WORC drops JobsCayman amid changes to system

| 31/05/2024 | 64 Comments
WORC offices on Mary Street

(CNS): The government agency Workforce Opportunities and Residency Cayman (WORC) is going through another period of change, which includes dropping its JobsCayman portal, where all of the job vacancies in Cayman where a work permit was sought were required to be posted.

In a press release earlier this week, officials said that WORC “will be going through a transition period”, which will see the jobs portal replaced. On 3 June, the customer care department will move from its current location at Apollo House West on Mary Street in George Town to the nearby Artemis House.

Officials said that the JobsCayman portal went offline on Wednesday, and its associated services, such as payments, job seeker registration, employer registration, posting job ads, and applying for jobs, would no longer be available. A temporary site offering reduced online services will launch on 3 June, which will allow the final development and testing of the new replacement site, WORC Jobs & Online Payment Services, which is expected to launch on 18 June.

The Cayman Islands Government has published new regulations on its Gazette pages dealing with some of the changes, including the closure of JobsCayman. That portal had been intended as a central part of efforts to assist Caymanians in finding work that might otherwise go to permit holders and to make employers more accountable when a qualified Caymanian was available but had not been taken on.

It was also supposed to help those making work permit decisions analyse the language of advertisements that had been tailored towards specific candidates or existing expatriate employees.

The site was developed to address the continuing concerns that some employers are deliberately trying to circumvent the rules to recruit and retain foreign workers at the disadvantage of local people.

However, the site proved problematic from the start and difficult to use. Also, the government has never revealed any research or data to show if it ever assisted in creating a more transparent and accountable environment in relation to the granting of permits or how much, if at all, it has helped Caymanians find appropriate employment or improved their promotion prospects.

According to WORC officials, employers can post job advertisements and job seekers can search and apply for jobs on the temporary WORC website, but payments must be made in person. Customers submitting three or more applications are encouraged to use the corporate drop bag to reduce wait times. Customer care officers will be on hand to review documents and ensure that drop-off is handled as efficiently as possible.

During this transition period, WORC is asking that only people with imminent travel plans request passport endorsement stamps and come within ten days before travelling to help manage the high demand for this service as summer approaches and more people expect to travel. A valid permit licence can also be used as a travel document.

People seeking customer care services, such as making payments, submitting applications, and getting passport endorsement stamps, can park at the Apollo House West parking lot and follow the signs to Artemis House, located at 67 Fort Street. 

WORC services that remain at Apollo House West include Employment Services and Training & Development Unit for Caymanians seeking employment or training.

The office number remains the same: 945-9672

Customer can also call the toll-free number 1-800-534-9672 or email WORC@gov.ky

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Category: Government Administration, Jobs, Local News, Politics

Comments (64)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This worc platform is the most confusing site I have ever used.
    And I know Linux and IT, so I am not incompetent.

    No one back-checks these companies and when you submit your resume they can just decline it and say whatever than hire a foreigner.

    There are no checks and balances for this platform.

    Terrible, just terrible.

  2. Anonymous says:

    You can always tell when an election is coming by the increase in anti expat xenophobic rantings of our politicians.

  3. Anonymous says:

    When Cayman Resident does the job of Government so much better than CIG and more it’s not even worth laughing about anymore.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Government overpays their employees. These subsidies should only be paid to Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its not the pay that is the problem. It is the near unlimited benefits for them and their families, no matter where they are from.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I can guarantee you that permits are now being approved with no proof of advertising, there is no way to prove that a job post submitted to jobs cayman actually apperared for the two weeks.

    In addition to this… Why is WORC allowing people who are here as visitors to apply for permits ?

    • Anonymous says:

      it didn’t matter if it did. I put an ad on there for 4 weeks for a nanny CI3500 a month + car and didn’t get a single response.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s not because the site doesn’t work, it’s because there are very few unemployed Caymanians actually seeking work.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not to mention all the people on fake jobs! do you know often I get asked if I “will take a permit out” for someone?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Work permit applications descend further into chaos. Just as well one of the largest, if not the single largest employer of expatriates, the civil service, doesn’t have to bother with them.

    • Anonymous says:

      An absoulute lie. Stop spouting bullshit.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not a lie. The entire civil service is exempt from the work permit regime, as well as term limits.

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolute rubbish.

      • Unfortunate Truth says:

        Oh really. Which part – no work permits for civil servants , or the number of expats? Per the article in CNS covering Kenny’s radio appearance in which he commented on the point “Even if Cabinet were to propose legislation requiring the government to get work permits for foreign civil servants,….” And per the CNS article on May 28 31% of the 1400 civil servants are expats. Over 400 expats – not many private sector employers with that many expats. So which bit is absolute rubbish?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Good. This was a complete waste of time. I got one response from this the whole time it was operational and it was a cleaner applying for a Painter position that required a minimum of 5 years experience.

  8. Anonymous says:

    This is preposterous! So much silliness this ting needs one mon and one mon only to put this computer ting working and dat mon is Dwayne the Rock Seymour. Feisty with all this nonsensical nonsense amateurs. Tanks Rock tanks a lot!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps if our education was any good this wouldn’t be such an issue now (and for the last few decades). Even if we try our best as parents our kids are disadvantaged from the get go.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is simply not true. Many Caymanians have excelled in the workplace and society and are inspirational for everyone.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes they have. However any young people doing so today does so despite our public education system not because of it.

      • Anonymous says:

        They do, and I never said they didn’t, but many make it in spite of the system not because of it and prospects could be so much better if we turned our kids out from school with some soft skills, the basic ability to read, write, add, subtract and generally ready for the workplace.

  10. Burning Spear says:

    This Foolishness only robs Caymanians of their dignity!

  11. Anonymous says:

    They need a better acronym for a department where nothing worx.

  12. Anonymous says:

    This is hilarious.

    Caymanians want progress and money, money, money and they want to police the Caymanian businesses that will not hire the unemployed Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      WORC needs to crack down an all the buy a work permit people and the Caymanians who are assisting them in getting work permits. All they have to do is raid some of the large construction projects (one new hotel is very close to immigration) and check to see if all these workers are legitimately employed as to what their permit was issued for. The whole deal is now just a huge scam and all about money.

      • Anonymous says:

        Any disruption of any of the large development projects will have a very damaging effect on our economy. As our leaders know, we need development and the work permit fees to fund our lifestyle. All who complain need to catch a flight to somewhere else so we can continue our economic boom.

        • Anonymous says:

          The large development projects ARE having a very damaging effect on our economy. Get that into your head.

          • Anonymous says:

            The large developments are a blessing to Cayman. Thank The Almighty that the leaders and CPA know this and will never ever give up the fight. Build, build, build I say and open our borders for more labor.

        • Anonymous says:

          Development is damaging our economy, our natural resources, our identity and our future. So long as we look after the golden goose (which is financial services not construction nor tourism) the economy will be just fine.

  13. Anonymous says:

    The good news is that most Caymanians that want to work already have a job. There’s plenty of opportunity our there but if you are waiting for Government to hook you up you already lost the plot.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes most caymanians do have jobs, but the issue in many cases is that those jobs are well below their level of qualifications and experience. Qualified people are doing menial jobs while permit holders remain in the higher positions, and these expats can seemingly move from job to job without difficulty. WORC also provided a little more visibility tho I agree it was still ineffective. Until we raise Jim bodden from the grave, we caymanians are screwed.

  14. Anonymous says:

    civil service incompetence and failure regarding an imaginary problem.
    welcome to wonderland.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can we now hear something about the not so new license plate change project. Is it fully implemented and if not, how far behind and over budgeted is it and will it ever work as envisioned?

      Hoping this isn’t another incompetent undertaking with no consequences.

    • Anonymous says:

      Imaginary problem? You call the workforce increasing and Caymanian unemployment also increasing an imaginary problem? We have hundreds of new unemployed Caymanians representing stress and burden for thousands of families. That is very real and needs fixing. Remember, our goal is to grow the workforce AND the percentage of Caymanians in it! That is our goal. The Man seems to have done a great job on a lot of you, convincing you that this is not the goal and there is no problem.

  15. Anonymous says:

    More Government incompetence as is the norm. How they manage to make such a mess of things as easy as a website is beyond me. The Computer Services department at CIG is absolutely useless it’s clear, or the leadership is should be say.

    At this stage, outsource it to the people that developed .gov.uk and every single web issue we face on this rock will be solved before we know it.

    CNS: I think you’ll find that many of the CIG websites were outsourced locally and some of them are terrible. Someone has made lots of money by building subpar government websites. On the other hand, some of the sites that computer services has produced recently are very good. I cannot remember who built the JobsCayman site, which was particularly bad, or if it was outsourced, and now it’s offline I can’t check. But you might want to hold your fire on CSD.

    • Anonymous says:

      The annoying thing is they do (or used to have) full access to use the gov.uk website but chose to instead waste public money on all these useless gov websites. The UK gov website is a treasure trove of info on almost everything you can think of, always kept up to date and works very well. Why try to fix what is not broken and let a useful asset lie wasted like this?

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry I meant to say they had access to UK Gov’s same website resources, infrastructure and knowledge, sufficient to build an equally excellent CIG website but instead chose to spend (waste) a fortune on their own consultants and service providers to end up with the mess we have now, multiple badly designed, poorly performing websites and payment portals, full of useless outdated information in most cases.

    • Anonymous says:


      I respect you sticking up for CSD, but then who is responsible for the mess? if it isn’t their leadership or them? then whom?

      I can think of half the micky mouse made up marketing firms on island, using templates from Envato and other resellers without even appropriating the legal license whilst outsourcing their labour on Fiver and Upwork.

      Low Canadians in high places seems to be the general rule of thumb.

      CNS: I don’t have a bone in this issue and no inside knowledge, but I believe that some of the rubbish websites were built after the government entity in question contracted an outside business, bypassing CSD. It always seemed to me to be a ridiculous state of affairs and a great way to waste government money.

      • SSM345 says:

        Kirk Office has done a few in the past; such as the DITC’s and that was a complete sh*tshow……

    • Anonymous says:

      Wasn’t it Deloitte? or did they just have the contract to “reform” immigration in 2017?

    • Anonymous says:

      Not sure if they did this one, but Brac Inforamatics has done a lot of the Goverment sites, but for the most part they actually work.

    • Anonymous says:

      Netclues developed the previous website for WORC, which was prominently displayed in the site’s footer as ‘Website Designed & Developed By: Netclues.’ However, I’m unsure about JobsCayman, as it did not make mention of a developer. However, considering how integrated the jobs portal was with the main WORC website, it was probably designed by Netclues as well.

    • Anonymous says:

      It was outsourced but they cheaped out and gave it to someone who had no idea what they were doing.

  16. Anonymous says:

    In other words: not gunna WORC

  17. Anonymous says:

    However, the site proved problematic from the start and difficult to use. Also, the government has never revealed any research or data to show if it ever assisted in creating a more transparent and accountable environment in relation to the granting of permits or how much, if at all, it has helped Caymanians find appropriate employment or improved their promotion prospects.

    CIG in a nutshell, just replace WORC with Cayman Airways, DOE, Dept of Education, Tourism and the list goes on.

  18. Cayman Minority Report says:

    Must as well because there are no jobs full-stop and we need to stop playing games with our people’s heads with Nearly 40,000 Work permits and 70k population we are now a Minority in Cayman. Which makes jobs Cayman a complete Joke and a affront to all those who call this place home. Those who still believe in the great white hype the UK better get real !

  19. Anonymous says:

    …because the system never worked as intended. Can the Auditor General please take a look at CIGs software procurement practices?

  20. Anonymous says:

    Good news! The dammed thing never worked and has caused near irreparable damage to the careers and prospects of thousands of Caymanian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Good news for the Jamaicans. New scapegoat!

    • Anonymous says:

      “…and has caused near irreparable damage to the careers and prospects of thousands of Caymanian.” (sic)

      This attitude, that jobs are baubles to be handed out upon production of a birth certificate (or rather, sense of entitlement), is the *actual* problem.

      No employer would willingly pay work permit fees if they could employ a similar quality Caymanian. Employers are economically rational: there’s simply no point wasting work permit fees. Those who aren’t selected for jobs aren’t good enough. Get over yourselves.

      • Anonymous says:

        Except that now that you have instilled this behaviour to employees… they don’t even bother looking at the Caymanians when there are vacancies.. they just shoot right for the foreign worker because it has always been “Caymanians are not experienced or qualified enough”… so instead of genuinely looking for a Caymanian to fill or train in the role, the employers just hire foreign work..


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