CIG to discuss worsening erosion crisis on 7MB
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has finally released a statement on the erosion of Seven Mile Beach, which Climate Resiliency Minister Katherine Ebanks-Wilks called “an urgent national matter” but which many people are calling a national crisis. In a press release issued Thursday evening, she said the CIG was keen to find a sustainable solution. To this end, a cross-governmental meeting with stakeholders and technocrats is planned for Monday to discuss the worsening problem.
The release said that earlier this week, government members met with Opposition Leader Joey Hew to discuss this pressing matter. The forthcoming meeting will include the technical team from the Department of Environment and key representatives from each of the ministries responsible for Environment, Planning, Tourism and Lands.
Over the last few weeks, multiple severe weather events have exacerbated the already worsening erosion on the southern end of Seven Mile Beach. These events have caused more seawalls, decks, and other concrete structures built on the famous beach to wash into the sea, polluting the marine environment, destroying more property and creating a vicious and rapid cycle of erosion.
“The erosion of Seven Mile Beach is undoubtedly an urgent national matter that not only affects homes and businesses but also our tourism product,” Ebanks-Wilks said. “This government is keen to continue our collaboration with private sector stakeholders to forge a sustainable solution to preserve and protect such an important national asset that supports both our economy and our environment.”
The experts at the DoE have been recommending for some time that property owners along the beachfront begin to plan a managed retreat. However, CNS understands that Cabinet still appears to be considering the costly and likely futile plan to import sand in an attempt to resolve the problem.
Local experts have told CNS that the situation cannot be solved by topping up the beach at this stage and that the concrete structures need to be moved before the beach is replenished. If they are not millions of dollars worth of sand would almost certainly be lost to the increasingly unpredictable weather and sea level rise.
There is also pushback on plans to make taxpayers pay the bill to protect luxury condos and hotels, especially as the DoE had warned many owners not to put pool decks and other concrete structures on a dynamic beach. The over-development of the famous beach appears to have reached a tipping point, as each sea wall built to protect a property fuels further erosion, creating a vicious cycle of erosion compounded by warming, rising seas and erratic weather events.
A number of condo strata are now threatening to sue the government because they have either been refused planning permission or applications for seawalls have been deferred and delayed due to the serious risk that such structures will make matters worse.
However, there are concerns that the government, under pressure from owners and developers, will make more ill-conceived decisions that will exacerbate the erosion.
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Category: Climate Change, Policy, Politics, Science & Nature
They have too much sand and we have too little.
We can buy their sand and help them get on their feet at the same time.
Instead of suing government maybe look to your neighbor to the north of you. That’s one heck of a wall he has and a cabana too…..whilst you are at it you should sue the developers and the cireba cartel.
No one took the advice of the DOE or from the wise older Caymanians. Instead you all went ahead laying your concrete over turtle nests, destroying the natural flora and blocking access to beach, build your sea wall and see what happens to neighbors to the north of you.
Here is a solution. CIG do absolutely nothing and let the sea reclaim the condos and such that was foolishly built too close to the sea in the first place. Let the insurance companies pay the fools for their folly and then CIG buy the land back at land prices and turn them into public beaches for all to enjoy.
Yeeeeah but, when the insurance companies pay, who do you think really pays?
Consider it a reinvestment in our island. At least until CIG sells it again to the next developer.
It breaks my heart to see what these developers and the planning boards have done my island.
The government should consider purchasing seaside properties facing erosion, but only at the value of the land, as these condos are ridiculously overpriced on CIREBA, especially given the fact that the property is in peril. Once acquired, these parcels should be declared uninhabitable and zoned as protected parks. Additionally, all coastal areas should be rezoned as national parks, with at least 150 feet from the waterline designated as protected Crown land.
By way of the choices you have made, you did this to your island
I didn’t make these decisions. The corrupt boards and politicians made them, going against the will of the people in favor of the wealthy. It’s often privileged narcissists who try to shift the blame onto regular citizens, while they are the ones with the power or money to influence policy. We elect leaders who campaign on promises to protect Cayman, but behind closed doors, they cater to the interests of the rich (who don’t respect our people or our island).
I love how the electorate says they are not responsible for electing corrupt Ministers.
Remind us all again who elected these politicians of which you speak.
The thumb-downers are delusional.
does anyone know where the sand is going and why? seems like that would be helpful in being able to solve this. should that not be a priority of gov’t?
The sand is going off the wall into the abyss. Gone forever.
Beach ridges and natural vegetation act ass effective attractors. Walls as reflectors.
Everyone was warned.
The groyne at Treasure Island is directing it across the wall.
You are a real id.ot. Just like US politicians control hurricanes, the pile of rocks (NOT solid like walls)are manipulating storms? Please get educated and stop spreading nonsense. The groynes are a very distant #3. #1 – Shifting weather storms. #2 – building solid walls. You want to implicate the groynes for a single property and don’t even mention the 5-10+ properties with solid walls.
TI bot has entered the chat.
Take them out then, what you got to lose?
No one is discussing the channel cuts that have been made to allow bigger and bigger boats and required dredging. Areas that were once shallow and tranquil waters filled with marine life and the occasional snorkeler or swimmer now have large pleasure boats dropping anchor at or near the shore. Water speed around the Island has increased dramatically. I understand this is just one part of the problem but I have seen first hand the damage in North Side and Rum Point area.
How do you fix natural erosion and rising seas. Maybe a century from now much of cayman will be underwater.
Mangroves. Working with healthy reef systems and growing islands (and able to keep pace with sea level rise) since 10,000,000 BC.
You just got here or wha?
What about putting houses on pilings, that’s common in other parts of the world, granted entire condo complex can’t go on stilts but the sea is going to take what it wants, and it wants your condos. Everyone here can see a wall aint going to do anything.
There is no short term fix, hopefully those in positions of influence realize this. As someone lower down said, it’s generational change to resolve this. Sorry smb (or 3mb) condo owners, it’s over. Can’t believe CIREBA still trying to flog at outrageous prices condos from Tillies south..why would anyone buy Lacovia?! They’re next for beach bye bye
these the same owners don’t want the public anywhere near ‘their beach’ but now it’s everyone’s responsibility to fix it???? LOL. That’s some karma for you.
Even more ironic. Because of their closure of access, and the way they have developed, they seem to have no means of getting the equipment and materials they would need to the place they want to build the wall. They seek to gain access to their own property by using the public right of way at Royal Palms to move heavy equipment along the beach and through a marine park. This is sad and fascinating. Getting popcorn.
And how exactly will this meeting prevent the 9’ seas forecast for Friday?
And how exactly would the sea wall wanted by Laguna do anything meaningful to stop those if they come? It is not high enough, would be overtopped, and with nowhere for the water to go, flood West Bay Road. Wouldn’t it?
Think it through people.
So what you are saying is that West Bay Road should be moved inland. Agreed.
Inland? Where?
Knock down whatever needs to be knocked down to make it happen. That is what you are proposing after all. Don’t see what the issue is here.
The road was built on the high, dry ground, behind the beach ridge.
Not downslope oceanside of the beach ridge. There was also vegetation left between the road and the active beach. The road is in the right place.
So were the properties you are advocating for the demolition of.
No they were not. They were built so as to infringe on an active beach. Then the natural vegetation (that stuff that would dissipate wave energy and cause sediment to be dropped and the beach to build) was removed.
And I am not advocating the demolition of anything. Karma and nature are making all arguments irrelevant.
You are correct; you ‘Don’t see what the issue is here.’
Save the trouble of having another meeting.
They will form a task force which will meet once. There will be an election and the government will change. Task force will be dissolved and we’ll start again from scratch.
I have been living at the north end of WBB since 1977. I have seen sand come and go.. Years ago sand could go from the beach as far as south sound and Barkers. ( and the fish market)
What faces government is that they will have to take into account any alterations to the south end of the beach as they will have a natural affect to the north end of the beach and elsewhere.
The government including in particular the Minister of Tourism and All Ting, needs act now and take their heads out of the sand whilst any still remains in place
Four oceanfront Laguna Del Mar residences are currently for sale on CIREBA. Good luck trying to get 3 to 4 million being asked for these. Unless someone is willing to take a gamble and hope for redevelopment.
it maybe even more a case of good luck getting insurance with that…
TBH, good luck for any of us. With est $200bln in claims from last two Florida storms amounting to nearly a third of the hurricane risk reinsurance market. We are all going to have some sticker shocks ahead. Pray for fish storms for the rest of the Atlantic calendar.
I would love to see where you got your figure from. I suspect it is the same source that says the US government ‘controls’ hurricanes.
Dart or Berksoy will grab them if they fall. They are ultimately the insurers of last resort. Imagine the potential for a wholesale redevelopment of that stretch.
Berksoy already owns most of Regal Beach Club.
Ergun will buy them when the price is right. You really don’t understand the long game, do you?
And what pray is he doing for our island. There are so many millionaires seeking residential status and sit on boards. Effectively in my experience they do nothing to contribute to society .CIG needs weed out these people. They do not belong here.
It’s not the government’s job to intervene in private enterprises with public funds – especially if it’s to bail out greedy developers that ignored science class, including department of environment recommendations that were disregarded. Tough luck. Time to retreat.
Bail out greedy developers? They are long gone.
The vultures and cockroaches are still very much circling, waiting to rip off a slice of meat.
The Developers did what Developer’s do – They fully understood their job, and were successful at it. CIG and the electorate are the entities that did not understand science (and still doesn’t). It’s very sad that few acknowledge that Caymanian’s who vote are the ultimate impediment to progress.
Great. Bureaucracy will be the final nail in the coffin of SMB.
Actually, it is the lack of effective bureaucracy which has already sealed the coffin of SMB.
hmnn – importing sand. Government and private people going to throw millions of dollars into replenishing the world renowned SMB.
In all of the combined infinite wisdom of human kind you cannot control what Mother Nature does or what God allows it to do.
The years of living off the expatriate “fat” can be presumed to be followed by living lean – think there is something like that in the Bible – and the leader of our small island nation claims to be a Christian – who can probably tell me the exact verses in the Bible.
We all in the public fret about what is happening – the continued greed, development and overdevelopment of our islands – what do you expect – dig upon the mangroves, clear cut properties, pour and pour more concrete and make more roads. Hmnn even an idiot like me can see it will all lead to problems.
Many places in the world have had this problem, fixed the problem and moved on. Waikiki beach comes to mind. Used to be a swamp like Cayman. Fixed back in the 40’s and still going strong. Cayman Islands will never be able to “fix” any of their many problems but they sure like to complain and play the blame game. Fun to watch. Some day all the sand will return on it’s own and they can say it’s all because of their patience and great faith in themselves.
CNS: Wrong in so many ways. Disappearing Waikiki Beach | The Battle To Save Hawaii’s Icon
Was there as a toddler 60 years ago and went back 1 year ago. Walked the same beaches. My eyes and my feet tell me the beaches are still there. The news will tell you anything you want to hear. Waikiki is not the only beach in the world. Unless…. Please just listen to the news. It makes you smarter and better looking.
CNS: Skipping over the fact that you disparaged the news and then told me to pay attention to it… your main point is that your recent experience of the beach compared to a 60-year-old memory when you were a small child is more reliable evidence than scientific study of the beach. Even dumber, you saying you are more believable than the local people who are watching the beach disappear.
If they fixed the beach 40 years ago, why are they still trying to fix it. See here.
I think you have no idea what you’re talking about and just like to denigrate Cayman and Caymanians.
If the local experts are so sure, then let the condo owners spend 20 million and put the beach back. Then the local experts can laugh when all the sand disappears in one storm. However, since the beach took at least 20 years to erode, it is quite likely that the sand will stay for at least one year. Then, the owners will have to stump up another 20 million to do it again. This is not a problem, though, as 20 million is only 2% of the billion dollar real estate along this beach, and property values will no doubt rise with a nice restored beach.
Ozone layer Recovery
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The UN weather agency said ozone could recover to 1980 levels – before any hole in the ozone layer appeared – by around 2066 over the Antarctic if current policies remain.
This could also lead to full recovery of the layer by 2045 over the Arctic and 2040 for the rest of the world.
Matt Tully, Chair of WMO’s Scientific Advisory Group on Ozone and Solar UV Radiation, said the organization’s Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme is continuously providing crucial support for ozone science by means of observations, analysis, modelling, data stewardship and capacity-building.
The Hole in the Ozone layer
The ozone layer protects life on Earth from harmful ultraviolet solar radiation.
The Montreal Protocol that banned ozone depleting substances (ODS) in 1987, and the subsequent amendments that accelerated the commitment, is widely seen as a global collective success, that has prevented the ozone hole problem from worsening further since its implementation, setting the path for recovery.
Affects of Global Warming
An iceberg nearly the size of Greater London broke off the Brunt Ice Shelf in Antarctica on Sunday according to the British Antarctic Survey.
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That’s the problem right there. Someone sharing educational material and gets multiple thumbs down on the post.
A whole bunch of people who have no idea what they are talking about sitting around a big table eating their free lunch. Yup, that’ll fix it.
Yup, and they heard $3 million up for grabs. So quick, quick they convene a meeting so they could bill $1million of their time. Advice for Berksoy, take your money and RUN!
I feel SO MUCH better knowing CIG will ‘discuss a worsening crisis.’ The clowns will be there, the juggler also, the dancing bears and most importantly – the snake oil salesman.
A tetrapod breakwater could be constructed parallel to the shore, slightly offshore of the beach. This would prevent sand from washing out during storms and allow sand to accumulate on the backside. Jetties perpendicular to the shore can accumulate sand around them, but should be prohibited because they reduce the amount of sand elsewhere.
Great idea. Then our coast would look just like Japan’s. Google what you have suggested. It is a disaster for the ecology and natural beauty.
Caymanians didn’t build on the active beach for a reason. They tried to explain it. You wouldn’t listen.
Well now, sadly, dat wha you get.
They didn’t build o. It so they could sell it to the highest bidder instead. Who is more in the wrong now?
You are devoid of facts, or any understanding of the place you now find yourself in, or the people you have come to live amongst. Given you have excluded them outside your gates, it is hardly surprising that you lack the understanding, but that does not make it excusable.
If you don’t like the look of the tetrapod, you can use natural stone or natural stone-like dissipating blocks. If you call it environmental destruction, it is more likely to repeat the act of carrying sand from somewhere else every time sand is washed away endlessly leads to environmental destruction. If the current situation is left unattended, the narrow island, rather than the sandy beach will be further narrowed by erosion.
It is also quite poetic that gov here waits until the problem is at the stage where it is ‘underwater’ before deciding its time to do somthing about it. So much for forethought.
Government did not build those condos or manage those properties. Private owners were left to do what they believed best.
Government did not build those condos or manage those properties.
Not really sure how you fix it now. There isnt a beach anymore in a few of these places (marriot for example). Its quite literally 2 – 3 foot of water. Bit shocking having not been there in a while.
Its not really ‘beach replenishment’ at that point – its creating a beach.
Its a bit of a pick your poison now. Places now need to build sea walls literally in the sea. Otherwise they have waves
hitting the building. That only makes the problem worse and will impact other parts of the beach at the same time.
Is it also on Gov to sort the beach for predominatly corporate and foreign owned apartments that chose to build so close to the beach?
Save the Planet to make it livable for a while longer, please. (most of us alive today will be long dead before total planet breakdown & replenishment starts to take place. Earth needs to shake us off first like the pests we are. (((
Oh NOW is when those at risk of losing their million dollars worth of beachfront & properties want action to be done, it may be too late. Them along with our Out of Touch politicians, including the Central Planning Authority (CPA), who once again refuse to listen to the sciences/studies/evidence on climate changes, they rubber stamp approvals on build where you want, damn the environment fallout.
All of them named above have constantly ignored our very own DoE recommendations and suggestions to Not build on volatile areas or give permission to build in places that will be detrimental to our environment at many locations, not just one area.
Money grabbing A’holes all of them as far as I’m concerned. Dammit! I’m mad as hell.
It’s too late I think, I hope I’m wrong. There’s much blame to go around, dating back nearly 40 years of bad planning, politics, politically favours, shady, unethical development & developers, unsavory characters elected to planning boards, etc, etc, etc. Many of them have done, still do illegal and unethical business practice, with hardly any being investigated or enforcement taking place to correct, stop the abuse of our precious environment.
The cows have left the barnyard, now they’re trying to add a band-aid strip to the gate, literally it seems!
“If you’re gonna burn a bridge behind you, make sure you’ve crossed it first.”~Quentin R. Bufogle
The problem has been decades in the making. A genuine public-private partnership.
Same as the dump, nothing gets done until the proverbial shit hits the fan, then the fan broke and we still have a stinking mess. They brainstorm (big pun there) and come up with a half-baked short term plan that might as well be scrawled on bog paper. They’re like a bunch of scurrying rats fleeing a burning building right now.
And this time the clowns have been caught with their pants around their ankles whilst in mid movement. The condo owners are lawyering up and it’s fixing to be a real shit show. My bet is CIG will cave in to the threat of a class action billion dollar lawsuit from SMB condo owners, hotels and private beachfront residents.
A mass retreat from the waterfront is out of the question, it’s simply not going to happen. CIG simply doesn’t have the stomach or finances to fight this one. The whole of impacted waterfront will most likely be sheet piled like Boggy Sand Road, and the rest renamed 2-mile Beach.
It’s very tragic but what’s more tragic is that we have the most impotent and incompetent group of leaders at the helm in Cayman’s brief history and they are just now entering into a discussion on it. Well, I say they’re about a billion dollars short and half a century too late!
This will have a negative impact on society. Be prepared for higher inflation which will price this country way out of reach for the average caymanian worker. Presumably the politicians will also be getting the 5% increase?
I tried to go and see the problem.
I went to the road by the Smurf houses. It also leads to MT’s house.
Despite having used it for 30 years I cannot now access the beach or coast there.
Big sign. Big gate. No Beach Access Allowed!
Given I have an inalienable right to access and peaceably use the entire length of SMB, whether it be 7 miles or 4 miles long, could someone please tell me how to access that area?
And given my exclusion from the area, could someone who lives in that area please explain why I and the other 88,000 of us who are denied access should give a moment’s concern about nature’s karma being unleashed.
And until there is an adequate answer, I will do all I lawfully and peaceably can to stop my government from raising a finger, or a cent, to help those who are authors of this problem and perpetuate division.
If you are just now seeing those signs you most certainly have not “used it for 30 years”. Straight lies, those signs and gates have been there nearly that long.
1. The Gate is there.
2. The Gate is closed.
3. The Sign is there.
4. The Sign confirms the denial of access to the public.
5. There is no other available public access without swimming.
6. The property owners want the public’s (government’s) help.
All true?
Then, can we determine whether any of the structures involved were built “at variance” from any applicable rules? I would hope not.
7.You have no legal right of access there. Never have.
8. Go to a point where you do and have at it.
9. Who asked for the government’s help? Quite the opposite bobo. Government need to get the hell out of the way and let the private sector fix it, as is often the case.
Thank you for showing your true colors. Please manage your retreat, and your attitude to this community.
Oohh, now I’m scared. Someone appears quite averse to facts. Touchy.
.. and let the private sector fix and pay for it.
I don’t think anyone would object to that.
Private sector will fix it by building more walls to protect individual properties, probably leading to more beach disappearing from neighbouring parcels. Who will want/need a wall now as well……
So we have no right, but because you have cut off all rights you now want to use another access to bring heavy equipment onto the beach, drive it through a marine park, to build a wall that will further cement the lack of our rights (and the destruction of a national treasure)?
That your position and your sticking to it?
And don’t call me Bobo, Dude. You haven’t earned that right.
Probably the sign-maker’s error. It should have said No Beach, Access Allowed.
How to access that area? Just like any other area that does not have a designated access point – go north or south to the several in that location (I have used several) and then go for a swim as there is no much left of the public’s ‘inalienable beach access right’ tide level that used to have sand. My wife and I did just this two weeks ago. We were curious of the erosion, so just looked for one of the access lanes and simply walked down to the water (I can’t say beach as there was none). And yes, we did have to swim and the view was horrific. So sad what Caymanians allowed to happen due to ignorance, greed, selling out and election after election putting incompetent Ministers in office. Nobody to blame other than yourselves.
Access rights to the beach do not require swimming. That is the point of them.
Your ancestors sold your rights. Suck it up
Inalienable rights. Cannot be sold. Look it up.
They were though
Sheesh, read! At the point that was mentioned – there is NO BEACH TO ACCESS.
“DoE have been recommending for some time that property owners along the beachfront begin to plan a managed retreat”
Retreat means demolishing the buildings and rebuilding further back. Not quite a practical recommendation. Thanks DoE.
It’s actually very practical. Except if those properties are rebuilt they will be 10 stories plus.
If there is capital it could all be done at a profit.
OK. As you wish. Unmanaged retreat it will be. Wait for a storm to demolish them for you. Just make sure you have insurance to clean up all the debris, and you had better not litter a marine park. Better your condo gets destroyed soon. You should start running down the fridge. Unlikely to be much insurance available next year the way things are looking.
Unmanaged retreat makes for much better pictures. Can you set up some webcams please? It would be great to have the footage to teach lessons in arrogance going head to head with Mother Nature.
Shouldn’t be long now, anyway. End of this month looks to be quite active.
Precisely what the DOE wants.
Nobody wants it. It is what is going to happen though.
Because of the DOE.
No. Because you built on an active beach, and against the recommendations of the DOE.
They shouldn’t be ‘recommending’, recommendations get ignored. They should damn well be ordering, and failing to comply should lead to penalties and prosecution.
Oh, sorry, they didn’t realize you wanted magic pixie dust solutions which would cost no one anything. – That’s what’s been applied so far so I’m sure a bit more of that sort of thinking will work.
Seawalls in Cayman are a medium and long term total disaster.
Anyone who thinks placing themselves a seawall infront of their condo hasn’t a clue how they work. They also suffer from a misunderstanding – a seawall you see outside a condo block on SMB is not a ‘seawall’ that the rest of the world understands them to be. To read that people are upset their seawalls are held up in Planning?! Hilarious. You should count your lucky stars.
Seawalls in barrier islands and small Islands such as ours are best removed. The usual result of a condo development, or a rich mans private home building themselves a seawall in isolation to the neighbors property is that it increases the devastation to the side properties. The damage is passed sideways, doubling down on next doors beach. And on it goes.
Seawalls in Cayman are a net negative. Big time. They have never been part of a larger, co-ordinated plan – e.g, to place a seawall the entire length of SMB. That is the ONLY way it would actually work. (and its not feasible anyhow)
Seawalls do not work in island nations such as ours. Its that simple. For some reason (infer it as you may), Planning and Developers and CIG after CIG think that allowing a Seawall to be built will protect against sand erosion.
It. Does. Not. Work. We are too small. We allow every Parcel of land to willy nilly place their own seawalls with zero consideration of next door – which gets worse with each wave action. Dont believe me? Go look on SMB now at anywhere without a seawall that neighbors a property with one! (lawsuit time – all neighbors could sue those who put them in)
As usual in Cayman, we forget that we really should have remained as the Islands that time forgot and instead we continue to insist that we must be just as advanced as Florida and nearby mega-population centers.
we are not and we cannot be. We do not have the landmass to benefit from seawalls that DO work. These types of seawalls are well coordinated, they stretch often for miles, and they are built significantly inland, huge concrete structures, providing protection to beach zones BEHIND it, land side, whilst allowing the ocean to ebb and flow with natural dynamism, eating and replenishing ocean-side beach as the years go by.
We cannot do this in Cayman. For a start, its not exactly going to be picture perfect for the tourists!!
as to bringing in sand….people, please. Do not vote for any delusional candidate that supports shipping in sand. It will not work. It washes away. Especially with all the seawalls! FFS. How long is CIG or Dart or whoever going to keep supplying sand? And from where? Who pays for it? Just the SMB folk?! good luck
The only solution is to slowly redevelop and build further back. You can’t even put in a full SMB length seawall as we’re too narrow on WBR to truly benefit. There is no alternative. No option. Zero. It just needs to be let happen.
Those who own properties on the ocean – sorry, its your bargain and you lost. Life sucks. But you are ruining countless other lives by riding the values of your property south as we all have to pay increased insurance, etc, etc due to SMB owners short term wants, not needs.
Tough luck. We are probably 2 full generations away from resolving this issue as properties age-out and get torn down and built further back. But CIG now, with Developers and certain stakeholders solely interested in self and sales commissions and short termism will do their absolute best to ignore sanity and sell Cayman down the river/ocean current..…again
Nice ramble
Finally, someone with knowledge commenting!! Thank you. Now please, someone remove the seawalls so we can get our beach back. *Tears*
An interesting dilemma to be sure. How do we protect a vital asset to Caymans’ tourism product while protecting the beach and access for locals to enjoy. The investment of current property owners must also be considered.
1. The consensus seems to be that encroaching structures must be removed for replenishment of the sand beach which everyone desires. For this to become feasible, current owners must redevelop and retreat.
2. The reality is that in many cases this is not economically feasible given the land use restrictions in effect currently.
3. The current discussions of the planning development regulations under review have identified a special tourism related zone for this area.
4. In a free market capitalistic environment, development with appropriate safety and environmental regulations would dictate the pattern of use.
5. Much sentiment exists for the old days of nothing developed higher than a palm tree. Then pressure along this SMB corridor went from three stories to five, then seven, now ten. Isolating this style of development within one zone is understandable and does not extend to the rest of the island as a whole.
6. Allowing unlimited height within this one limited tourist zone could solve the problems of redevelopment for landowners without government expenditure. Yes it might look like Miami, but it already looks that way
without a beach.
7. Successful progress often requires compromise and foresight, waiting for disaster and economic calamity to happen while government does nothing should not be the norm.
8. Along with this type of bold change, please consider a well functioning public transportation solution in the tourism zone to reduce the need for more vehicles in the area.
Perhaps a couple of more late-season storms late October to mid November , should give these subject beach properties a further good licking , to demonstrate the sea wall debacle.
Typical! Wait until a problem reaches crisis point to pay attention?! Why wasn’t attention being paid to DoE, environmentalists, general public all these years? Morons in charge!
Stop permitting the concrete seawalls and structures near the high-water mark. 75 feet setback is not enough!!
Plant cocoplum or seagrape hedges!!!
“When the last tree is cut and the last fish killed, the last river poisoned, then you will see that you can’t eat money.”- JOHN MAY
Wasn’t Wayne minister of sustainability four years ago? I seem to recall a photo of him and an entourage, by the Marriott, surveying the damage back then. And that resulted in ….? Crickets
It resulted in a recommendation of managed retreat. The right recommendation.
It has been ignored.
Ps. No it didn’t.
When it comes to environment and sustainability Wayne is a lone ranger. You can’t get anything done when your political colleagues don’t support you and are hell bent on destroying the island and lining their pockets.
What has Wayne said about the dredging plan for the North Sound? Do remind us. Didn’t think so.
Stop your childish games – you know the man said no.
CIG don’t do planting except for their asses when in front of a plate of food. They do however lay waste to, scorch earth, slash and burn, defoliate, clear and fill, and demolish pretty well.
Wait the honorable premier will throw our money at it to help her rich developer friends. Time to buy those votes!
“It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” – Ansel Adams
f*** them, let it fall in the water, SMB is only for owners and developers now a days anyway…
As a SMB condo owner, I could say the same to you in Prospect and Savannah dealing with street flooding. Same to all of you that live east of GT that have to contend with crippling rush hour(s) traffic.
“f*** them”. You chose to live there.
What a nasty, selfish comment by 1:43pm — as long as it is not you “f*** them”.
We don’t put signs on our roads saying you are not welcome.
You put signs on yours saying we are not welcome, and you back it with frequently abused imported security guards, who are compelled by their derisory remuneration to commute long distances in Honda Fits.
So yes. F*** you!
Totally different issue. The issue you described is not damaging our environment. Frustrating and inconvenient at best.
Yeah but 2:31, I’m not asking you to re-landscape my back yard, nobody is asking you to add/maintain value to inland properties, nobody is trying to stop you from driving down accessing my neighbourhood and I’m pretty sure you’re not petitioning Govt to help anyone prone to flooding in Prospect or Savannah either.
Ref traffic, so is the argument now if you help me save the appeal of my beachfront property it’s only fair I help you get to work on time ? You’re talking apples & oranges or infrastructure manipulation.
2:31, perhaps you should look up the definition of “selfish” before you F off back to where you came from?
With that attitude you’ll fit right in when we all move to Scotland.
Awayanbileyerheid pal.
Dinnae bother yersel coming ower here! Alba gu brath
Wont last a year in that weather.
All down south with you, lotsa bayers and Mac’s status grants.
Oh you will whine then like you whine about everything.
They can have the Isle of Wight.
Scotland . Now that is a country that knows how to build and maintain a sea wall.