PPM accuses gov’t of ‘abandoning’ cruise tourism ship

| 16/05/2024 | 133 Comments
Roy McTaggart delivers a message about cruise tourism

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has accused the government of a “catastrophic failure” in managing the cruise tourism sector. He said the UPM had adopted an “abandon ships” strategy, doing nothing as bigger cruise ships now plying the Caribbean are diverted to other ports. The PPM leader did not say whether or not his party still supports building a cruise pier after the party abandoned its controversial and unpopular plans for berthing facilities in 2020 due to the pandemic.

However, McTaggart took aim at the UPM and accused them of abandoning the cruise sector and the Caymanians who depend on it.

“Their inaction is a failure and a dire situation that demands immediate attention and action. Last year, cruise visitor numbers in Cayman were the lowest since 2002 — lower than after the financial crash and lower than in 2004, when Hurricane Ivan decimated our cruise business,” he said.

Port Authority statistics show that cruise visitor numbers have slumped even further this year. During the first three months of 2024, the headcount was down more than 70,000 passengers compared to last year, an almost 15% drop. McTaggart claimed this was taking place against a backdrop of solid performances by Cayman’s regional competitors.

“Across the Caribbean, cruise numbers have set a new record for the region,” he said. “But the ships carrying those record numbers of visitors are passing Cayman by. Amazingly, the recent government press release on tourism was utterly silent about the slump that beset the cruise sector, pretending that it is not happening.”

The PPM leader accused the government of not knowing what it wants to do about the cruise sector as the passenger count continues to dwindle in what he said was a vacuum threatening Caymanian businesses and livelihoods.

“No wonder Caymanians in tourism feel worse off under this government,” he said. “The government has adopted an ‘abandon ships’ strategy, doing nothing for cruise tourism while the cruise companies decide the future of Cayman’s cruise business by increasingly removing us from their itineraries. Cayman’s elected government should set the pace, not passively watch while the market and the ships leave us behind.”

For many years, cruise lines have said that they will not bring larger ships to the Cayman Islands until it builds berthing facilities, a project that many people here feel is not worth the environmental harm. Even those servicing the tourism sector have argued that it benefits only a limited number of local businesses while placing a significant burden on local infrastructure and resources.

Nevertheless, the PPM is keen to retain as much cruise tourism business as possible. The party has not yet said if it will return to the proposed cruise berthing facility in George Town Harbour and, if so, whether it will honour the successful petition for a people’s referendum on the subject that was abandoned with the onset of the pandemic.

McTaggart said that since being in opposition, the Progressives have argued that Cayman’s tourism sector needs a rethink.

“The government and industry must come together to plan for the future of cruise tourism,” he stated. “If the cruise sector is going to be reshaped with fewer passenger numbers, then the government needs to manage the transition, helping businesses and workers adjust, not just abandoning the sector to the whims of the market.

“The urgency of this work is such that it cannot wait another year for a new government after the election. It needs action now. The Progressives are willing to use the experience and the networks we built up through eight years in government to help this government find a better path for tourism.”

McTaggart said he hoped the government would put aside selfish electoral interests and work with the PPM to develop a new strategy.

See the full message from McTaggart below:

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Category: Business, Tourism

Comments (133)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If instead of this idiocy Roy had simply outlined a PPM proposal for a very high end cruise sector featuring 100-250 passenger ‘expedition ships’ carrying passengers who might possibly be interested in spending a bit of money he might have received a positive response. With this announcement he may have put the final nail in the PPM coffin.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I’ve not met a single person in 40 years who thinks cruise tourism is a good idea. It’s quite clear now that it’s environmentally catastrophic, brings in peanuts, employs mostly WP holders, drags down our overnight tourist and resident experiences, totally overwhelms our few attractons. Misery. Get rid of it now.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I have to stand up for Kenny and UPM’s character, or lack thereof, on this occasion.

    They have not abandoned cruise tourism, although if they did it would be the only good decision that they made since coming into power. This is perhaps the one subject over which I am happy to have incompetents in charge.

  4. Anonymous says:

    the people are smart enough to know those who pushing for the larger cruise ships are only looking at their bottom line and could care less what it does to this Island. when the beaches are gone and tourism fall off a cliff, they will pack up and go off to terrorize the next tourist Island hot spot.

  5. Anonymous says:

    So is the other headline story about the proposed re-opening of the cruise ship passenger playground at Royal Palms related to the PPM’s proposal to destroy our country by adding thousands more cruise ship passengers to our streets every day?

  6. Anonymous says:

    The current government is a catastrophic failure as Roy says but then he goes on and proposes to make our situation much worse by inviting mega ships to destroy our country if the PPM gets back. WTF is he thinking?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Roy is demonstrating the art of making himself and his buddies completely unelectable. He would be better off advocating for the plague – well actually maybe he is doing just that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Dear Roy… I am and for many years have been, a devout PPM supporter, but your well intentioned position on increasing cruise tourism leaves me baffled.
      Perhaps PPM should have a very careful think about pursuing your tactic of garnering support from the cruise sector workers.
      I , Like many others , want to rid Cayman of the UDP curse, but you are making that very difficult by declaring PPM’s rejection of public opinion which is overwhelmingly against increasing cruise visitor numbers.
      Target Education, Immigration, Health services, but please don’t shoot yourselves in the foot as you are doing.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Cant any of our politicians understand that we dont want a dock. we have enough stayover tourists for the few caymanians in watersports to make a living!

  9. Anonymous says:

    We do not need cruise ships……….

  10. Anonymous says:

    Good!! please minimize cruise arrivals

    do we have data on how many Caymaniansake their livelihood from cruise tourism?

    Last I heard it was mostly work permit holders.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Someone needs to get Mr Magoo some glasses that aren’t clouded by cruise industry smoke.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Amazing. The needs of the dozens and there are dozens of them, outweighs the needs of the many.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Are PPM deliberately sabotaging their election chances?

  14. Anonymous says:

    Oh STFU!!! We are tired of your empty viewpoint.

  15. Anonymous says:

    pave over the island with more roads; develop every acre; ruining the reefs; destroy our future, Praise the God of rich people

  16. Anonymous says:

    Hard no to cruise ships. Destroying our reefs.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Cruise ship tourism is not compatible with the tourism model for this territory.

    the visitors clog the streets and beaches barely spending anything whilst these corporations place insane commission on trip bookings forcing local operators into a mass tourism model just to make ends meet – which creates a poor trip product and makes everything look 3rd world in quality.

    the ships themselves damage the reefs, pollute the waters, and impact reef fish populations too. furthermore, having to clear the cargo port of containers in favour of tourism buses reduces our cargo capacity and increases scarecity and the already outrageous prices.

    we would be better off getting rid of them entirely and focusing on stay over tourism.

    the only scenario where cruise ships should remain relevant is if a deep water port is built at breakers and a suitable mass transit system built for the benefit of everyone in conjunction.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Someone needs to tell the old dog that he’s barking up the wrong tree? There are plenty of other things the PPM and UPM aren’t doing that he needs to growl about. Quit chasing ambulances Roy.

  19. Mumbichi says:

    Does anyone but me remember how a few valiant citizens created a PIR – People’s Initiated Referendum — regarding the PPM’s proposed cruise port. They were then required to re-certify all those signatures and vet their personal data. Then a date was set for the PIR vote, and the PPM — sensing an overwhelming loss — moved the election date up several months, thus removing the ability to vote on the cruise port. We didn’t get the opportunity to vote, however it was overwhelmingly certain that the PIR would have defeated the cruise port initiative. Nevermind that the government of the time spent millions of our dollars fighting against the opposition to and advertising dollars in favour of the cruise port.

    NOW, Mr. McTaggart wants us to forget those whole chain of events ever happened, and wants to generate protest that almost everyone doesn’t want any cruise ships AT ALL. If you want to study the process, take a look at the data which details who stands to make money from it.

    Certainly CIG is a primary beneficiary, and apparently Mr. Roy believes he and party will again prevail.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Bye Felicia!

  21. Michael says:

    Why doesn’t he just come out and say he wants docking facilities. That’s what he obviously wants. Might as well debate the real issue.

  22. DaWhaYaGet says:

    PPM – why is that we keep hearing you have 1000 objections but not providing one single solution? That does not sound like working together!

    Let’s hear your plan to move forward, nah!

  23. Anonymous says:

    I’m happy there are less cruise ships & passengers. Ban the lot. We’ve got more residents & stay over tourists than our infrastructure can handle. Not enough work for Caymanians in the tourist sector? Cancel some Jamaican work permits (too large a number here already).

  24. Anonymous says:

    The people voted no to a cruise ship pier. Focus on overnight visitors, they contribute more to the economy than the ones off a ship buying a coffee in town and looking for free WiFi.

    • Anonymous says:

      No they didn’t -there was a large public campaign – funded by the company that operates the tender boats who would lose millions if a dock was built, but no vote.

      It would be interesting to hear both sides of the argument and then vote on it.

  25. Anonymous says:

    we don’t need no “stinkin” cruise ships

  26. Anonymous says:

    CAYMANIANS dont, dont, dont want your cruise berthing facility. What is it about that these PPM goofs dont seem to get into their thick skulls. Roy you and your overlord class of politicians can kick rocks. The people of these islands shouldnt even acknowledge in passing by. Most of our politicians should be outcast for what they have done to these islands. We can even see the ocean after you pass central GT, i guess the view was too good for us little Caymanians.

  27. anonymous says:

    Roy, let me make this as clear as I can… WE DON’T WANT CRUISE SHIPS HERE!!
    It literally shuts down the whole island and benefits a tiny percentage.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Grand Cayman needs cruise ship passengers like a hole in the head. Pay any Caymanian employed directly from government and we’ll all be better off.

    This is pure politics and a pity it has come to this.

  29. Boricua says:

    xuch no class rhetoric can only come from the Clowns who are aeeking to be crowned. How come Roy the chief {haha} is now focusing on tourism is it because he has not gained traction with any othersubject that he has made bogus pronouuncdments on.

    Me say fe go learn to play fool properly in a clown school and most certainly geta Puppet Master other than the Speaker who everybody
    knows has reached his Zenith and now looking for greener pastures.

    • Anonymous says:

      Confusing to us that you use a Puerto Rican moniker, but also attempt to talk to us in an imposed Jamaican dialect.

      You want to try it again, using your own words?

  30. Anonymous says:

    The PPM will not be happy until the islands are a concrete hellscape, packed with lines of crawling traffic, surrounded by dead reefs.

    All they care about is money for their crony backers.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Roy is an unbelievable shill. Willing to grasp any rung on the political ladder.

  32. WBW Czar. says:

    Roy just wants power.

  33. Anonymous says:

    There you have it folks. The PPM outing itself as a perpetual stooge for the FCCA.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Less is best. It’s a great policy, at least there is something this Government has succeeded in.

  35. Anonymous says:

    End cruise tourism entirely, focus on stay over tourism, convert the entire port to just cargo, eliminating the need for a new one.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Let it wither and die.

    Polluting, cheap tourism product that clogs the island.

    Buying a Cayman t-shirt, made in Bangladesh isn’t a tourism product.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Not difficult, always ensure 100% Caymanian employment for cruise based businesses. I am sure there are 1000’s of WP holders in the cruise business. Why are they here?

  38. Anonymous says:

    Save the bs political grand standing rhetoric. Nobody wants cruise ships here. Focus on the stay over tourists, environment and financial services. These will serve us much better in the long run.

  39. Anonymous says:

    When will you get the message Roy? WE DON’T WANT THE CRUISE SHIPS.

  40. Anonymous says:

    this is what grass roots policy makers looks like. no plan, bumbling along, hoping the problems will go away.

  41. Anonymous says:

    we dont need any cruise facilities.

    we have not forgotten how the PPM tried to fight us in court, with our own money, despite referendum etc.

    speaking of. why has the referendum not been held? CNS can you shed some light?

  42. Anonymous says:

    That’s enough for me to vote against the PPM again. Thanks Roy!

  43. Anonymous says:

    Please go away and stay gone ppm

  44. Anonymous says:

    Retire from politics now Roy you have lost the plot. Your deputy is actively undermining you all the time in every conversation he has with donors.

  45. Anonymous says:

    The Progressives haven’t learnt their lesson from 2020 when CPR exposed them as the frauds and liars they have always been

  46. Anonymous says:

    Cayman does not need 3million cruise passengers per year impacting our quality of life.

    Make it work with 1.5m per year maximum and find the balance that is needed because we do not have the infrastructure or want the chaos from excessive cruise passengers numbers.

  47. Anonymous says:

    I must say he is relentless. Not a bad person, but this point is pointless. We can hardly handle when there are 4 ships in, and the volume of people gridlock the waterfront. so, imagine if they were bigger. we don’t need more volume. just consistency.

    • Anonymous says:

      None. We need none. They don’t help any but the very few, and hurt us all, and our environment. No Cruise Ships.

      NCS. NO Cruise Ships.

  48. Anonymous says:

    PPM go away Cayman does not need to build cruise berthing.

    Roy, Joey and PPM are trying to protect the interests of a handful of merchants in GT that sponsor the party. If Kirk Freeport and other sponsors are desperate and want a cruise berthing tell them to put skin in the game and build it themselves. Gene Thompson couldn’t get it done in his time and neither will this load of entitled special interests luddites that are desperate for berthing.

  49. Anonymous says:

    PPM is looking like the better option every day.

  50. Anonymous says:

    “Nevertheless, the PPM is keen to retain as much cruise tourism business as possible.” If that is the case then I hope that they never get re-elected.

    As far as I, and a great many other Caymanians are concerned, if the current government did abandon the megaship cruise sector it would be about the only thing that they did right!

    We clearly need a new group of honest competent politicians not owned by special interests to replace the current idiotic bunch.


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