OfReg appoints Caymanian as interim CEO

| 10/06/2024 | 31 Comments
Interim OfReg CEO Sonji Myles

(CNS): Sonji Myles has been appointed as the interim chief executive officer of the Utility Regulation and Competition Office (OfReg). A release about the appointment said that Myles, who has been at the beleaguered institution since its controversial creation, had “experience as well as a proven track record of leadership within the organisation”a wealth of experience and a proven track record of leadership within the organisation”.

The OfReg board said it was confident in his ability to guide the regulator as the organisation “continues to improve and modernise its operations”. The government has not said where Peter Gough, who has been CEO for more than two years, will be going.

Gough previously held an undefined position in the Portfolio of the Civil Service. CNS has asked officials if he will now return to that rather mysterious previous role, take up a new post or retire. We are awaiting a response.

The board and the OfReg team expressed their gratitude to Gough for his service and wished him all the best in his future endeavours. “He has been an integral part of OfReg for the past two years, contributing meaningfully to the organisation’s growth and success,” Board Chair Samuel Jackson said as he welcomed Myles to the job.

Jackson said that Gough’s replacement was a vital part of the leadership team. “His appointment as interim CEO reflects our confidence in his abilities to lead the office effectively through this transition,” he said. “We are excited about the future of OfReg and remain steadfast in our commitment to the community and industry by ensuring efficient and effective utility regulation.”

Myles said there was much work to be done and that he was looking forward to the challenge of protecting consumers by ensuring the long-term sustainability of the Cayman Islands’ critical national utilities infrastructure.

“We are determined in our remit to encourage investment, innovation and fair competition in all sectors that we regulate, with the dedication and passion that defines OfReg and what we do,” Myles said.

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Comments (31)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    We would be better off shutting ofreg down

  2. Anonymous says:

    How many Masons does it take to change a lightbulb?

    Three. One to change the bulb, one to read the minutes from the previous changing, and one to sit on the sidelines and complain that this wasn’t how they used to change bulbs in his day.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Curious to know how being a Detective Sergeant in the serious crimes division of the RCIPS provides you with the relevant experience to lead OfReg and fix the challenge of protecting consumers against our country’s monopoly service provider for example?

    His experience within OfReg seems to relate to Flow/Digicel or ICTA networks; presumably from his experience busting dirty sexting offenders whilst in the RCIPS?

    • Anonymous says:

      Curious to know how being a Detective Sergeant in the serious crimes division of the RCIPS provides you with the relevant experience to lead OfReg

      Lots of experience dealing with crooks?

      • Anonymous says:

        8:59. He is a generational Caymanian. That is the only qualification he needs. Good luck Sonji.

        • anon says:

          You are right about qualifications in the Govt sector.If Mr Myles is such a perfect fit for the job why is it an interim appointment?.

          • Kirk says:

            I know Sonji. He is a good Man.
            But this apppointment stinks to high heaven of the “Ole Boy Network” called the “Lodge”. Sonji, do not allow yourself to fall into that crooked pitfall of the “Lodge”. DOVWHAT IS BEST FOR ALL CAYMANIANS. Pretty simple.

          • Anonymous says:

            Interim until the permanent appointment is made, i,e, someone with the relevant qualifications. I expect he is keeping the seat warm in the meantime.

        • 8th generation caymanian says:

          … no. That is NOT the only qualification. That isnt even a qualification at all. People like you are what is wrong with us 😔

    • Anonymous says:

      Sonji Myles seems to have his head screwed on properly, taking steps to fine utilities providers (the first to do so?), and chasing up on consumer rights for many years. Pity there aren’t more like him. It would be nice to finally upgrade from 3G to 5G telecom service for the 3.5x ROW telecom billing we pay. On/mid/off-peak CUC rates would also be helpful. ROW of the world pays >40% less for power during off-peak. Let’s hope he saddles up with his spurs on, to bring us up to parity with the standards expected of a first world jurisdiction.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Another Lodge appointee – doesn’t matter if he’s capable or not! Will that ever stop??

  5. will a new broom sweep clean? says:

    Would OfReg please start doing what they’re supposed to be doing — that is, doing what’s best for the Cayman people — NOT what’s best for CUC and government ministers?

  6. Anonymous says:

    New SUVs for all!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Insiders at Ofreg say Gough was fired by Jackson and his political masters but they don’t know why.

    • Anonymous says:

      If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because he did an absolute shit job and somehow accomplished less than nothing during his tenure. We will never make any positive moves as a society by putting out-of-touch wealthy old people in positions of power.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly. He proved he was out of touch when he introduced the flawed “New Zealand Model” that decentralized government.
        Now ALL of the 50something govt agencies have separate training, HR, accounting staff etc, instead of the once-centralised services.
        BILLIONS Wasted by him and his old , and young, sheep, while he twirled around the block

        • Anonymous says:

          But the “once centralised services” you mention were utter crap 9:32! Maybe you were part of that.

          • Anonymous says:

            We once had a great training centre headed by Mr Rupert and Mr Marquiss, that did excellent orientation for new hires. That was the first to be Axed by Gough.
            Then the central Human Resources and internal financial services..
            Now each department does their own wasteful duplication and excess hiring for those posts.
            As Ezzard showed, Billions are unaccounted for $$$
            No wonder other countries rejected offers by Gough to adopt the New Zealand flop.

      • Anonymous says:

        So you were ok with Gough’s predecessors at Ofreg, 8:03? The one that Linford Pierson brought in ….a Mason of course… never did a damned thing. Can’t even remember the one before him, another zero obviously. Sonji’s a good guy but he isn’t going to make a difference. Regulatory bodies in Cayman don’t work because we don’t want to be regulated. Not even with the tint on our car windows or how much we drink before we get in a car and drive.

        • Anonymous says:

          How did you get that I was happy with anyone else in OfReg by me calling out Gough for being a waste of space and money?

          There is nobody in OfReg, either currently or previously, that is worth the money they are being paid. They literally do nothing. I have had a case open with them about Flow for over 6 months. They are an inept, toothless joke of an organization at best, and completely corrupt and colluding with our utility providers at worst.

          Maybe Sonji can make a difference, but I’m not particularly hopeful. It has to be close to impossible to make things any worse though.

    • Anonymous says:

      Surely CEO Gough was entrusted with oversight of utilities and fuel regulation for the public, but did he deliver on that performance expectation? Have we already forgotten that less than two weeks ago, CUC announced casually that they hadn’t been factoring population growth or commissioned grid capacity loads and were intending to deliberately breach their license with scheduled rolling consumer blackouts? The OfReg Board convened and released a statement just over a week ago voicing how unacceptable CUC’s stance was, and let’s hope they fired the only weak underwriter in this important chain of trust. If we’re being honest, recent history seems to point at more than one faulty circuit over there. Let’s hope they clean it all up.


      • Anonymous says:

        CUC announced casually that they hadn’t been factoring population growth or commissioned grid capacity loads and were intending to deliberately breach their license

        Looking for a career as a Fox news writer?

    • Anonymous says:

      He should never have been there in the first place.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Please can OfReg provide the public with an update on the utility scale solar auction.

    It is the path to lower electricity costs for all in Grand Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not at the single rate spreads they are buying and reselling power at.

      • Anonymous says:

        If you are suggesting there is a cheaper option for Grand Cayman than competitively-bid utility-scale solar and storage, then please share.


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