CI$2.3M deal signed for park Scranton Park landscaping
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has signed a deal with McAlpine to complete Phase 1 of the proposed public park in the middle of George Town. The contract, worth $2.3 million, does not include buildings. It covers the landscaping, site grading, earthworks, stormwater management, a pond, pathways and lights, among other parts of the park, such as the planned callisthenics area.
Although the park is primarily for residents, the tourism ministry is overseeing the project as it is situated in the heart of Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan’s constituency.
The deal with McAlpine comes just a few weeks after the official groundbreaking for Central Scranton Park. Officials said it is the first step in transforming the old local Scranton Park into a new, much bigger green space in the centre of the capital.
“The development of Central Scranton Park has been a vision we have worked toward for some time, and this contract signing is a proud moment for the Ministry,” Bryan said in a press release. “We are excited to partner with McAlpine Ltd, a contractor that brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record delivering high-quality projects.”
This phase is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2025. The $2 million price tag includes site grading and earthworks; drainage and stormwater management measures; pond enhancement works, including safety handrails; supply and installation of lighting; the construction of pedestrian pathways, park entrances, gazebos and perimeter fencing; the supply and installation of the callisthenics exercise area; park landscaping and an irrigation system.
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Category: development, Local News
Ohhhh!!! So – is THIS where the Government is going to finally provide a “purpose built facility” for Sunrise Adult Training Centre? A place where Sunrise clients can do things like run their own cafe and a garden & crafts centre? A proper facility where vulnerable adults may enjoy a 5 day a week program (rather than the current 2 or 3 days)? Finally!, a place for our ever increasing vulnerable adult population…. Sure would be nice and central.
I smell a rat! You know when you see those dump hills converted into walking hills. It’s a great way to cover up a lot of shit which I suspect that drain right there in the image plans to do.
Where all the Cayman ‘gardeners’ or just Caymanians supporting ‘their’ Islands, but allowing millions to be spent on this nonsense now?
Mouth alot, criticise every other nationality for invading…but not standing up to your own government who ye all gave votes and permission all these years!
Why do you not stand up against your own vile politicians…?
The cost so far had surpassed the original price tag by well over $xx million.
And for who’s purpose?
Looking forward to themed market days
Meth Mondays
Tramadol Tuesdays
Weed Wednesdays
Tripping Thursdays
Fentanyl Fridays
Stoned Saturdays
Stoned Sundays
The latter two collectively known as wasted weekend
Where is the F’n shade????
In the F’n wishing well!
The artist rendition image is an illusion. There is no way that the parcel can accommodate all of that stuff. There is not that much space between the southeast point of the One Capital Place parking lot and the pond to fit a large building and wrap around parking lot.
More lies Kenneth feeding to his constituents
Shame on you Kenneth Bryan. Shame on you. The money could be put to better use giving our children a better education.
Jesus take several wheels.
Lord, Have Mercy on us! For we CLEARLY know not what we do!
So many other critical needs in this country and this is what they are doing? Every time I pass the newly paved road in GT, “literal pavers…in the road”, amongst the derelict and empty buildings that will surely need revamping or replacing at some point in which these lovely, paved roads will be destroyed and we will pay again… I am just befuddled, truly!
They are worried about piers! You soon have to bus anyone who wants to come to an island without beach up to the east of the island from the new pier, just for beach access. Amongst the many pressing Cayman issues, they need to worry about all those wealthy investors selling their beach front and canal front homes, soon to flea for more desirable locations! Leaving us here with eroding beaches, storm water management issues, dump issues, housing and cost crisis, health and wellness crisis, robbing monopoly electricity utility company, derelict buildings, Immigration Issues and horrible road infrastructure (How are those 3 lanes working out folks?!!!) BUT at least, AT LEAST we have PAVED Roads and Parks In town and soon Pease bay, at least we have world class public schools but unable to employ them after that as we import employment for the roles that they choose to pursue and they are challenged with acquiring that experience when not given the chance to put the degree to work over imported talent that has experience. Mercy, I beg!
“World Class Public Schools”?!?!? You are kidding right? Have you noticed that NOT ONE of our politicians send their children to any of our public schools.
The education system here is worse than in the US, and their school system is a joke.
I would like to know why McAlphine always gets these projects. Word on the street was that McAlphine was doing the Brac high school and that was before the bids even went in.
What’s worse, is they don’t actually do the building. The smaller contractors that bid these projects for less money and get denied end up being the subs and Mcapline just sits back and collects money. My company once bid a government project and got an email back saying “although you were $50k cheaper (on a $900k project) we are going with the other contractor as they are already on site. What was the point in putting it out to tender and wasting companies time if that was the plan?
I would rather have McAlpines doing the work by the Post Office than the current clowns. The road is an absolute disgrace and forget it being completed this year.
Put in a claim for my tyres!!
their ex Boss now chairs the CPA
This is going to be a disaster. You go Kenny!
That’s a lot of money for landscaping that Elvis would have done for free.
Landscaping is the side issue, buying votes at the public’s expense is the real deal here.
Monuments to self Cayman style part 37.
How is this not wrong in so many ways?
Can the so-called “Glass House” finally be demolished? Its been 15 years. Tear it down, put in some grass, trees and maybe picnic tables. Anything other than having to stare at that empty building.
It’s not empty. It’s full of costly consultant reports, and asbestos.
It apparently has certain data stored in there that the public is not supposed to know about.
It wouldn’t hurt asking the Attorney General or Commissioner Walton what is being stored there.
Is the glasshouse insured. If so why. Another waste of public money. Demolish it now.
great question….why are cig not hounded by the press on this everyday?
Probably because demolition would involve months of heavy duty construction, hauling and reclamation in the middle of town in an area that is already highly congested where thousands of people transit every day. The old demolition plans to turn the area into a park from 2015 that was never signed off on was meant to take a year to complete and with the history of large projects in Cayman initiated by the PPM I would hazard a guess that was an optimistic delivery date to say the least.
it full of illegals
George Town revitalization project, George Town dump, Scranton Park, East End mental facility, Cruise berthing referendum. Cayman Brac high school and housing for staff.
Anyone have a dollar figure on all these projects? I’m sure these funds could be used to build affordable housing, purchase land and tackle the beach erosion issue, instead their time is focused on making good their campaign promises to particular interests!!
These guys have done nothing positive for this country! What a crying shame!
Just the $10Million in fees to consultants working on the new Northward resort would pay for the construction of 36 affordable homes.
Anyone in government care for Caymanians who are NOT criminals..?
Or spend the money on trade schools to keep “Your people” employed negating the need for a park for unemployed indolent, aka Kenny voters.
$10m? You repeat this number repeatedly but never cite where you actually sourced that information. It’s utter nonsense and you know it. Investing in a prison is caring about Caymanians, it would help keep everyone safer for a start and, if CIG could sort out a properly functioning social care system, the subsequent reduction in crime driven by poverty and the lack of sustainable opportunity, would save the local economy hundreds of millions $.
Phase 1. Be afraid, be very afraid.
So the monster multinational construction company McAlpine is now taking a $2.3 million contract from the smaller local contractors who have traditionally done this type of work! Shameful!!
Blame the Civil Servants. Not a politician on the procurement committee.
Not visibly at least.
It was the smaller local construction companies who’ve given us the Mental health facility mess, with a lot of mismanagement help from PWD.
McAlpine can at least be held accountable .
hows Turtle farm going.
and what sbout the mental health facility.
McAlpine built the Gab but they are not responsible for the contents.
Question: Are they going to open a Tim Horton’s in the Scranton Park?
More likely to be a Red Lobsta. When you know, you know.
More likely a KFC!
With watermelon slices as a side option!
Wow. At least y’all usually try to keep your racism under wraps!
And what is the ongoing budget for water (irrigation system and topping up of the ponds in dry season), electricity (lights) and of course ongoing gardening services and maintenance of other facilities?
And full time armed police.
Ponds? Really? Do we intend to require the MRCU to continually dose them with Spinosad and other mosquito larvicides? How about Aquatain to suffocate the surviving larvae? Have these costs of material and labour been factored into the ongoing costs?
You know, we are great at building stuff, but not so great at maintaining the built stuff. I have been told that budgets rarely if ever have line items for maintenance throughout perpetuity, but instead kick the can down the road for the next administration. We can see how well that model has worked for past capital projects, and the projects slowly melt down, like the sports complex on the Brac. Disgraceful.
I am excited to see the final product! More green space is needed. Hopefully Caymanians will get to enjoy it before too long.
Oh wow!! McAlpine now doing landscaping and using pavers from you-know-who. So nice of Kenny to use $2million of public money to build a nice car park for Cricket Square workers who then just walk through the back gate at GAB and walk over to Cricket Square.
Which family sponsors Kenny again?
Kenny has always wanted to be King.
if only we could get some wishes granted from the THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND DOLLAR WISHING WELL!!! Whattamess!
Thirty-six thousand was only the initial contract price. I dare say it was the final cost
Listening to the people again, not!
‘Although the park is primarily for residents, the tourism ministry is overseeing the project as it is situated in the heart of Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan’s constituency.’
What does the Tourism Ministry know about building parks? How many additional resources did they have to hire to accommodate this “construction” project which should have been given to Public Works Dept?
What does the Ministry of Tourism know about anything?
McAlpine are in the landscaping business now? Interesting.
how is this God use of public money?
make it make sense!
I suppose God made them do it!
Looks like a good spot for the new dump they are going to be needing soon.
Well at least it’s not Robson Construction, so it may have a chance of getting done in under 5 years. Naturally always subject to the world class Government project management.
as a contractor who have done quite a few government contracts, I would advise you reserve judgement against Robson. dealing with the politics and sheer stupidity of civil servants with big titles is nothing short of exhausting.
Hence my second sentence. There’s always three sides to every story.
Robson will be paying all my overdue bills I am unable to retrieve from my mailbox.
Don’t be sooo silly, phone and ask utilities how much your bills are or….magically do it online in just a few minutes..duh!
Why should I? Tell that to my 87 year old grandmother.
How insane is this when they could take that money and build homes that are livable conditions vs what is existing in the area. Which is despicable, extreme poverty and yet they are going to spend over 2 million in landscaping, make it make sense.
..or even proper, dedicated hurricane shelters.
Or even looked into developing a proper storm water and drainage management system.
Government continues to ignore the poor, the retired Seamen and Veterans, and thinks that shuffling them into NAU is enough.
Do not forget the farmers whose crops get devastated in the heavy rains. Government should give them grants to help them out.
Most of the poverty is, directly or indirectly imported. We need to cut it off at its source, our borders, rather than feeding it.
Fixing what then remains will be the job of education, social services, and the community coming together. It is doable – but only if we turn off the taps.
Signing big contracts right before an election?
Didn’t they have a lot to say about that practice recently?