NAU clients to get extra $400 payment

| 03/07/2024 | 18 Comments

(CNS): All NAU clients who currently receive food assistance, long-term financial assistance (LTFA) or the Seafarer’s and Veterans Ex-Gratia Benefit will receive an additional $400 payment, officials have said. The assistance is being provided to ensure that clients are not left short of essential funds after preparing for Hurricane Beryl. The payment will be distributed as quickly as possible and in the same way that clients currently receive their payment.

According to a press release about the extra payment, clients do not need to contact NAU, as the money will be made automatically to eligible clients. Non-Caymanians are not eligible for NAU payments or services, and all local recipients must meet existing eligibility criteria to receive this added financial help. The NAU said it would process and verify eligibility through the usual channels.

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Category: Local News

Comments (18)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I don’t get why they are deserving of an extra payment. Is hurricane season not the same time every year? They can plan accordingly like the rest of us. It’s bad enough they get so much money every month let them spend that on hurricane supplies!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Any handout should only be able to be spent on healthy food items. If they want anything other than that, they will have to come up with the money on their own.

  2. Anonymous says:

    NAU is a joke at this point. Money for doing nothing all day, must be nice. I’m sure that extra payment went to drugs & alcohol.

  3. Anonymous says:

    how about the oeople that work at 6$ an hour. are they getting a raise ?

  4. Anonymous says:

    I wholly approve. Hear me out.

    I think that whatever a person needs to get through a tropical cyclone situation, they should have. There is an undercurrent here of ALL NAU recipients being lazy drug-using dregs, and I think it needs to stop. The majority of NAU recipients are veterans and seamen, who should have been able to count on a retirement for their service, but could not. Others are those of all of us, who didn’t get the breaks others did, perhaps not born into the right family, and need help.

    It is a common narrative here and elsewhere that expats are getting NAU benefit. I don’t believe this and you shouldn’t either. Show me. On paper, not just lipflap.

    I am glad our system provides for all Caymanians. No homeless, unless by choice.

    Short answer: If you need cigs and some tipple to get through the storm, you should have it and not have to answer to anyone else’s judgement. Judgement doesn’t belong to us. It never has.

    Let us all work together. This won’t be the last storm of this season. Prepare and help your people prepare.

    • Annonymous says:

      2.32pm The majority are not Veterans & Seamen they are Jamaicans given status, in some cases illegally and worthless Caymanians that don’t want to work.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is the problem with (all? most?) countries with socialised assistance programmes. There are always those who will want to game the system and the auditing process is left to civil servants who may or may not give a crap. I know full well that there are many people who are struggling to survive in the modern Cayman Islands and in a lot of those cases, a caring society should look after its most unfortunate. I don’t have a problem with that. But when the system is so weak that it allows the lazy or dishonest to game the system, it upsets me and a lot of others, like you. But what are we going to do? Just say no to everyone? Or should we do something about how easy it is to game the system?

    • Anonymous says:

      I know NAU recipients that take 3-4 flights a year.

  5. Anonymous says:

    bonkers stuff as usual from a government (bunch of independent mla’s) trying to buy re-election

  6. Anonymous says:

    Mo money, mo crack.

  7. Fed up says:

    Hand out as extra cash mean they can buy drugs, cigarettes, alcohol! Taxpayers do not that! Give them ALT or Foster’s vouchers!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Why doesn’t NAU hand out essential hurricane supplies, or provide vouchers that can only be redeemed for certain goods at merchants? Just handing out $400 – over a weeks minimum wage – in cash – is asking for is a recipe for abuse. But there’s an election coming, so no doubt we wil bre repeating this every time we get a hurricane or tropical storm warning this season.

    • Anonymous says:

      wote buying

    • Anonymous says:

      Whilst I’m certain their are legitimate persons who require help. However, not certain just handing over cash is good thing considering most will be using the funds for other purposes. Don’t understand why I have to pay for these individuals when I’m living from pay check to pay check. Nobody helping me buy food or hurricane supplies, I will just have to do without and hope for the best. Government not helping the ones that is trying every day.

    • Anonymous says:

      cos that would take effort and organisation…things cig and civil service struggle with.
      much easier to write checks and remind them it st election time.
      any comment Mrs governor?

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