Progressives begin new era of ‘dynamic’ leadership
(CNS): Roy McTaggart, the outgoing leader of the opposition, described the Progressives’ new leader, Joey Hew MP (GTN), as “dynamic” as he passed the baton to his colleague when parliament met on Monday. Governor Jane Owen officially appointed Hew as opposition leader and Barbara Conolly as deputy leader. In a short speech marking the transition, Hew said Cayman was on the brink of transformation, and the PPM would be “the architects of Cayman’s next evolution”.
He said the Progressives would be more than a voice in parliament; they would be the “pulse of the nation” and “the force that challenges the status quo”. He said change was “upon us”, and once in office, his party would advocate for an economy that works for everyone, build a proud, strong Cayman and be “unrelenting in its pursuit of progress”.
Hew thanked McTaggart for his leadership, which he said had been a “guiding light through some turbulent times.” The new leader said his predecessor had set a path that the party was committed to honouring and building upon. He said that Conolly had been a loyal and invaluable member of the PPM since 2002 who had played a key role in shaping the party’s direction, and that she “brought immense expertise to the position” of deputy leader.
Conolly said she was “profoundly grateful” for the “trust and confidence” of her PPM colleagues for their support. She also thanked McTaggart for his leadership and said his fiscal prudence and social advocacy had set a “strong foundation”. Conolly said she was “excited to work alongside Joey Hew”, who she believed would bring fresh new ideas.
As he handed over the opposition leadership reins to his younger colleague, McTaggart said change was in the air. He said Hew represented the “very best” of what the Progressives strive to be and that he brought a “dynamic vision that will propel us forward”.
“Things are about to get interesting,” he said, suggesting that Hew would not be afraid to challenge the norm. McTaggart urged people to rally around the new leader as he committed to supporting him and implied that he would not be leaving the political fray but was simply handing over the leadership to prepare for what was next.
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Category: Politics
Only thing dynamic in Cayman is Seven Mile Beach!
Dynamic in giving millions of dollars in concessions to developers, and not keeping proper records. dynamic in not addressing transportation, an integral part of his then minosterial job. im sure Moxam can mention a higher number of items left undone or untouched.
more of the same is what can be expected from the Prosperity Per Me dudes.
You all be very carefull with those votes.
Look around the constituencies and see who is likely to get re-elected.
Jon Jon
That is enough to assemble the most corrupt Government this country has ever seen!
You may say oh no not Weenie and Andre but look what they did 4 years ago. They joined forces with Mac, they will do it agan!!!
So then, we don’t need a referendum on this dude.
Enjoy your lifetime salary n benefits at the office.
Or maybe just a few more final months before an exit.
Same old. Same old rhetoric!
Seems like more of the same. Younger maybe, but dynamic? *sigh*
At least he can read and write and do sums, unlike our current bunch other than Wayne and Andre .
An education and good character is important in everything in life.
News flash Joey has zero academic qualifications at any level. He failed out of a farming “associates degree” from Santa Fe community college in Gainesville, Florida.
He should not be lecturing anyone about anything. Cayman needs leaders that have a proven track record of success not a career of failures, questionable character and poor decision making ability. These qualities drive the system of corruption that exists today.
“The truth is an offense but not a sin” – Robert Nesta Marley
Joey’s character comes with a dollar sign attached.
His charming smile and dimples can make people believe he has a moral character where it’s people and country first, the right thing no matter what his handlers want, not his PPM party and self interests.
It’s evident, just look at his past actions and comments since being elected to political office.
‘In our everyday lives, when we are behind closed doors, and our ideals are not publicly put to the test – when no one else can see us – we are forced to realize it takes more than courage to uphold our beliefs; it takes a consistent character’.
Joey doesn’t have a consistent character.
We need to do better than “at least”.
Joey – the developers / realtors best friend.
This below is from 2021 –
This very same news site submitted a question on the need to move back the hard structures on the GTN strip of Seven Mile Beach that has been severely eroded because of walls and pools constructed far too close to the ocean.
In response, MP Joey Hew said “a committee had been established and that tackling sea level rise and beach erosion had been included in PlanCayman.”
Well Joey, have you taken a boat trip along Seven Mile Beach? You can start and catch a boat right off the newly re-created (once again) Marriott PUP (Pull-Up Pier) facilities.
Go get ’em, Johann M. But do know this, I’m not a fan of you mostly, but you say things I agree with, I’m just not convinced you’ll actually follow through and take action where it really counts for the islands as a whole and not just a select few of the who’s who with developers, realtors, hanger-ons and outright grifters and vultures.
Don’t ignore the massive flow of revenue to government from developments.
Employment, transfer taxes from sales, import duties, sales of household goods for kitchens, furniture and furnishings , and many more income streams from those who occupy the units.
You’d be screaming at any government that choked development when you couldn’t get your NAU hand out.
Thank you Joey is really what you should be saying.
Are you on glue? DART isn’t paying duty or room taxes, jobs are permits. Zero ROI. It’s even worse because they were gifted hundreds of millions worth of crown land by PPM along with many free pass perks without honouring their part of the equation. The worst blight on Cayman in 40 years.
He’s a tool, not a friend.
My thoughts about Hew are can be summed up simply, as it was famously put by the Who (no relation although an ironic similarity in name)
‘Meet the new boss, same as the old boss’
Cayman, don’t get fooled again
What ever happened to “Who”. I missed their posts
No clue
“Who” got elected.
Uk giving Chad’s back. Made me think of him instantly!
Sorry, Chagos not Chad’s… freaking auto text changed it but I had already pressed post comment!
This video of his blatant lies and misdirection defines Joey as a politician. He cannot be trusted simple. For sale to the highest bidder is how most of politicians make decision but the proof of this are the decisions and utterances made by Joey and the progressives who are as bad as McKeeva’s UDP
Joey Hew may have put in his time waiting for the top job but the reality is that the vast majority of the voting population do not see him as a Premier that would act in the best interests of Caymanians and therefore the PPM is not electable with Joey as its leader.
Do you think the vast majority of voters see Ju Ju as a Premier that acts in the best interests of Caymanians? Yet here we are. We don’t vote for the Premier. Our MPs get elected by small constituencies of voters interested only in what their MP will do for them. The appointment of a Premier is then entirely down to the horse trading between those reprobates. It’s entirely possible Joey will be Premier – all he needs to do is get elected in his constituency and pay off enough “independent “ MPs with cabinet appointments to muster a majority.
“IF THE NOT SO BRIGHT PEOPLE”….. Please Caymanians let us prove that to be a cliche we dont fit, elect this Joke and anybody associating with him then you fit that cliche perfectly. I’ll ask you a simple question, why would anyone vote for Joey Hew? Seriously. You must love the current situation he and every other elected official have put us in.
LTD Da Unboozler
On the brink of total destruction would be a better analysis of where we are heading with all these jerk offs running the show.
The PPM have done more than anyone else in the past 15-20 years to obfuscate and disengage people from politics and political causes in Cayman.
They refused to implement the District Advisory councils despite being the ones who drafted the 2009 Constitution which requires them – they would be a direct way for constituents to raise issues within their districts (other than moaning on local radio shows or sending messages to certain disreputable media personalities)
They actively opposed the few bits of direct individual involvement in politics that have occurred recently such as the effort for the Cruise Port Referendum – spending tens of thousands of dollars scaremongering with their campaign of media bombardment in opposition to the idea of even having a vote.
The PPM refused to hold Mckeeva accountable to basic democratic and ethical norms during their ‘Unity Government’ from 2017 to 2021 despite public pressure and protests after his multiple ‘incidents’ because it would have endangered their governing coalition
They have fundamentally failed to reform our election system to ensure that voters are given as much leeway as possible to be involved in the process – it is ridiculous that you have to register half a year in advance to take part in a vote in a country where the voting pool is less than 30,000 people total. The entire system is designed to be as unintuitive and time consuming as possible as we can see with the upcoming referendum where voters have no time to register even if they tried on the day of the announcement.
They thrive on a political system which allows them to obfuscate the donors and sources of the hundreds of thousands of dollars they blow every election cycle – despite their massive failure rate of new candidates then submit to the Elections Office en masse “party totals” for the campaign which are impossible for anyone to review or challenge. Elected officials and parties only have to account for money that is given to them directly in the runup to an election, or during it – there are YEARS of gaps where money can be handed to them and held by the party and no one says a peep.
Their organisation is not a functioning party with engaged members and active processes its insular social club where prospective candidates are picked in advance from the people who donate funds to the party or otherwise be committed to the party line for years and be willing to be a voiceless empty suit in parliament who nods along to whatever the leader of the day says
They regularly draft candidates based on them being long time political assistants or donors that don’t even live in the constituencies they stand in because the only thing they care about is someone who will do what they are told.
Despite their claims about their competence of their party and the need for a party to form a strong government, they have failed at every turn to get an elected majority in 2013, 2017 and 2021. The only time they have ever had an elected majority was once almost 20 years ago in 2005 and they used it to push some of the most disastrous policies and projects this country has ever seen – while failing to prepare Cayman for the decades to come.
They can talk as much as they want about their internal processes or conferences, they much like their preferred style of governing is done mostly behind closed doors in back rooms with insiders with smalls charades made public because they think they are above the involvement of regular people.
They can scream “For love of Country”, “Service over Self” or whatever other nonsense they want come the next election, that party is rotten to its core, and I hope and pray they are never again trusted to be even a room away from where decisions are made.
Cayman gets the representation it deserves. Buying votes in the poor areas with money from the wealth masters that control politicians like Hew is the game that has been mastered. Voters don’t want educated, honest and professional grade MP’s they want people that give them money so buying and selling votes is common in all districts.
Then those by MP’s or Ministers thru negotiations with special interests and financial backers give away millions in concessions to those that pay to play whilst contracts for services are provided in exchange to the Public Official’s various pecuniary interests.
These actions merit full investigations and criminal charges for “abuse of office” as per the standards in public life provisions and the Anti-Corruption legislation.
It is the only way to stop the overt corruption that exists for all to see.
ppm are so bad…they could not even for a government when pact collapsed.
Mr. Hew is not qualified to be the Premier. The Cayman Islands needs an educated, professional grade and experienced leader with a proven track record of success outside of the political arena. These core competencies he does not possess. We need a person that understands what makes the Cayman Islands successful and will continue to make pertinent decisions for the country thrive for all not just a select few friends, family members, rotarians, freemasons and others that will provide a slice of the pie.
I have seen how Mr. Hew operates with his circle of friends or business partners that all benefit from the schemes. At this rate, we will end up like the Turks & Caicos islands given the unscrupulous behaviour that has gone on in the past and will only get worse if characters like Mr. Hew were to ever assume power.
If given the choice between Mr. Hew, Sir Alden McLaughlin, Wayne Panton, and Mr. Andre Ebanks as a future Premier it is obvious to many that Mr. Hew is not of the same class, ethical standing or character. The choice for the masses would be simple and thankfully it would not be Mr. Hew.
You can thank Juju, Mac Seymour and Saunders for that 9.35.
joey hew…
the man who banned uber
the man who said building roads is not the answer…but then built more roads
the man who made zero improvements to public transport as traffic suffocated our island.
From 2015, still hasn’t delivered promised bike lanes – not even in his own district! Talk about a low performance deliverable.
He built bike lanes and cross walks.
Where did he do this? In your yard?
What they probably meant was “bike trails”, like the ones on the lands he arranged for Dart to swoop in and purchase for a pittance.
Bike lanes in the middle of the road! LMAO
The man who has also been silent these past 3.5 years – he is supposed to be my MP, however had not heard one peep from him on anything. Oh but now the elect is around the corner, he is suddenly vocal – sorry Joey – no vote from me again this time
F you Joey. I’ve known you since high school and I can say without any reservation that you’ve done nothing for your country and you are a shame to us all. I wish CNS had a middle finger emoji.
Copy and paste from emojis.
Hey Joey, fix the damn dump.
The PPM bent their knees to DART, signed an empty agree to agree deal in last minutes of PACT, and that’s why the dump wasn’t addressed. The PPM aren’t motivated to service out of concern for the people of Cayman. Self-service only.
As I listened to Joey yesterday, I could only laugh. It is apparent that he believes that everyone has amnesia. I will never vote for him or any PPM member again. Changing leadership in this party does not reengineer the DNA of this party. They had 12 years to do all the wonderful things Joey is now promising that will be coming. It may fool the uneducated diehard individual…. but not those of us who can think and analyze. #2025isnotarepeat.
Hew does not seem to understand something himself: his party’s policies are unpopular, and he and his colleagues are not trusted, thus, the more they talk about how organised and unified they are, the more they put people off. For a single administration, under Kurt Tibbetts, they were truly a reforming, principled, respectable group that took Cayman forward. Then they lost, and they haven’t won fair and square since. We all know that they literally planned to just win a few seats, and buy as many of the other winners as they could, last election. Such is their contempt for the electorate that they believed people could vote for whoever they wanted, it mattered not, because they would end up in power somehow with all their money. And now we are being told that we need educating in how it works? No, we know how it works, and that’s their problem. They need educating. Only there is nothing they could do to make me trust them again. Truly nothing. I have never seen a Government in any country fight so hard against its own citizens, with so much of their money, as we saw with the Port Referendum. Unfortunately I live in a constituency where I think defeat is unlikely for the Progressives incumbent, but I will be voting for someone else.
Someone with time should explain to this brat why the PPM haven’t been elected as a party with a mandate in several election cycles. The PPM still don’t understand the new composition of an expanding electorate. One they seem to resent. They are consistently on the wrong side of today’s issues, their lodge politics having been rejected at the polls again and again. Relegated to the backbenches, they are the ones that need to read the room when voters reject them. There is lots of room for an honest party to run, especially a candidate for his district seat. It’s not going to be Hew who is dreadful as he lacks substance and a credible track record in management of anything.
LMAO PPM picked the wrong Hew to lead the party they should have chosen Richard who is intelligent and qualified over the dunce in the family Joey.
This party is now in on life support in its last days not even KT can save it that is far it has fallen
You know, I’d probably actually prefer they keep the incompetent grifter rather than swap over to the competent one. At least Joey fails at ducking the last few drops of blood from our island, whereas Dicky would probably succeed in ruining us for his Canadian overlords. Rock and a hard place and all that good stuff.
CNS we desperately need a ROTFLMAO voting button.
What has Joey done about the beach disappearing in his constituency? Sweet F.A.
Joey being Joey as usual. Not a man to be trusted unless you give him a contract for his business interests then he will defend you to the death!
reshuffling of clowns, same circus.
Disappointment in MP Wayne Panton
I am deeply disappointed by MP Wayne Panton’s repeated absence from Parliament during critical debates and votes on nationally important issues. Yesterday’s no-show wasn’t the first instance since he stepped down as Premier.
While he may not rely on his MP salary and could feel less compelled to earn it, as a self-proclaimed champion of the environment, he should have been front and center during the debate on the Cruise Berthing Referendum.
Parliament sessions are announced weeks in advance, leaving no valid excuse for an MP to miss a sitting unless due to illness. Personal plans, like vacations, can and should be scheduled around these important dates.
Wayne has long been known for a lack of urgency, often dragging his feet on key issues. Yesterday was yet another example of why we must elect representatives who prioritize the public’s interest above their own. Being an MP isn’t about personal sentiments—it’s about fulfilling your responsibility to your constituents, which starts with simply showing up.
If I were a voter in Newlands, I would be looking for a new representative.
Yet you don’t mention Joey “Who?” being consistently absent throughout the last few years, both from his constituency and our parliament? Nor did you bring up the entire PPM being intentionally absent (“in protest”
) for multiple sessions in the same period? I wonder why that is.
Sir Alden never comes around Red Bay except when time for votes, what a egotistical & phony person!
The PPM aren’t in office to serve the public.
Stop deflecting. The poster has a valid point. Where is Wayne???
Good fishnin weather yesterday, just sayin’.
Suddenly the PPM is looking like the better option in 2025. The independent candidate experiment has been a total failure.
PACT/UPM has been a disaster and must be voted out in 2025.
We need new blood. We need professionals not jokers to run this sophisticated country.
Professionals? What are either of these two clowns professionals at, besides grifting and selling out our country? PACT->UPM has been a failure, but I would take that risk at every election rather than vote in these guaranteed Dart/FCCA puppets for another term.
Wait, you seem to have a selective memory which conveniently overlooks the PPMs contribution in all this. As they are the ones who made the coffins and dug the holes long before before the nails went in. We desperately need credible alternative choices ahead of the next election.
“Suddenly the PPM is looking like the better option in 2025”.
Please go an get your eyes tested, brain checked and put down the pipe.
Congratulations Mr Hew. Looking forward to a new era of Progressive leadership under your watch!
No missa hew they don’t see a new dawn for ppm. What they need to know is why the ppm signed contracts after losing last election and before leaving office? Also why the Regen proyectwas held up by your good selves and why we don’t have a transportation system and why developers concessions and paybacks were not measured or where are the records?
All a these were in your term as minister of planning and infrastructure weren’t they?
If ppm cannot explain the why and how’s and because of these above then the people surely will understand the politricks games you play
I’m from GTN too..Never saw Joey during either time he was running for election..Come to think of it I haven’t seen Joey at all..
FIX the damn Beach and Dump Joey..Both are in your constituency. Your PPM party was there for 3 terms and did FA..You sure did assist your cronies and developers friends though…
PPM are doomed if this is the best they got.
He is an ignorant elitist. Why the hell would they want this hignorant hidiot bwoy as a leader? This country can’t afford another PPM govt and one with an uneducated, unscrupulous JLP and developers proxy. He is the definition of cayman’s version of a Jamaican politician in charge of a political party and potentially worse this country
think you need to take a look at the countrys finances when the PPM left office and what a mess they are in now. While I dont always agree with all their policies they are generally better than what we have now!
The PPM originated an ongoing financial conspiracy with minister Ken Jefferson to conceal >KYD$2 billion dollars in maturing government liabilities from the territory’s Balance Sheet in order to mislead the FCO into believing the Cayman Islands remain in compliance with the Framework for Fiscal Responsibility. This brazen swindle is literally a massive global headline financial crime waiting to happen. Consequences TBD.
Please whosoever you are (9:23 pm) provide physical evidence as it will no doubt present the way forward for the demise of Pompous Party PPM.
You would obviously prefer a drug dealer and drunken woman beater.?
You say that as if they are not both joining up with the PPM again if our people are foolish enough to allow them to regain power.
Dynamic! oh FFS….remind me again how long Joey been in politricks? New and dynamic?! He’s been milking it so long he could make butter…
where are term limits in this country? This guy and so many others, always the same, never do anything, but this next time it’s gonna be different.
just awful
The other GTN Candidate is now awake…smh
Too busy stuffing his face with brownies and making asinine comments on an online gossip rag to do anything of substance.
“Dynamic leadership” ? Isn’t that an oxymoron ?
Wow. Joey has been incompetent all his life yet continues to be promoted to higher and higher offices. Cayman is doomed.
Business as usual in Cayman
I thought being incompetent was a stipulated requirement.
Barbara Conolly may be a lot of things, but dynamic isn’t one of them. Listen, I like Barbara. I think she’s a good person. I also think she’s utterly useless as an elected official.
Isn’t it her that is going to dredge a large part of NS?
No, that is Heather Bodden. A member of the sitting government.
Please give me one thing Hew/PPM has done for the betterment of EVERYONE living here in the Cayman Islands and NOT just for their gains.
COUNTRY FIRST MUST be adhered to throughout a politician’s tenure in office.
A clean slate in 2025 in EVERY constituency!
New blood is once again needed in the next election.
A clean slate in 2025 in EVERY constituency!
Yea thats gonna work….NOT! Please engage brain before firing off your mouth.
Response to 08/10/2024 at 7:42am.
I do just that every time. That’s why I said what I said!
You must be a newcomer to the voting block, totally naive about what is going on in our country, have just crawled out of your hibernation quarters, or ALL of the above. Take your pick. I don’t care which one.
Congratulations to Mr Dart’s puppet.
‘Dynamic’ LOLOL. Rhetoric started already!
Absentee MP Joey “Who?” and Barbara “Let’s kill the trees around Smith cove to make it more accessible to cruise tourists” Conolly. What could possibly go wrong?
“What could possibly go wrong?”