Visitor dies snorkelling off Governor’s Beach

| 02/05/2024 | 7 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): A 65-year-old man who was visiting the Cayman Islands from New Zealand died after snorkelling off Governors Beach in West Bay on Wednesday evening, police have said. The emergency services were called to Seven Mile Beach at around 7:15 that evening after the man had been taken from the water at a nearby resort.

The man had been snorkelling with family when he decided to return to shore on his own. The others continued snorkelling, but when they returned, they could not find their relative. It was soon discovered that he was still in the water, where he was found unresponsive.

He was taken to shore, and people nearby helped to administer CPR until the ambulance arrived and EMS personnel took over. He was transported to George Town Hospital, where he was pronounced dead by the attending doctor. Police said that inquiries into the circumstances of the death are currently ongoing but are not believed to be suspicious at this time.

He is the fifth person so far this year to lose their life while swimming, snorkelling or diving in local waters.

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Category: Local News

Comments (7)

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  1. Anonymous says:


  2. Moi says:

    7;15pm? It is getting dark at that time..

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’d rather be found dead doing what I enjoy (diving, motorcycling, etc.) than at my desk at work or alone in the hospital. Peace to your family, mate. Go Blackcaps!

    • Anonymous says:

      I wish one day in my 70s I would go down snorkling Coral Gardens or Cemetery Reef instead of vegging out in a nursing home.

  4. Elvis says:

    Another one taken by the hungry ocean . RIP

    • Anonymous says:

      As a healthy Cayman in their 30s who has snorkeled alone out there all my life, it wasn’t the “ocean”, it was just his time. There’s no serious rip currents etc to blame the sea.

      It’s by no means a gentle walk in the park to snorkel if you aren’t used to physical activity. Likely had a heart attack / aneurysm / etc.

      And for the 500th time, no, lifeguards along the beach paid with public funds are NOT going to safe a snorkeler, never mind be cost effective.


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