Premier claims ‘viable’ government remains in place

(CNS): More than 30 hours after Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly lost four members of her government, she released a short statement on the CIG website that revealed very little about the real situation relating to the state of government affairs. The premier claimed she was still leading a “constitutionally viable elected government” and said that Cabinet met Friday to manage the weekly business agenda.
She gave no details on who would be taking over the portfolios of the three ministers who resigned yesterday or how she would govern without a majority.
“The past 24 hours in the Caymanian political landscape has been unprecedented, following the resignations from the UPM of three Cabinet Ministers and one Parliamentary Secretary, which is most regrettable,” the premier said.
However, the situation does have precedent. In December 2012, after McKeeva Bush was ousted from the office of premier, O’Connor-Connolly led the remnants of the United Democratic Party, renamed the People’s National Alliance. Propped up by the PPM, the opposition party, she led a minority government for several months until the 2013 election.
In today’s statement, the premier said that with five sitting ministers, including herself as premier, the Cabinet was quorate and able to function.
“The sacred duty of elected office remains top-of-mind for myself and my colleagues, despite the uncertainty of the present circumstances,” she said. “Our earnest and primary desire is to maintain stability within our government for the benefit of the people we serve and to maintain the confidence of you, the public, and those who conduct business with us.” She said that discussions were ongoing to “secure government stability”.
O’Connor-Connolly is said to still be in talks with the Progressive opposition members to form a new coalition, or at the very least persuade them to support a quorum for parliament and back certain legislation that the UPM seems determined to steer through, regardless of its declining support and the growing public calls for an election.
Governor Jane Owen released another short comment, which, like the first, said nothing about the poor governance allegations made by the four members of the UPM who resigned yesterday.
“I appreciate that this has been an uncertain time for many people. I am closely following developments,” Owen said. “Cayman has a strong constitution which has stood the test of time and robust democratic principles upon which the constitution is based. We will have constant reference to these as discussions continue. Under the constitution, the Cabinet can continue to function providing it has a quorum of five ministers, including the premier.”
She added, “The civil service will also continue to provide public services and policy implementation during this period.”
See the premier’s full statement here and the governor’s here.
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Category: Politics
If we can have a viable government with four ministers resigning, why do we need these positions at all?
Why isn’t the Uk not stepping in to save us?
Saunders and his ghetto yardies just waiting for that to happen. Mac Kenneth and Seymour will fall behind him shouting ‘I can’t breathe” and “let my people go”.
25% of voters can petition the Governor to dissolve parliament and call an election.
I’m a bit confused on this. Can someone explain?
When Wayne was in charge, a few people left and government was split 50/50 and deemed to basically be unable to function. But now the split is much worse and yet the premier is claiming they can function? Did I miss something?
They have only 7 months to spend what’s left in the kitty, plus whatever they bring forward from next year’s budget, and don’t want to let go of the reins before it’s all spent. Any excuse will do – per the constitution as long as they have a quorum in Cabinet they can continue. Won’t be able to pass any laws, but hey, they are just interested in spending the money and don’t need votes in the house for that.
More than just a quorum (which is a majority of members). They need to have 6 Ministers plus a Premier. So 7 parliamentarians are needed to make up Cabinet. (*Plus the 2 ex officio, Deputy Governor & Attorney General, but they are there regardless of which politicians make up Cabinet.) If the number drops below 7, regardless of quorum, the Cabinet has to be ruled illegible.
The current government can function, if, the opposition remains too split to form a viable alternative and, if, some of the opposition decide to prop up the Govt in Parliament. (Note that in this second scenario the Govt can only get bills passed in the LA if some of the opposition vote for it. So the Cabinet keep running day to day operations and only bring bills that they can expect members of the opposition to vote for. Like gutting the National Conservation Act which they know PPM will support as both groups want cruise piers, new ports, etc., without the embarrassment of having to try to justify their claims of ‘it will be fine trust us’.)
A wonderful excuse for our current “government” to do nothing but pay themselves until elections…which they are trying to delay.
That then adds another $30k to each of their bank accounts, and another $30k if they are not voted in.
Love of country my a$$.
seems like such a mess (not that it was any better a month ago).
So basically as long as the opposition doesn’t get their shit together we’re stuck with a minority government?
If the PPM gets these 4 plus another couple can they just declare themselves the new government or is there a process they have to go through?
By the time Julianna is finished wheeling and dealing to get her 50 mil Keem Brike school, paved roads and other shenanigans; when Jay Ebanks is finished making extra unnecessary roads and lanes, then paving the hell out of them, building cabanas for his homies to hang out under all day long drinking etc, playing dominoes and applauding the new
North Side sign, the public purse will be so overspent that Kenneth, John John et al will be on the ground fighting over one cents for their homies. We the ignorant voting public will all be left holding the mountain of debt and trying to find somewhere else to run to. Sad times Caymanians but accept that this mess was created at the polls when the most corrupt, uneducated gang of thugs were elected and are now being guided by McKeeva and Franz. We stripped the Governor of power to act in this mess when we allowed massive changes to our Constitution, remember? Everyone should be scared. A huge price is being paid with no alternatives for a better future in sight. Hell, even 7 Mile Beach is on the run. Seriously.
Zooming out of the political turmoil of the week, this article represents a vision and a blueprint of what an island nation can achieve. It’s possible if there are a group of visionary leaders who can rally together for Cayman.
Imagine. Imagine all the people…imagine what could be created. And there is a blueprint to follow… tailor it to the needs of Cayman… change course Cayman… the time is now- yesterday is dead and gone.
This lot don’t care, they are determined to pave every inch.
3 Ministers missing from 3 very important Ministries but it is all good in the hood. what a thing
Pack it up,juju . Your time is done.
Worst government in the history of the Cayman Islands!
When elected a few years back anyone with half a brain knew this bunch would fail. Within weeks big Wayne’s team shut down multiple projects… road work came to a halt the dump deal stopper. And now we have roads that are still incomplete, 4 years later… the we are still piling up tyres and cars, the dump remains a toxic environmental disaster every single day.
But Kenny did buy Ernie Smatt’s overpriced land, for Kenny bar, yet to start, as well as land for Kenny park costing millions , and he has treated us to illegal large billboards with his picture .
What deal has the Govenor and Juliana done now, for the Govnor to go along with this?
The Anti-Corruption Commission should investigate this arrangement and provide a report to the Parliament on it
Juju, Franz and Eric – JaneO don’t stand a chance.
Let’s be real here, the Governor of the Cayman Islands seems totally clueless when it comes to Premier Julianna O’Connor Connolly. The Governor should be impartial, like a referee at the Super Bowl, but instead, she’s acting like she’s the Premier’s personal assistant, along with Dwayne, Jay, Kenneth and Deputy Governor Franz. Julianna’s been bulldozing everyone to get her School of Opulence. Is it just about leaving a legacy? Or is there a chance that $50 million project might benefit her family and supporters? She’s known for causing more drama than a reality TV show, all while throwing in Bible quotes.
How can the Governor ignore all these issues about fairness, corruption, and unprofessional behavior? It’s like she’s wearing a blindfold at a shooting range!
Maybe it’s time for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to take a closer look at the Governor themselves. They don’t need to make a big announcement about it, just do it on the down-low. It would be good for them and for us.
Best ever, truth, well said!!!
These governors only come here for a paid holiday. If they try to do anything good for us they are lied about and sent packing.
Bring back Taylor. He knew how to deal with louts and Buffoons.
You think the governor does anything without instructions from London? lol. Simple – UK doesn’t care about day to day shenanigans our politicians get up too. Yhey want to pretend the BOTCs are functional self governing entities. You need something like Turks and Caicos level of overt corruption, getting caught by the DEA or doing deals with the Chinese before the embarrassment level gets to a point where they will do something.
You can’t take away the governor’s powers, then complain the governor is dormant.
Any governor who HAS exercised any authority has triggered cries of Colonial Imperialism.!
This mob of wannabeJamaican, especially Saunders,would certainly enjoy that opportunity.
Perhaps, but it is also their supervisory power to exercise. That’s why we pay for them to oversee good governance. The buck stops with the Governor.
Kim’s the onliest sensible one there!
only and loneliest sensible one…
We the people would like to know why 4 members resigned this week!! What theft or corruption did they witness??
The silence is deafening!!
Heard Sabrina’s reasons on radio this morning, followed by an amazing Mac bashing session by the host.
I’m not usually a fan of Ms Julie, however i give her credit for not being reactionary. Calm and collected and not let these 4 babies who didn’t get their way disrupt the country.
All I can say is Andre showed us he was not trustworthy in the last election, then went on to take credit for a lot that wasn’t his doing (thank you AG). When the opportunities came for him to be a team player he threw his toys out of the pram – demanding the ‘big job’ and he has been gunning for premier ever since. The minute he resigned he was on the Governors doorstep – beads in hand – presuming he would convince her to call an election. Wrong ( thank you Governor!)
AS a constituent of his he won’t be getting my vote this time. FOOL ME ONCE – NOT AGIAN.
4 Babies who didn’t get their way?
Wait till you find out what JuJu gave away to Dart this time.
This isn’t about liking or not liking. It is about right and wrong.
What Julianna is doing is WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.
Make a $61M school on an island of 2000 people with 170 students make sense? Make it make sense.
Removing the requirement for any Government project to need an EIA is wrong. Left to JuJu, Jay, Kenneth and Dwayne, we will wait another 20 years for a storm water management plan.
Look policies not personalities.
Only way Brac school makes sense is if it is a vocational school for kids from all 3 islands, with live-in dormitories. Heard that rumour. Cayman needs more skilled tradesmen/women – plumbers, electricians, programmers, HVAC technicians, etc. All them make good money, don’t need college degree – go to Vo school instead of high school.
Sit your ignorant a*se down! You are exactly the problem!
So much slydexia in Cayman.
O My Dog..!
He should have been the Premier. Not the man-cow that is there now.
When it’s all said and done, the Brits run the show and make the big calls.
Thank God!
I wish they did, 9:05, but they don’t so no need to give thanks yet!
What you are seeing now is village hall politics. When it’s a real decision, the UK are either influencing, or making the calls. And that’s that.
What an absolute mess the UK is right now!! We don’t want to follow their lead!!
The decadent nation is facing gloomy outlook ahead with GDP to debt ratio so high. They earn horse revenue but gormandize similar to an elephant.
Sabrina saying, on her FB, that it was because of regen and the brac school. What a suprise
Sabrina can talk now?
Do you see anything wrong with this picture.
Kenneth former model reporter and …
Jay construction operator
John John business owner
Issac business owner with pension issues
Julie lawyer.
The future of our islands are in the hands of the above. This cannot continue.
When will the opposition put egos aside and do what’s best for our islands.
Imagine a cabinet with
Rejects (opposition)
you lost me at Dwayne
and Roy and Barbara and Moses
“Jay construction operator” You missed the “and…” on this one.
Bravo, Joey Hew is already forgotten
That Julie don’t deserve Speaker again after the mess she has caused- send her carpet back to the Brac where her people love her dearly…apparently.
What else would you expect this woman to say? She is a power hungry excuse for a Caymanian and only want to keep her reign of power so her and her lackeys can continue to rape and pillage the people of the Cayman Islands. They will ram thru the dump deal with Dart, the port deal that Bush is negotiating with CHEC and of course her pet project the Cayman Brac school with no control of costs. Our Governor evidently has no intention of doing anything except hope to get out of Cayman before the place falls into complete disarray. WE NEED ELECTIONS RIGHT NOW!
Julie is the worst premier in Cayman’s history and a complete fraud.
She is a national embarrassment with limited fiscal management skills that can bankrupt this country because of her vanity and unconscionable actions.
FCDO need to investigate all decisions she has made over the last 20 years
No. She is not the worst, because she cares about her constituency, and the islands. Mr. Bush was the very worst Premier — and the first Premier — that we’ve ever suffered through.
Julie really cares, but I don’t think she has the broad view to be able to make it all work for everyone. That takes a special talent, and I don’t think that we have those people in office at the moment who can truly address the most of what people need.
The politician who campaigns on the basis of making a People’s Initiated Referendum more painless will get my vote. We, the people, don’t always know all the ins and outs of things, and what is needed, but when specific issues arise where the electors should have a say, that process should be streamlined. We should all be able to have a say without interference.
Stfu!! Julie really cares? Which conch shell you been in? Season started already, maybe stick your head out and come to terms with reality?
3 Ministries with no Ministers including Ministry of Financial services. Yup all is good in the hood.
Jon Jon can handle Financial Services, or Jay, or Isaac, or Kenneth. OMG, what have I said?
I say Jay. He can not add or subtract so makes him perfect choice.
Looks more and more like a dictatorship. Decisions by a XXX leader will become more and more self-serving. Let’s hope someone somewhere has the cojones to put and end to this abomination.
Simple..tell her and her cronies to f*** off! Done!
André +3 resignation statement – “self-interest above country-interest is reflected in decision making”.
Minister Kenny in response – “My priority is to ensure that any actions taken are in the best interests of the people of George Town Central”
Sums up the mess we are in; self-preservation has persistently been prioritised over country-interest by certain dominant Ministers & the Premier. Kind of sickening really.
Minister Kenny in response – “My priority is to ensure that any actions taken are in the best interests of the people of George Town Central”
And Minister Isaac says “I have no principles, and will vote along with the majority as long as I get something for East End”.
Jon Jon then chimed in to say his principle was Ms. Theoline, and Kenny says his principle was Ms. Marie, Jay then asks what’s a principle, and the Governor hung her head and cried.
The Governor is complicit.
That has always been Julie’s priority. He is learning from the best.
It might be viable if we had 9 MP’s. Not a bad idea actually.
Truman show
Mental health facility can’t open soon enough. Delusion is a very concerning issue.
Spot on! LMAO!
Love that picture of Seymour just sitting there with his hands folded, seems like he is asking, Da what do I do now?
Time for a bar break Jon-Jon
Good to see that JuJu has at least retained her sense of humor.
Really? With all the peoples money in her pocket, she finds that funny?
Learn English not American ‘humor’
Now who retains,a good sense if humour?
Your illiteracy is astoundingly humorous.
These people will literally do anything to maintain their access to the trough. Complete and utter diservice to the Caymanian community and the good of the islands they are meant to serve.
Oh FFS it’s like a never ending nightmare. Step down already JuJu & Co WE DON’T WANT YOU.
I would hate to guess the total IQ on the right side of the table.
Can it get any more useless
Premier also claims some sort of supernatural being created all of mankind so we know she is big believer in fairy tales.
Frightening! Are these really the group that is going to lead our islands for the next 7 months. Come on opposition get your act together.
All of the good and capable MP’s minus Blunders are in the opposition.
Wash thy feet!
Ignorant smug poster makes foolish comment.