New Brac school budget leapt from $24M to over $60M
(CNS): The government initially budgeted just $24 million for the proposed new Cayman Brac high school, but between the Strategic Business Case, which first justified the project, to the Full Business Case, which was leaked into the public domain this week, the price tag for the school has more than doubled. It also includes another $10.6 million for the accommodation block to house the private sector contractors that will build the school, taking the estimated budget to around $60.6 million.
The Full Business Case was approved by Cabinet on 15 October, according to a brief summary of the meeting released Wednesday. The government has tried to keep the business case documents under wraps and efforts by CNS to secure them through an FOI request failed. However, the document was leaked this week and circulated to the media.
It outlines the need for a new facility on Cayman Brac for high school students on the island. When the project was first considered in 2022, there were 163 students. It noted the poor state of repair of the existing Layman Scott High School, constructed in the late 1960s, its inadequate facilities, cramped conditions, poor light, lack of a gym, and non-compliance with disability legislation.
Following the completion of the OBC, which is still not in the public domain, it was decided that an accommodation block would be built to house workers for the project to increase interest from contractors and boost competition to build the school.
According to the decision of the steering committee, after the school is built, the accommodation block will be used to house visiting sports teams, as the intention is to promote sports tourism in Cayman Brac, an idea that has been floated for about the last decade.
The final report states that at the OBC stage, the government decided to build an entirely new school and gym on the Bluff, even though its planned location is next to the existing new sports facilities. At the OBC stage, the choice was between improving and expanding the existing school, constructing a new school on the existing Cayman Brac Sports Complex site, and building a new school and gym next to the existing Cayman Brac Sports Complex site.
The document identifies a long list of problems associated with the existing high school, justifying the need for a new one. But it is not clear why the other two options — redeveloping the school on-site or building a school on the sports complex site — were rejected.
“The affordability envelope approved by Cabinet at the OBC stage for the overall project was $60.6m, $50m for the School and Gym plus $10.6m for the Accommodation Block and optimism bias. This figure is inclusive of FF&E, consultants’ fees and inflation but not IT equipment,” the report states. “In principle, the design brief for the Project presented in this FBC has not deviated materially from the OBC design brief. There have, however, been some changes as the design brief has evolved.”
It was at that stage that the price tag jumped from $24 million to $60.6 million for the overall project. According to the document, the preferred bidders are McAlpine Ltd and Arch & Godfrey in a joint venture.
While there are few details in this report about the leap in costs, it notes that during a series of value engineering workshops with members of the Steering Committee and the multi-disciplinary consultant team, a number of changes were incorporated in order to reduce costs and pursue value for money.
See the Full Business Case in the CNS Library.
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Category: development, Education, Local News
Brac needs a cargo dock. It takes 2 days to get cargo from Grand Cayman. A regular cargo ship 6-8 hours.
And Bentley “Mark” Tibbetts sells an adjoining piece of land to government as part of this public waste of money.
And why is the intended school not being built on existing property?
A non-Caymanian construction company would built it faster, cheaper and sturdier. Sad part is, I’m not wrong.
you’re an idiot. look at the make up of the big heads in those companies and it’s all non caymanian. studier? you do realize our building standard is higher than many places in the world? we don’t build homes with chip board and insulation like many big countries.
Guess what, a non-Caymanian construction company WILL build it, it’s just that the owner of the construction company is Caymanian. This is most of what has been wrong with the Cayman Islands for the last two decades; Caymanian companies used to be required to employ a certain percentage of Caymanians. Then, “we” allowed Caymanian-owned companies to pay minimum wage of $6.00/hour, which was fine for some expats, but wasn’t a wage a Caymanian could feed his/her family on.
It will take a complete revolution of CIG policies to fix this. Currently government makes a bunch of money on work permits, cruise passenger headcounts, and duties. Don’t count on the government any time soon to fix this. WE are going to have to fix it somehow with referendums.
As a contractor, I can tell you right now Juliana and the Contractor for these projects in the Brac are taking the public to the cleaners. Some serious cash is being pocketed with these projects and I mean serious cash.
It’s nothing surprising, however I’m glad you spoke up. I have nothing against Julie. I think she’s doing the best she can, which is not necessarily what’s best for all of us.
If this is not just speculation, but valid knowledge that you possess, I urge you to quietly contact CNS with the details. If what you say is true, that needs to see the light of day. If it is not true, then it should not be spoken.
Eventually there may be four or five hundred students so a new school for the Brac is not a bad plan — and as expensive as it sounds today, for sure it will be even more so in five years’ years time. BUT! Seeing how a school for West Bay was also approved in principle last year, $60 million for the CB school alone is simply excessive. I would think $25-30 million for each facility, over six years, would seem a reasonable investment for our children and teenagers.
Bs. The,brac was the only district where the population decrease according to the ESO. The Brac only needs a school for 155 students. Prospect Primary was built for 10 million and holds around 300 students.
All that glitters is not gold.
We do not need luxurious schools!
We need vocational educators who understand children and teenagers and do not bully them; a curriculum that instills in our students a desire for life-long learning, so they are motivated to achieve whatever goals they set for themselves, and a system that is not afraid to admit that some children would do much better if they were away from their toxic, dysfunctional, families.
Don’t bully them and exercise them from the devil*
So much for the “Highly Confidential” FBC in the islands of secrecy.
This school is going to cost $150M by the time its finished if it goes ahead.
Every single project that our Govt initiates run double over budget at minimum.
We have an operational mental health facility in Cayman called the Legislative Assembly and the patients are running the show.
Sadly, this very statement is way more accurate than the public think pm and it doesn’t take much to get receipts to prove its accuracy m, basic observation will give more proof than one would need !
where’s the accomodation for the workers who have to build the workers accomodation?????
You can bet the Jamaican workers will not be leaving the free accomodation/island once they plant their foot. They’ll also do bad work as they’re $6 hr labourers dressed up as professionals and leave a building that can’t get a CO. Just like the Mental health facility.
Voters can petition the Governor to dissolve parliament and call elections. Stop the madness.
As voters, it is in our hands to stop this madness. We can submit FOI requests to see these plans and those amongst us who are contractors can verify whether we are being fleeced. I understand that the Layman E. Scott school is near the water, and therefore exposed to hurricane damage (in addition to being exposed to drug peddling), but $60 million is simply too much. The healthcare bill is also nearly at $60 million now!
Just wait until government has the courage to reveal the over CI$8Million being paid to consultants now speeding ahead with new $165,000,000 prison Northward.
The costs for that foolishness will make the Brac school costs look like petty cash change.
This is insane. Julianna wanted more financial freedom from the UK too. UK, please HELP.
Where are the opposition? why are they supporting a minority government that is doing this? stand up for what is right and stop worrying about 50 votes in the brac.
PPM cant learn. Joey who. you supporting these clowns with this. we voting the 7 clowns out along with you. Ask Alden why his government lost in 2009. two new high school which cost the country 240 million
Should get Sabrina to project manage it.
This wasteful and ridiculous spending plan for a Brac high school should be reversed IMMEDIATELY. Come on, politicians. Put us the people first for once — instead of yourselves.
Finish the extension of John Gray and fix the Dump. Brac dont need another High School. What is she expecting us to do, quit our jobs here and raise our kids in the Brac?
Where the hell is the governor. This is nothing but overt corruption and stealing from the tax payer.
100 million EACH for the two new schools and 60 million for this? This is criminal. Where the hell is this money going because it isn’t going on the school exclusively that’s for sure.
The governor is on a short leash from her masters O’Connor-Connolly and Bush
The Governor was effectively stripped of most of her powers during the reign of Sir Alden.
The Brits will not do a thing.
Everything about this is totally insane. How anyone can take any aspect seriously is beyond me. Housing blocks and athletes accommodation is laughable. Seriously!
This is public money and should be treated with respect and not abused. Those responsible should be ashamed.
And all for a projected declining student population of just over 100.
A fitting quote:
“Madame Politics is like Venus: they whom she decoys into her castle perish.” – Hans Christian Andersen
Fix The Dump
I don’t understand how the Chief Officer the Deputy Chief Officer the CFO the Senior Policy Officers the Deputy Governor etc can just sit by and watch our hard earned money go down the drain. Please please stop it this is my future I’m only 19 what debts are you leaving me in my people yes my people…
But you should be asking.. “What provisions are you making for our children’s future.”.
The existing old school located on the oceanfront will , if not swept away in a hurricane, cost even more in upkeep and upgrade over the next few years.
I’m no fan of Juju or UDPM, but I do accept it’s time to relocate.
Relocate, sure. But not for currently projected $60 million (it will go up no doubt about that).
A $60 million dollar school for less than 200 students, that’s what I term F L E E C I N G of the government coffers!
This school was in talks since 2009 when I was in CBHS and I always remember thinking, no fair! They gonna complete it the year after I graduate! (2013).
LOL soon come boh
they want to go Miami for Christmas and be able to buy gifts

Raymond. Please point to the sector of our Constitution or Any Act that give the Governor or dear DG or any civil servant the authority to stop the people you elected from spending your money. Let me give you a hint…there is none.
Folks we have advanced our Constitution to give our elected officials more power. pay attention and stop electing people with no education and no business acumen.
Elvis must have been sharing his stash with our deal old Premier.
At this point, give me Elvis any day!
$60 million for a building, meanwhile the majority of teachers in the public schools are from another island and we are still struggling with social/family issues which become barriers to learning.
.. you mean there are no families- just baby fathers and baby mothers temporarily together in fleeting “relationships” … and we the taxpayers left to pick up the poop….
This is utter madness! This will be just like the mental facility and the Clifton High School. Stop the madness!!!
Both of those were “managed” by civil servants …why is it that private sector developers, with qualified private sector consultants don’t have these issues.
Civil servants are not qualified in construction management and cash flow matters, and even if they think they are, they’re still civil servants having no accountability .
Im sorry but we need an audit of this. Something is seriously wrong here. Money laundering or something. Every government department has to show a paper trail for where the money is allocated. Why aren’t we seeing one with this project!? It reeks of corruption.
“Accommodation for visiting sports teams”.
Why the big surprise?
why cant the workers that are going to build the 10 million temp housing facility just start building the school?
10mil to build temp costruction housing.
another 50 mil to build a school for 100 students?
A Political Scam and Fleecing = favours for certain people/construction companies (or perhaps just 1 company).
“The corruption that hides in plain sight is the real threat to our democracy.” – Zephyr Teachout
Don’t need it. Don’t want it.
lol 60 mill to teach a few hundred kids to get low end jobs in the end.
90% of the students will end up working for government, like the current brac population.
And doing very little 10:31 because there is bugger all for civil servants to do on the Brac, though when you talk to them ( when you can find them) they say they are all so stressed out and need more staff. Total con job.
Juliana will destroy these islands! She should be in jail for major theft when she paved the entire brac including everyone’s private driveways and business parking lots.
Lock her up!
What government project in the millions has ever been within budget? We all know this is headed for 100m.
This is stealing, and mismanagement, i dont care how you try to dress it up. Any MLA’s voting for this should be investigated with this entire sham. 60 million! 60 Million! Get this the fffff outta here! Auditor General needs to pay very close attention to this.
LTD Da Unoozler
This is criminal.
60 million? May as well buy the brac for that amount. Good god do these people know no bounds? Dept island. 60 million for a brac school seriously?
Jesus Christ. This is why shes talking nonsense about the UK.
She said she was going to retire, so why is she worried about the UK oversight on budget. Imagine if she actually did not retire and could control the finances. Brac would have a bigger airport, more docks, improved primary schools, brand new admin building, new museum, new dump and on and on.
She wont retire. She’ll be saying before too long that because so many people have begged her to stay on she has, after much prayer, decided to do so.
Brac doesn’t need a bigger airport, or Little Cayman. We don’t want the Miami makeover, thank you.
When they finish selling off every spare inch, and jobs become scarcer than they already are, we’ll call it quits and be like everyone else in the world. Trying to find a home in another country and a job to survive…
We need serious help…
Brac doesn’t need a bigger airport, or Little Cayman. We don’t want the Miami makeover, thank you.
When they finish selling off every spare inch, and jobs become scarcer than they already are, we’ll call it quits and be like everyone else in the world… Trying to find a home in another country and a job to survive…
We need serious help…