway paved. One guaranteed wote to the person who gets it done.
This is welcome news. Now we need 3 more well qualified persons to run against quitters Andre, Kathy and bewildered Bernie.
West Bay deserves the best.
remember ABB. anyone but Bernie
West Bay has shown its true colors. Could we just cut it off and send it back to Jamaica?
Cuba, primo.
big MAC here is a great opportunity for you, backout of the race and endorse julie hunter. you will be remembered as a chchchiiivolalrouse grandfather MP. WHAT A LEGACY OLE BOY1
Mac would never do anything so altruistic.
Altruistic…? If you ask him he’ll tell you himself…..”no I doesn’t draw or paint”.
All she will do is split the Anti Mac vote if another wannabe joins the race.
Hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think “Unwavering faith in God” is going to be enough to unseat the Devil .
Thank you God. Not a moment too late. I guess that’s the way You roll.
As we speak the Christmas Checks are rolling off from the political pimps and Madam’s looking to buying their favorite political scumbags and stooges.
No worries the Turkey & Ham Christmas Express 4 hardcore supporters and Cornish hen leftovers for lukewarm supporters and PIPs from his Secret donor & her buffoon will crush Mrs Hunters Candidacy and kill her campaign off by January 25th 2025 . BDiddy bad boy 4 life She ain’t going nowhere! Ain’t that so J&T influencers Ltd
It’s refreshing for West Bayers to have an alternative. However, as she states that she was a former supporter of Big Mac, I immediately have some doubts about her judgment.
This will be most interesting race Hunter versus Big Mack McKeeva. Is it time for change or does the honorable Daddy Mack still have more heart to stimulate the community? young ambitious vs the veteran fox like Kobe vs Jordan. West Bay me yard ackee rundown new refrigerators bobo see you see bills too high prime time vote
She’s a Mac supporter who is running against her Don…..
What are her credentials? Having a “guiding light and unwavering faith in God” doesn’t qualify you and isn’t enough to take this country forward and out of the downward spiral we are facing.
She can’t pray and let the good Lord show her the way FFS.
Same Dog Puppy if you ask me! Mac is guided by the Almighty when he feels like ti as well…