Over 220 tickets dished out during road crackdown

| 07/10/2024 | 4 Comments

(CNS): The police have issued tickets to over 220 people over the ten days since Operation Clyro, the third road safety campaign for the year, started at the end of last month. Just under 50 were issued for speeding, including at least four issued to heavy equipment drivers breaching speed limits while carrying excessive loads. Another 95 tickets were given out to owners of unlicensed vehicles.

Police officers have attended 43 collisions and arrested just one driver for DUI so far during the operation, which will continue until Monday, 14 October. During the crackdown on road offences and poor driving, there will be an increased presence of officers on patrol and at roadblocks.

In an update on Operation Clyro, the RCIPS urged motorists to drive safely and with courtesy and to refrain from drinking and driving. Instead, drivers should have a plan to get home safely if they consume alcohol. They should also reduce speeds on the roadway, especially in areas with high pedestrian traffic and in adverse weather.

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Category: Crime, Crime Prevention, Police

Comments (4)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Well done RCIP…
    Just wish you would be as vigilant ALL year round.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That’s no more than a morning’s work.

    How many tickets were issued to sitting members of parliament?

  3. Agast says:

    So were the unlicensed vehicles impounded, or were they given a ticket and told to move on???

  4. Anonymous says:

    How many tickets have they issued to themselves for failure to indicate and obstruction of traffic?


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