OfReg ‘protecting’ public with satellite internet ban
(CNS): OfReg has stopped a number of stores and vendors in the Cayman Islands, including Cost.U.Less and Shop Smart Cayman, from selling satellite internet terminals, claiming that this is to protect consumers. But not everyone agrees with the decision, given the erratic, costly and often poor service provided by existing communication companies.
The utilities regulator has issued cease-and-desist notices to these merchants because, officials said, they didn’t acquire the “authorisation necessary to legally import and re-sell the equipment”.
The terminals connect to Elon Musk’s Starlink, which is not currently licensed to provide services in the Cayman Islands.
“Anyone buying the terminals would find themselves unable to legally put them into service,” OfReg stated in a release. “Our actions ensure that consumers do not end up buying equipment
for a service that is not available.
“OfReg is exploring options for the introduction of satellite-based internet providers in the country to ensure that any such service is correctly licensed, meets consumer expectations, and provides services on the same terms as existing suppliers.”
However, anecdotal evidence across social media suggests that many residents have already purchased the equipment either here in Cayman or overseas and have been using it here.
OfReg has not said when it expects to approve the use of satellite terminals in Cayman or what will happen to residents who continue to import them privately.
- Fascinated
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- Bored
- Afraid
Directly from OfReg’s own website :
I don’t think it can be plainer than this ! This ban never was about consumer protection but all about the fees and licensing !
Oh wow, no wonder we have no decent ICT services at all on-island. In addition to licence and annual renewal fees, “Licensees of these networks are subject to a royalty fee based upon a percentage of annual gross revenue”.” DWL
C3, having not worked for a month, subsequently raised their rates 8% as a thank you to their customers.
Any comment ofreg?
of reg need to start ensuring that supermarket stop selling us spoil fruits and rotten vegetable and stocking the bad fruit at the bottom of a pack and hiding it with a few good ones. That is not safe to consume. That is to protect us.
Things are expensive and please don’t protect me from saving a few bucks by buying the
I’ve been using mine for 4 months now.
Best thing i ever bought.
Reliable and cheaper than anything else.
stayed up during Beryl.
strongly recommend.
screw OfReg
With the number of tiny dishes already pointing up at low orbit, Starlink is going to wonder if Cayman is the biggest boat or RV on the planet.
Any decision or ruling by OffReg that is outside the scope of their authority is a ‘NULLITY’ and should be ignored.
Exactly! Is it Lawful, Rational, Proportionate AND Procedurally fair? If not, their action is emphatically unlawful.
To OffReg: I and my family offer you a hearty middle finger salute and a big “Take your regs and shove it!”
Here is a quite fitting cry for we the people who OffReg consistently fails: Defund OffReg!
Thank you Elon Musk and Starlink for offering a cost-effective, fast and very reliable alternative to the local services! Thank you Costco for a great deal!
For those interested, Google “How to get Starlink in the Cayman Islands” for more info.
OfReg is definitely not in the business of protecting consumers. I have been without high speed internet or reliable internet for many years with nothing but excuses from the local providers. Logic has provided slow connectivity to their RF network but Flow has absolutely no internet service in my area and has failed to respond constructively to my request for service for many years. OfReg needs to provide some clarity as to who exactly their are protecting as it definitely is not me.
OffReg has requirement to protect the public and not to protect Flow and Digicel and Logic. Given the deteriorating state of the undersea cable that connects these islands to the internet, you would think having satellite redundancy for internet connectivity would be a major priority for OffReg. Every day that passes and they do not approve Starlink, is another day OffReg is negligent in the exercise of its duties.
Here is an idea – permanently close Ofreg – take the millions per year that it is sucking from our pockets and give everyone a free Starlink dish – at least then we would have something that works for us.
No, JuJu would just spend it elsewhere.
We would still be better off
Ofreg – working hard to ensure that life in Cayman remains as technologically backward and expensive as possible….
I use an Iridium Satphone on my boat when offshore and travelling between the islands. Is that illegal? I might need some of that good old Offreg protection too. Same goes for my Garmin InReach device who I have a S&R contract with. I pay for a Satellite connection with them. Even more Offreg protection needed?
Keep it on the down low , lest you want CUC’s armed squad (Aka OfReg) blasting their way into your home or office to confiscate « for your protection » your satellite phones lest you pay them a king’s ransom disguised as license fees !
They are absolutely right protecting someone in the public but not the ones they need to protect but certain special interest that serve their interest so technically they are not lying!
I might be missing something, but if you bought something off a supplier that didn’t work here wouldn’t you just return the item and get your money back? No-one is going to last in business selling things that you can’t use. I was looking at this for a DR back up, especially during hurricane season, guess I will have to can that idea.
Except it does work here. Just that the oval internet providers and Ofreg don’t like the competition. You can’t return it to the vendor when it works perfectly well.
@CNS Have a read of this
Double Bollocks
Anyone that buys a Starlink system locally knows that they cannot directly subscribe with a Cayman address, and some configuration is necessary. So the assertion that OfReg is “protecting” consumers is bogus. I just love conversations where both sides fully know one side is not telling the truth.
If Ofreg was actually interested in warning consumers about issues in activating Starlink systems in Cayman they could have put out public service announcements or required retailers to issue warnings. Banning the local sale of these devices is aimed at ensuring that the quality of local services remains poor and rubbish service providers reap unearned profits.
Those that were here 25 years ago remember when Cable & Wireless blocked voice-over-internet services such as Skype, which was essentially free versus the $$$ per minute long distance charges from C&W.
Flow (then C&W) sucks beyond all belief, and I absolutely deplore them as a company, but as a Vonage user for around 10 years starting from the early 2000’s, I’m not sure your claim is accurate. We also used Ventrilo, Teamspeak, etc., none of which were inaccessible.
It’s also worth noting that, back then, candw.ky had near-unrestricted guest ftp access open on their servers with plaintext password files (ask me how I know), so to say that their network security was easy to work around is an understatement.
Lyndhurst’s Cayman Online BBS from back in the day had notably better security.
The poster at 10:13am is partially correct. The actual VoIP initial hardware sales were introduced by Sounds and Things/William P. – that was from a company named Net2Phone. This was 24 years.
“…The move follows the company’s decision to block all Net2Phone-based traffic. According to Timothy Adam, the company’s general manager in the Cayman Islands…”
– Net2Phone Inc v. Cable & Wireless (Cayman Islands) Limited et al. – September 14, 2000.
Because of that court case and decision that favoured C&W, All VoIP hardware/software was banned, forbidden. C&W and Net2Phone ended up signing an agreement for N2P to provide VoIP services. But that was shortlived.
Skype didn’t come on the scene until 2003 and magicJack didn’t start popping up with their little black ethernet boxes until 2007. By then the writing was on the wall, there was no stopping the progress and advancements in VoIP technologies.
Just like Email eventually killed snail mail and WhatsApp/Telegram Messenger/iMessage, etc services killed SMS, VoIP/Internet Telephony killed the POTS network services and monopoly corporations and their stranglehold and price gauging and competition stifling practices.
The same will happen with Starlink, it will prevail and will simply just be another option for consumers to choose, no matter what the current ISP’s do with gnashing of their teeth and thrown8 fits about it to OfReg. The public will vote with their wallets (or should I say smartphone wallets as is becoming the norm) and with their voices at the voting booths and to their politicians to not make such technologies be forbidden/banned because C&W, Logic, C3 and Digicel want to have no competition and are scared of the free market system.
The Internet has changed it all in the human communications fields, truly made it easier to communicate with family and friends as well as many retailers and the industry, B2B, medical, government services, all kinds of construction industries, the judicial service, space travel, on the open seas, far inland, high up in the mountains and everywhere in between earth’s surfaces. And there’s no turning back.
Please sirs, permission to live in 2024!!!
I work at a Big Four accounting firm. We have several satellite phones that we have available if local service goes down, such as in the case of a hurricane.
Is OfReg going to ban that?
Do they even understand what what they are banning or is it just an item in their checklist for the week?
Right after they confiscate the Governor’s (which they have for the same reason).
How is Starlink any different than the Dish Network service I currently use for television in Cayman? Dish Network does NOT provide direct service to Cayman; however, you can subscribe indirectly through several retailers (who in turn subscribe directly with a US address).
Since Everard Leacock (Brand Source) stopped providing this service who do you use if your equipment… receiver, actual dish.. gives you problems, 10:08? You’re right, btw. The Starlink situation seems to be no different from Dish which I have used for over 20 years and am very satisfied with.
HiTech Electronics is who I have used for years for subscription and service.
OK, thanks, 4:57. I have had a VIP722 DVR since 2007 which is a great piece of equipment still working well but I dread it developing a problem! Hopefully HiTech would be able to help.
Ofreg takes no action against existing internet service providers who either provide no service or at best crap service to many parts of these islands. However, it is happy to take action to prevent consumers from accessing reliable internet services.
What LEGAL authority does OfReg have to issue a “cease and desist” order to a retailer?
CNS – thank you for publishing this very illuminating article!
Ofreg has published an email address to which complaints regarding their anti-consumer activities can be sent. However, don’t expect Ofreg to provide any reply unless you copy the maladministration unit of the office of the Ombudsman, and/or Her Excellency the Governor
Complaints regarding OfRegs incompetence and anti-consumer activities can be sent here:
The maladministration complaint form for the Office of the Ombudsman is located here:
Many parts of Cayman have no access to reliable highspeed internet at any price. Ofreg is determined to ensure that this remains the case.
Ofreg is determined to ensure that Starlink is not available and that consumers have no choice but to accept the crap that they currently license – they don’t give a flying f%^*& about consumers.
If people want to bypass the crappy local options and buy their own equipment to watch TV being broadcast elsewhere. How can they licence someone who does not even broadcast here, who blocks this and under what legal authority? I doubt Cayman is up to speed on this if our decision and law makers are anything to go by!
Hey OfReg – my iPhone has satellite based GPS – are you going to ban that too in the name of ‘protecting consumers’?
Ofreg needs to report itself for anti-competitive behaviour that is harming consumers. But then, historically it has never taken any action to benefit consumers. Its only function is to protect monopolies that fleece consumers.
Dear OfReg,
I purchased locally a second-hand truck with Sirius satellite radio and satellite GPS installed and I also purchased a sat phone for use in emergencies – I presume that you will ban the import of US vehicles and sat phones next.
Ofreg – the Neanderthal of regulatory development
Hopefully the stores selling the Starlink systems will challenge OfReg as there is nothing in legislation that allows them to enforce any cease and desist order. It is all a bluff to protect OfReg and the cartels that they work for. Take a look at Part 13 of the Act – no power to force stores who are not licensees to ‘cease and desist’
They should hire Doctor’s Express’ lawyers! Finally justice is available to the people. Ju Ju was waiting for judgement day. Well, it a comin – just not the way she imagined.
Class action by the people of Cayman, for funding we could start a GoFundMe page. Or can we have a referendum? Something, anything that’s actually FOR the people and not costing them arm leg and damned soul!
Go to Best Buy in Miami – readily available
As bad as our providers are, and they are terrible, I’d still rather give my money to Flow and Digicel than to the abhorrent Musk.
Where’s the logic (no pun intended) in that? I don’t like someone’s opinions so I will continue to be fleeced by unscrupulous local businesses!? Make it make sense. Musk might be arrogant, but I don’t understand why so many people despise him. He’s no worse than some other business/tech giants like Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg but I bet you still use Amazon and Meta.
I mean, he’s a thinly-veiled nazi sympathizer (and likely one himself), so there’s that to consider. He’s clearly a bigot. He uses daddy’s gem money to purchase tech companies and then take credit for the work they’ve done. He’s a hypocrite in regards to free speech in the way that he supports your free speech as long as it aligns with his beliefs (I have no dog in the lgbtq fight, but try typing “cisgender” on Twitter. Then go ahead and look up how many times Andrew Tate et al have typed “nigger” with the ‘hard R’). There are a myriad of reasons to dislike him, that have nothing to do with whether one uses Amazon/Meta products or not.
Yep, any day of the week.
Digicel is not half-bad for home broadband internet.
Why would I, a young caymanian qualified in my field, continue to sacrifice for economic zone 17? Our so called leaders see our country as no more than something to use to make money. They aspire to be the middle men of history. They have a complete inability to inspire anything and anyone. Then when sh%$ hits the fan they will throw their hands in the air and beg young people to pick up the slack to pay their pensions.
This is problem with Governments and government owned companies. There is considerable effort placed on simply placing themselves in the middle of something and collecting license fees while offering nothing. What does Ofreg offer to the people? Can we really say that we understand or even see any benefits to Ofreg with all these ‘regulations’?
Someone has created something which could benefit persons on the island and the first thing that happens is for big daddy government to tell us “No, its not good for you”. Let’s face it, we all know that if something like Starlink takes off and provides actual competition, MONEY is the only thing they are worried about losing. I guarantee you, ofreg couldn’t explain the technology they are so desperate to prevent from operating ‘legally’.
They couldn’t be assed with our well-being. If Government really cared about our well-being they would be moving much differently, consequences for the companies that hire people without the proper paperwork. But we will never see that come to light because its a big club of business owners who influence the hall monitors of our government to ignore them.
Government produces nothing. They create nothing. This entire concept that they somehow ‘create’ the environment for the economy to thrive is absolute rubbish. Nor do they actual protect anything other than their beloved GDP which is nothing more than a fake number on a screen.
Property prices are astronomical and out of reach for the majority of the citizens of the island. Rental prices are out of control, cost of living is out of control. But every administration and economist will sit down and spill the same rubbish that government creates the environment on which we thrive.
Look at what these old heads have managed our country into. We have no self reliance, we produce nothing and sell nothing. We are simply economic zone 17, or 18 or 20 in the world. Nothing more. We aren’t even in control of our own interest rates or finances as the US controls that for us.
Since the onset of moron governance in the late 1980s onwards, our Governments know only two speeds…no regulation or stupid over-regulation. The latter is prevalent and adds unnecessary costs to life in Cayman!!
OfReg is a Lodge clique which protects its colleague Lodge clique named FLOW!!
What idiot is in charge of OfReg? Get into the 21st century or get off the road.
OFFREG needs to contact CUC and ask them why my utilities bill has gone up by almost CI$100 since I paid June’s bill. Could it be because they were not allowed to implement the increase they were seeking to do awhile back? Looks to me like they have quadrupled it. Mr. CEO please investigate! These people are trying to wipe us out!.
Ofregs board are politically appointees – nuff said
8:53, Sammy Jackson the Board chairman is really in charge. Sonji Myles is the second interim CEO after they fired the Englishman.
OfReg is protecting consumers?
How much per month is the Protection Fee?
The “Reg” in their name is for Regulation of the providers, not interference with consumers.
Here are some questions that I would like anyone from OfReg to address:
1. OfReg is the regulatory body and licensing authority for radio stations in the Cayman Islands. How does OfReg regulate SiriusXM satellite radio which is available in the Cayman Islands?
2. Does OfReg have authority to demand that SiriusXM radio receivers in any vehicle imported into the Cayman Islands be removed?
OfReg needs to keep up with current technology and not be a hindrance. As the old saying goes “lead, follow, or get out of the way”. It seems as if OfReg is unable to do either.
Replace the first word (OfReg) with the word ‘Cayman’and you nailed it.
Oddly enough, it seems we have every piece of technology we need in order to keep you leeches here though. <3
Leeches? Who pays for Cayman?
Certainly not Caymanians.
Oh for sure. How fortunate we are to have our dirty, undeserving shores blessed by your presence. And imagine, you do it all out of the goodness of your hearts, with no profit whatsoever. What ever would we do without our white messianic saviors that couldn’t make it anywhere else in the world? 😂
It’s not licensed because they won’t offer it here and they won’t offer it here until you allow it to be licensed and they know you won’t allow it to be licensed.
Who you think you fooling OfReg? Unna the same people making CUC hold us by the nuts when it comes to deploying our own solar, so this ISP BS is just another day in Cayman.
Backwards as always. Someone said they scared the satellite signals interferes with their prayer’s radiowaves and I had to walk out the office to burst out laughing. These are people who vote ffs.
“I’m from the government, I’m here to help”
The scariest 7 words on the planet.
Relax. It’s banned from resale, not from use. Makes sense given Starlink isn’t officially support here. You’ll need to configure it and tell it you are in a nearby county for it work. But you can still buy it, just not from a cayman retailer.
This is like legalizing ganja without allowing local production.
And the funny thing is, I can see this being the case in 2044.
It’s just a piece of tech-equipment.. not different from a TV or a computer. The connection we the consumer make to the satellite is not different from when we connect to Netflix with our TV or the internet with our computer. Off Reg has stepped outside the scope of its authority. It clearly has no authority to stop us buying a tv or a computer… and so no authority to stop us buying the tech-equipment to connect to the satellite.
OfReg is hot garbage water on their best day, but if you believe what you just typed, it’s because you don’t understand the technology.
In breach of their obligations, the licensed service providers are not providing the levels of coverage required in all areas. OfReg is not forcing them to.
Starlink works and is reliable. It is the only option in some parts, including most of Little Cayman. Many have it in Cayman and it seems it is cheaper, faster and more reliable than the packages available from local providers. OfReg should also note that it is available almost everywhere else around us, except for Cuba. What does that tell you?
I want it on my boat. It is effectively a piece of safety equipment. OfReg says no!
Google, Amazon, and Netflix are not licensed here either. Will OfReg be coming to confiscate my computer to protect me as a consumer? How can they sit back allowing me to access unlicensed and authorized services.
If government wanted to look for ways to lower the cost of living, Starlink is a good place to start. Closing OfReg would help too.
My $89 package from Logic is way faster than Starlink and also way more reliable.
I think you need to do some research before you make statements that are simply not true.
sarcasm, must be!
Here we have it folks ,
Blatant proof that OfReg is not only incompetent and ineffective as a regulator, quick to ban any potential competitor in the telecommunications field rather than do a little research on the service and product and how much it can improve the landscape in terms of quality of service and quality of availability of telecommunications on the island !
This action couldn’t paint a clearer picture of how broken the current system is !
Satellite internet would actually provide homes and businesses with better resilience in the face of a weather event and/or outage but since Starlink will not pay for a local license OfReg bans Starlink !
I encourage everyone with as little as a concern about resilience to write to OfReg on the matter pointing out how much non sensical their actions are !
Offreg is costing us more than it’s saving us. Please explain how banning starlink is protecting the consumer? Protecting us from what? Please explain how come satellite phones aren’t banned and they have been used on island for years. Offreg needs to wake up and appreciate that satellite services should be encouraged, not discouraged as they create a very necessary backup service in the event of an emergency. Shame on offreg! They are NOT working for the people.
Bit like the personal massager farce.
Won’t stop me from using the excellent service available.
OfReg will now need new shiny SUV’s for the “protecting us from star link” division. They will drive through neighborhoods looking for illegal dishes.
Imagine if OfReg was this efficient at dealing with the daily robbery by the Cayman based telecomms and electricity and fuel providers
Contrary to what BS OfReg is spewing, this is probably more accurate:
“ Cayman Islands
Starlink does not have a specified launch date for the Cayman Islands.
It appears that local the regulatory body (called OfRef) is currently withholding any talks due to a) wanting to protect local ISPs and b) an inability to regulate SpaceX/Starlink.”
So whose lying?
Is there any legal action the public can take? May be one step forward in getting out of the OfReg, Digicel, Flow chokehold.
This absolutely proves who they are protecting and it’s not the consumer. They have most likely been forced by all local internet providers C3, FLOW, Logic and Digicel to block any and all competition.
Same goes for CUC, OfReg’s prime directive is to protect monopolies by keeping competitors out. This excuse is the biggest lie ever to be released since the formation of OfReg!
Interestingly the Starlink website shows the service is available in Jamaica (for nearly 2 years now), other Caribbean islands and many other countries in central and South America also have service. There’s no valid reason the service wouldn’t be available here other than for CIG blocking sale of hardware.
The service IS available, in that the Starlink signal reaches here and a Starlink dish will access it. However, you can’t register your Starlink dish as being based here as Staribk will not openly breach the local law. However, if you have a Starlink dish registered elsewhere and a Roam account that enables you to access Starlink anywhere in the region ( intended for RVs/ boats/ people with multiple homes) you can certainly access the signal.
OffReg: Sort out gas prices. Politicians: Do something about cartels and monopolies ripping us off like taxis, CIREBA and CUC. Maybe even some customer protection legislation?
If this is the best you can offer after decades of total inactivity why do you think we say you’re not on our side?