Mystery projectile fired at Brac home

| 28/06/2023

(CNS): UPDATED 4pm Wednesday: A 37-year-old man from Cayman Brac has been arrested on suspicion of possession of an unlicensed firearm after a mystery projectile was fired through the window of a home in Watering Place yesterday. Despite the arrest, police said the object found at the home did not appear to have been discharged from a gun, but investigators are looking into all possibilities.

The police repeated their appeal for anyone who may have information on the incident or who saw anything suspicious to contact Cayman Brac Police Station at 948-0331.

ORIGINAL POST: Police are investigating an unidentified object that was fired through the window of a Cayman Brac home yesterday. RCIPS officers have recovered the mystery projectile, which was not a conventional firearm bullet, casing or marine flare. The resident of the Watering Place home reported hearing a loud bang before one of the windows broke at around 6:50 on Tuesday.

No one was injured when the projectile smashed through the window, and police said it is being forensically processed as part of the investigation into what happened. Specialist officers from Grand Cayman have also gone to the Brac to assist local officers with the mysterious incident.

Anyone who may have information or who may have seen anything suspicious in the area is asked to contact the Cayman Brac Police Station at 948-0331. Anonymous tips can be provided to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777 or the website.

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Category: Crime, Police

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Cayman Brac? Marble and a fire racket.

  2. Mumbichi says:

    CMR reported the projectile as not a conventional bullet, casing or marine flare. Inquiring minds wonder how the hell Sandra would know what is conventional ordinance.

    Of course, the police know what was “fired”, but they wouldn’t say diddly if diddly were on sale. People I know in the area heard what they thought was a shot. Zip gun? slingshot/catapult? Trebuchet? bow and arrow? Mineral amalgamate propelled by muscular contraction?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like a marl rock

  4. Anonymous says:

    There is no hope for Grand Cayman considering all that is now happening in what used to be peaceful, crime-free Cayman Brac.
