Four men charged with 2023 Digicel store robbery

| 23/04/2024
Digicel on the waterfront in George Town (from social media)

(CNS): Eleven months after an armed hold-up at the Digicel store on the waterfront, three Bodden Town men, aged 21, 22 and 28, and a 22-year-old man from George Town have all been charged with conspiracy to commit robbery. The four men appeared in court on Tuesday and were bailed to return on 14 May.

At around 5:30pm on 19 May last year, two masked armed men burst in as staff were shutting up the shop on North Church Street. According to an RCIPS release at the time, the robbers fled with an undisclosed quantity of cash.

Soon afterwards, police officers located and recovered a vehicle they suspected had been used by the robbers, but no arrests were made at the time.

It’s not clear when these four men were arrested or why the charges were brought almost a year after the crime.

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