One woman among 21 new fire service recruits

| 29/04/2024 | 14 Comments
New firefighters at the passing out ceremony

(CNS): After several years of recruitment problems and staff shortages at the Cayman Islands Fire Service, 21 Caymanian recruits have completed 26 weeks of basic training. Officials said the increase in the number of fire officers was long-awaited and necessary. Last year, Cabinet approved a budget allocation to cover the cost of training a new group to meet rising demands for fire and rescue services in both Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac.

The training began in October and covered comprehensive international fire and rescue procedures involving various levels of assessments to determine, among other things, the recruits’ problem-solving skills, physical fitness and endurance. Officials said the 22 additional firefighters will support the maintenance of safe systems of work and provide tactical commanders with greater capacity to manage diverse emergencies effectively.

Chief Fire Officer Randy Rankin welcomed the new firefighters to the service at a passing out ceremony on Thursday, 25 April, at the Lions Centre. “Throughout the training process, they demonstrated resilience and dedication to the journey ahead,” he said. “I wish to assure the public that we will conduct ongoing training and assessments to ensure our firefighters are trained in industry fire and rescue standards and practices to guarantee the safety of our community.”

Home Affairs Minister Sabrina Turner said the new recruits would play a crucial role in the community — saving lives, promoting awareness and inspiring future generations of firefighters. “Each time you wear your uniform and answer the call of duty, remember the trust and faith the Cayman Islands population places in you,” she said at the passing out ceremony last week.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    literally like winning the lottery for a caymanian….the perfect dream ‘job’

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ok.. what I want to know is did these women get the job based on merit or asa a box ticking exercise? If one’s house is burning down will they be able to ‘fireman lift’ as gown adult out of said burning building? Potentially down several flights of stairs!? Before anyone cries “thats sexist of you” I’m a women. I want the person who can do the job best. Maybe they can. But it does raise some concerns.

    • Anonymous says:

      don’t bring facts or sense into a gender discussion in 2024!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Except you are being sexist. Article states that they had to pass a physical fitness and endurance assessment. So you are making assumptions that the woman was given a bly on the test, but the men were all ideal physical specimens that passed. Based on what? Admit it – you are making an assumption that the woman is less fit than the men simply because she is a women, without even knowing her, based purely on the fact that you were told she is a woman even though you were also told her fitness had been assessed.

      • Kadafe says:

        I think the original commenter was concerned about the woman’s strength not fitness. I’m sure there must be roles that a woman can do. Most woman make up for the difference in strength in tenacity and bravery and such, which should be an asset in those situations.

  3. Anonymous says:

    i dont get the point of the title on this article. its like occupations are supposed to force women to apply, try out even if they dont want to. Some physical jobs are male dominated because males are physically stronger in most cases. Cut with the gaslighting. When i go to the vets office i dont see ANY males working there.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ah, the veterinary profession, that bastion of maleness based on the requirement for physical strength! What century are you living in? 80% of vets entering the profession in the US and Canada are female. Even in a large animal practice the vast majority of tasks do not require muscle but intelligence, compassion and dexterity. I was married to a vet, and she had no difficulties with the physical demands of the profession, whether helping calf cows or operating on a dog. And I would say that well over 50% of her graduating year were female. You are extrapolating from what – visits to a single vet practice?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to our new fire officers, Fire Chief, trainers and all who facilitated these new recruits. I wish you all a long and safe career. Blessings.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why does the press continue to single out the women at the fire service? If you can pull your weight the job/promotion is yours.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree, if she was the valedictorian then special reference should be made. Who won the award?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hope they are trained for high-rise fires because the number of these buildings are escalating.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Next thing you know we will let them vote

  8. Anon says:

    Congratulations to all the new fire fighters and may they have a long, safe and successful career with God’s richest blessings.


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