Cayman to get good view of super-moon lunar eclipse

| 18/01/2019 | 32 Comments

(CNS): Star-gazers in Cayman are set to have a great view of a lunar eclipse of the full moon, which is also a super-moon, when it’s at its closest point to the earth in its orbit, as weather conditions are forecast to be clear. The eclipse will begin around 10:30pm Sunday night and take about four hours to complete, but the maximum eclipse, when the moon is at its deepest, most dramatic colouration, will happen around midnight. According to the Cayman Islands Astrological Society, Cayman is expected to have some of the best conditions on the planet to see this cosmic phenomenon.

During the eclipse the only light on the moon will come from sunsets and sunrises around the planet, which is refracted by earth’s atmosphere and will cause the moon to glow deep orange and red as earth’s shadow falls between the full moon and the light of the sun.

Total lunar eclipses are rare. They only happen during a full moon, when the sun, earth, and moon are precisely aligned so that the darkest part of our planet’s shadow blankets the lunar disk.

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Category: Science & Nature, Space

Comments (32)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks CNS. Hadn’t heard of this otherwise and happened to finish watching TV at the right time to catch this tonight.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Depends on what you mean as nigh. We have days, weeks, months and years. Would you like to dig a little deeper?
    Perhaps when China moves on Taiwan and the Americans are suckered into moving East. Perhaps the Akula class subs will strike?

  3. Guard says:

    Fact is, this is the generation which has seen a number of these astronomical phenomena in a lifetime, that no other generation has ever seen. No one alive will see some of these which have hundreds of years cycle.

    Is it that we are special or along with other Biblical prophesies happening around us, we are seeing these astronomical events as a warning ? Joel 2; Matthew 24; Acts 2 and Revelation 6.

    Is it just climate change or there is deeper significance?

    A bright star which was prophesied signaled Jesus’ birth, in the same manner celestial events will signal his return. Science confirms many things which are to happen as unpresidented.

    Do your research and just don’t be a sceptic.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Research”! Love it.

    • Anonymous says:

      The speed of Earth’s orbit has been relatively constant, hence why we stick to our calendar system where one year is one orbit.

      Are you implying previous generations had longer years, longer orbits and therefore fewer alignments??

      As they orbit, they align periodically, and we can predict it with math. Hence why everyone knew this was happening weeks in advance.

      There’s your research – get your facts from proven science, not a fairytale. Jeezum you make your congregation look bad.

      • Unison says:

        Looks like you’re brainwashed by scientists that don’t believe in the Source. It’s not that we can predict these phenomenas. Rather, it is that these celestral events are being used to mark proceeding ones of great significance. And that is what the monotheistic writings teach.

        Don’t judge what you don’t know.

        It is said clearly in the Jewish scriptures, older than Christianity, the following, “And God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be FOR SIGNS and for seasons and for days and years” Genesis 1:14

        In light of the violence and wickedness that is happening in the Western world, we should be mindful about how we live and treat other people. We should pray, repent, and put the Maker of our lives FIRST in all things. We should detest unwarranted abortions, adultery, homosexuality, disrespect to the family unit. We should detest any sin outside of the Order of Nature. We should stay away from drugs, alcohol, unclean foods, not taking care of ourselves. Stay away from doing unnecessary harm to people and animals. Telling lies on people or using the media to mischaracterize people. We should not steal and enslave others. We should not make money or “self” our god, or have any god before the Source. We should respect the Source and not curse or misuse one of the holy names.

        Our trust should be solely in the Creator of all and no one else!


        • Anonymous says:

          Brainwashed by scientists. Lol. That’s a new oxymoron.

          • Anon1 says:

            He meant scientists that don’t believe in Gd. Many good ones with common sense :))

          • Anonymous says:

            Brainwashed by scientists.
            Military Intelligence.
            Postal Service.
            Public Works.
            Jumbo Shrimp.

            I sense a pattern.

            True Myth.
            Walking Dead.

        • Anonymous says:

          Scientists do not brainwash. They either prove or disprove hypothesis through empirical, measurable evidence.

          On the other hand, you have Unison that reads a text written by people who thought that bacteria is a curse, the Earth is flat and the centre of the universe. Amusingly, he find a mistranslated ancient text to be more credible than science which is proven and factual.

          Rainbows happen because of light being refracted into individual wavelengths that we can measure. This is not some holy sign or message, it’s simple optical physics.

          Unison, you are the one that is brainwashed through the power of fear and false promise that death can be defeated.

          • Unison says:

            Brainwashed scientists. They are real. They assemble a series of facts and make up stories … like there is no Source, and we are not accountable to a Higher Court. I believe these celestral events are being used to mark proceeding ones of great significance. The last foolish thing a person can do, is put their trust in brainwashed people.

            The world is becoming more wicked, and these are the same people that are telling us that we are on our own, our own god, and we should live as we please. Morality is our own making. They further brainwash them to to curse all notions of Gd. And use outlets like these and the media to further the causes of abortion and homosexuality, which is against the family and order of nature.

            We should respect and worship the Source alone. And keep all the universal moral and natural laws for our own good. When we die, all ancients teach us that there will be a Judgement. Life is too short to be following philosophies of life that has no hope, love, and moral fiber.

            Be wise,

            • Anonymous says:

              Be wise says without a doubt the dumbest person who uses this site

              Go far and stay long
              No one wants to hear your garbage

            • Anonymous says:

              “The last foolish thing a person can do, is put their trust in brainwashed people.”

              Yup, you’re right Unison – that’s why I stopped going to church. You fear a fantasy land.

          • Anonymous says:

            Have you wondered who created the light that is being refracted into individual wavelengths and wh created the wavelengths? Mighty is our God!

        • Anonymous says:

          Only a religious bigot like Unison could turn a conversation about a regular lunar eclipse into bashing homosexuality.

          Just get over your holier than thou stance and let an adult love another adult in peace. Who cares if a couple people want to be gay? Seriously it isn’t contagious, and many homophobes like yourself end up being known to be in the closet.

          It won’t hurt you, society or anyone else. We’ll destroy the planet ourselves before going extinct due to not reproducing.

          • Anonymous says:

            Not an ounce of love in that man’s body
            Nothing but hatred and lunacy

            Not like it matters
            No one pays attention to what sad men like him say

            “the world is getting more wicked” hilarious
            As your bible calls for a trial by ordeal for women accused of adultery
            literally the modern day equivalent of an abortion

            You people quote that book up and down like idiots without actually reading any of what is inside

  4. Lunartic says:

    How does the Man on the Moon get his haircut? Eclipse it.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I am sure you meant Astrnomical Society?

  6. Anonymous says:

    Thank you!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yeah! Wolf Blood Super Moon with a Lunar eclipse just after the AFC playoff!!

    The new Nor’Easter should be just blowing in, so we should have decent vis.

  8. Anonymous says:

    The end is nigh

    • Anonymous says:


      Christians have been saying that for 2000 years
      Fear not with the way we treat this planet it wont be long before we off ourselves

      and you’ll finally be right for once

    • Anonymous says:


      Man, you slow.

      It took this to help you realise that???

    • Anonymous says:

      I read in the Sun that the ‘end is nigh’ has been rescheduled for 22 August; I’m not sure why. I was previous prognosticated to be this last 07 December, however that turned out to be nothing more vile or dangerous than a vicious bout of collective gas in Cabinet — presumably caused by a particularly potent strain of Salt Beef & Beans with Spinners.


    • Anonymous says:

      You not kidding.. End of the weekend.
      Sunday is almost over and gots to go to work Monday.


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