Warnings issued over scam and forged cash

| 29/03/2021 | 28 Comments
Cayman News Service

(CNS): The RCIPS Financial Crime Investigation Unit has collected a number of forged $25, $50 and $100 Cayman notes over the last week and members of the public are being urged to pay close attention to the cash they receive. The counterfeit cash comes from the notes in the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority’s “D” series, which were re-designed in 2010. Some of the visible security features that make it relatively easy to tell the difference between legal tender and the forgeries include a colour-shifting holographic stripe, see-through images, a turtle watermark and an iridescent band. CIMA said it does not compensate people who receive forged notes, as officials stressed the importance of vigilance.

The notes taken by police have the serial numbers are D/2 796153 on the $25, D/2 605432 on the $50 and the $100 is marked as D/1 588475. The FCIU is currently investigating the incidents and Detective Dean Murray is advising the public to be on the lookout for forged notes. 

“If you have, or suspect that you may have, received a forged note, we ask that you observe the description of the person passing the note, as well as that of any companions that may accompany them,” he said. “Do not return the note to the passer if possible. Instead, initial and date the white border of the note, then tag the note with a copy of the transaction receipt and call the FCIU at 949-8797 or any of our police stations during out of office hours. If you have forgery report forms issued by the Financial Crimes Investigations Unit, obtain as much information as possible from the person passing the note and write it on the form.”

Meanwhile the FCIU is also investigating the latest phishing email, in which scammers are sending messages that falsely claim to be a final warning from Butterfield Bank. People are being urged not to click or open the messages. The police reminded email users to hover the cursor over sender’s addresses if they are not certain where an email has come from. The FCIU also said emails which purport to have a sense of urgency or include threats are more likely to be scammers.

If you believe you have been compromised by a phishing email, contact the FCIU at 949-8797 or at RCIPS.FCU@rcips.ky while the form for reporting forged money can be found here or on the RCIPS website.

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Comments (28)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Who brings in the Drugs and guns in fast moving canoes ?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Seriously, how can you not find a counterfeiting operation on an island that size?! It’s not like they are any use anywhere else on the planet.

    • Anonymous says:

      2:pm u can exchange ci dollars in the USA an parts of Europe too an don’t forget Jamaica. Why you like to cry down everything about Cayman, I wonder why you are here ?

  3. Anonymous says:

    Comments are getting good. I’ll come back once more have come in.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Switch to Bitcoin and Cayman would rule the financial world.

    Paper currency is fake, backed by nothing

    • D. Truth says:

      Bitcoin could just take what they have and run! Who’s going to stop them? And any government could make bitcoin worthless in their country. I don’t think I will get involved with bitcoin.

    • Anonymous says:

      You should maybe learn something about currency and Bitcoin before making such ridiculous comments.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do I switch to bitcoin? Do I pay for it with paper currency?

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s right! Switch to bitcoin backed by … …. …

      I’m not saying that blockchain based commerce wouldn’t be interesting but it still would just be a fiat currency. (Bitcoin isn’t even that. Its simply a virtual commodity.)

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s all a human construct. Cash has very little to no intrinsic value. Cryptocurrency even less.

      We should just barter for everything.

      • Anonymous says:

        Little to people know Cayman has the top 10 biggest crypto exchanges.
        TXXX of dollars are moved every day tax free of course.

        You people have no idea do you…

        *Not even caught red handed now. With google, it’s not just red hands but looks like you jumped in a red swimming pool.*

  5. Anonymous says:

    So…if you realise it is a forged note, and you know you’re going to get zero back if you hang on to it, you should just make a note of who passed it your way. Nice strategy.

  6. Naya Boy says:

    Simple equation the more criminals we invite and allow to enter and stay on this island the more crimes like this we are going to have.When was the last successful prosecution we have had for counterfeit currency in Cayman ??? Yet we have the biggest police service per capita in the entire Caribbean with so many so called experts from around the globe! The real fakes work in our government as counterfeit politicians who forged their salaries every month to get paid!

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m pretty sure if we could take an inventory of criminals and those with criminal records or convictions, the local population would far, far outway anyone else who lives on the island. I think from the politicians down, the regard for the law by Caymanians is that it doesn’t apply to them, or it can be disregarded for a quick buck.

      • Anonymous says:

        If it’s anyone that gets the book thrown at them, it’s Caymanians. Jamaican police are quick to turn the cheek to a fellow Jamaican smoking weed, but catch a Caymanian teen and they raid their house and charge them to full extent of the law. Some of the biggest weed dealers on the island are work permit/status holding Jamaicans now starting legitimate business funded from the proceeds of crime. How many of those have been arrested and charged for drug dealing and money laundering?

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh why is it that you assume criminals must be imported? Anyone coming to Cayman from another country, other than for a vacation, must show a clean police record and no convictions. Therefore we are NOT importing criminals. The criminals are already here and were born here of generational families of criminals. Maybe it comes from the hard days in the history of Cayman when people would do anything to get by and criminality was the norm.

      Quote from this article “With 20% of the population with some kind of rap sheet, the country is one of the most criminalized places in the world.”


      • Anonymous says:

        It isn’t very hard to get “proof” of a clean record. Just sayin.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes it is because of imported driftwoods why cayman has crime especially this type,
        Remember northward prison wasn’t built until the 80s and caymanians been around way before then.
        Yes most of the population in northward are caymanians and only because we are left with no other choice for survival in our own country, plus if an expat here breaks the law they’re only given a slap on the wrist but if a caymanian sneezes too hard they commit them to the full extent.
        And don’t give me that BS about all expats here have a clean police record, that is only because anything can be forged with corruption from those shithole countries where they came from.
        My whole point is that they lock caymanians away in prison for petty stuff just to make room to import rapist, thieves,child molesters and murderers,
        It might sound a bit harsh but it’s the truth.

      • Anonymous says:

        They mean Jamaicans

    • Anonymous says:

      Last time anyone got done for it, pretty sure it was one of your homegrown boys…Born on a Monday.

    • They paved Paradise.... says:

      Possibly due to desperate politicians handing out election cash 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      Ha, ha, ha! Love it, Naya!!!

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