Another late storm brews in central Caribbean

| 12/11/2024 | 19 Comments
Weather system Tuesday morning (source: NOAA)

(CNS): The Cayman Islands could face another storm in the next week or so, according to the National Hurricane Center. A tropical wave over the central Caribbean Sea has an 80% chance of developing into a storm in the next seven days as an area of disorganised showers and thunderstorms moves slowly westward into our region. The NHC said a tropical depression is likely to form by the end of the week, and residents are urged to monitor the system.

The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season has been busy so far, and it appears the stormy weather is not over yet, even as the season draws to a close.

The Cayman Islands National Weather Service is monitoring the possible development of Tropical Storm Sara, which, if the predictions are correct, will become Tropical Storm Sara.

According to this morning’s local weather forecast, a weak pressure gradient over the northwest Caribbean is supporting light winds and slight seas across the Cayman area for the next 24 hours. Radar images show isolated showers moving towards the west. The outlook for the next few days is for is for moderate to fresh northeasterly winds along with moderate to rough seas from Wednesday morning as a high-pressure system builds over the eastern US.

A Small Craft Advisory is expected to be in effect from Wednesday onwards. An increase in cloudiness and showers are also expected from Wednesday afternoon as the tropical wave moves over the western Caribbean.

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather

Comments (19)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Panic-stricken Civil Service will probably close all public services offices, schools, etc. and thus encourage panic buying!

    Funny how a little cloud, some rain and brisk winds bring out the “resilience” in some people!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    ALL schools in Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, Little Cayman, Owen Island and Little Cayman Brac SHALL be closed for the remainder of this week and next.

    Out of an abundance of caution, all schools in Northern Siberia shall also be closed.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Bring it on!

    Another day off for nothing!

  4. Anonymous says:

    since when do we start creating drama, anxiety and panic regarding an unnamed and undeveloped storm?
    All early info points to little or no impact on Cayman Islands.

  5. Anonymous says:

    how many days will kids be out of school?

    asking for a friend


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