British PM faces no confidence vote after Brexit deal defeat

| 15/01/2019 | 25 Comments
Cayman News Serice

John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons, delivers result of the Brexit vote

(CNS): Theresa May sustained a resounding defeat in the British House of Commons, Tuesday, when MPs voted against her much disliked Brexit deal 432 to 202, in the heaviest parliamentary defeat of any British prime minister in modern history. Given what he described as “a catastrophic defeat” for the prime minister, Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn called for a vote of no confidence after May had opened the door to the issue. The prime minister accepted that such a vote was coming and said she would make time for it in parliament on Wednesday.

Despite the expected crushing Brexit defeat, May is nevertheless likely to survive the no confidence vote as there is no indication that Conservative members will vote against her. The UDP members who currently hold up the Tory government’s wafer thin majority have also agreed to keep supporting the beleaguered PM.

If she does stay in the top political job, she has said she will hold cross-party meetings with senior parliamentarians “to identify what would be required to secure the backing of the House” for Brexit. But what happens next remains up in the air. May will be under intense pressure to cede control of the next steps in the Brexit process to parliament but there is no majority for either a ‘no deal’ Brexit or a second referendum.

In the wake of the vote a spokesman for Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council, said, “We regret the outcome of the vote, and urge the UK government to clarify its intentions with respect to its next steps as soon as possible.”

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Category: Politics, UK, World News

Comments (25)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    anybody who thought brexit was a good idea is soft in the head
    brexit referendum was proof that that not everyone should have the right to vote.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks Comrade. I bet you are one of those who didn’t want to pay into your country, so live in Cayman on a fat tax free salary.
      Well, you have the option to stay away, no one needs another undemocratic parasite here thanks.

      • Anonymous says:

        Education is key bud. Some citizens still have to pay tax on income and other things depending on the jurisdiction they live and work in and the tax agreements with the host country. Regardless of where you reside and work. So this weeks homework is to research what FATCA and CRS are. Also the Cayman Islands do have have various taxes indirect and direct “taxes” in different forms. Its built into most things so most locals aren’t aware of there existence or the fact that they pay it.

  2. Bertie : B says:

    After two world wars , Great Britain and her allies spent trillions rebuilding countries that attacked Them ! We all know the countries involved , especially one in particular I wont mention ( Germany whoops ) and this is the thanks they get ? tell them to go to hell !

    • Anonymous says:

      On the backs of the Windrush people.

      • Anonymous says:

        Get a grip. The Windrush numbers were tiny and their contribution to the UK was very limited. The moaners now are odds and sods who are happy to live for decades after decades in the UK but never wanted to be British. Personally I would rather we sent such foreigners packing after a period.

        • Annoyed says:

          Oh what a bubble you people live in. Its the natives fault blah blah blah.. They should of migrated properly after we enslaved and tore their homes apart(what crock).
          Learn a bit of history.. actually never mind, europeans tend to make it up and change it at will as they go.

          In any case, a contribution is a contribution, unlike the british, a lot of people in society don’t walk around stroking their ego’s at how great they are. get over yourself.

          • Anonymous says:

            You need to learn history. 99% of the people involved were pure economic migrants coming to the UK out of financial self-interest. If they have not bothered to paper their status in the last 45 years, then that is their problem. Requiring the proper papering of immigrants is a vital part of regulating immigration in the UK and if the greater good causes problems for a small individuals, so be it, and there should be less sympathy for those that never helped themselves by regularising their status over so long a period. Had the few individuals concerned been white there would have been no furore, it is only because they were black that politicians were tripping over themselves not to appear racist by massively overcompensating because this all blew up when the Labour party anti-semitism allegations were a central issue in the UK media.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Absolute crap. Isn’t it strange how Jamaican workers on Cayman are treated with such disrespect, live in squalid conditions under the thumb of unscrupulous Caymanian landlords and paid slave wages for doing the jobs Caymanians can’t or won’t do.
        Yet they still find it convenient to use Windrush as some ridiculous stick to beat the UK with when it suits.
        The Windrush generation were minute in number, possibly smaller than the population of Jamaicans currently on Cayman. They generally worked on the railways and busses, and did a great job in the absence of yet another lost generation of British youth.
        But they never contributed to the regeneration of Britain in a manner or in numbers that could intelligently be called significant.
        Before you make comments about a history, circumstance or social issue you know nothing about, read the truth about why they were caught without proper documentation and the consequences for the UK of allowing hundreds of thousands of their countrymen to destroy or take over complete neighbourhoods in the need to establish themselves at British taxpayers expense.
        Look at the crime stats in London alone, then look at the faces of those affected.
        Personally I have much admiration for the first generation Caribbean people that came to the UK to settle and work hard after WW11, the same cannot be said for large swathes of subsequent generations who propagate the arrogance of entitlement even though it is by and large their own fault.

        • anon says:

          look at the faces of those affected: Black and far less important that poor europeans. thats what many people see.

          • Anonymous says:

            Nonsense. It was only because they were black that the government had to backtrack on its sensible policy because it was desperate to avoid allegations of racism.

    • Anonymous says:

      Tragic that people in this century still pontificate with this sort of vacuous twaddle.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The situation in the U.K. is unprecedented and political commentators are enjoying the speculative journey of ‘what happens next’. What the backlash over the last 2+ years has shown, is that referenda are divisive and governments should be very reluctant to put a basic question ‘to the people’, who are usually pretty ignorant of the complexities involved.

    Various M.P’s are now calling for the Prime Minister to announce that the UK will not leave the EU without a deal; it is noticeable that the EU will not make such an announcement – why would they?. Like any negotiator, they know that to have any teeth in negotiations, if you inform your opponent that you ‘need’ to negotiate a settlement (but if you don’t, you won’t take an ultimate step that the other side is wary of), then it is very likely that any deal will favour your opponent.

    The EU holds all the cards. The U.K. has forgot that it remains an economic powerhouse (as compared to say, Norway or even Canada) and does not have the guts to simply take the plunge and exit on WTO terms; if it did, it would not take long for the EU to come to the table, in trying to conclude a comprehensive trade agreement. The likes of Portugal and indeed Ireland, would suffer significantly, economically.

    The so-called ‘backstop’ is a mechanism by which the EU can, in effect, dictate the terms of a trade agreement after the legally binding ‘withdrawal’ agreement is ratified into international law. The French will insist on unwarranted fishing rights in U.K. waters and the Spanish will hold out for concessions on Gibraltar.

    If Teresa May agrees to adopt the Labour Party’s position of ‘a customs union’, bang goes the ability for the U.K. to enter into its own free trade arrangements outside of the EU, and the ability to have its own immigration policy – i.e. based on economic and business needs (like the Cayman Islands).

    This EU issue can only end in disaster now. The EU’s primary position is to make life as difficult for the U.K. as possible, to ensure that no other member state takes a similar exit path. It has a history of ignoring negative referendum results from member states, and simply ordering those countries to re-frame a rejected referendum question, to achieve the ‘right’ result.

    The EU must be rubbing its hands with glee. In dictating the sequence of the negotiations, the Prime Minister could never have obtained the vote on the Withdrawal Agreement, from a Parliament which was overwhelmingly in the remain camp and not representative of the people – by their vote in the referendum on June 23, 2016.

    • Anonymous says:

      WTO terms would be a disaster for the UK and no deal Brexit would plunge the UK into a depression with no money left to bail itself out.

      • Anonymous says:

        just like the rantings of George Osborne before the referendum when he said that if the country voted ‘leave;, there would have to be an immediate emegency budget. There is no doubt that there would be difficulties without proper contingencies, but ‘planes would not fall out of the sky’.

        As for having ‘no money’ – where on earth does that come from? Even hard line Remainers haven’t said that!

    • Anonymous says:

      Without transparency, any people will be induced to be ignorant of the complexities. This is just mediocre kabuki theater that will not last much more into the future, but will last long enough so all your politicians will still be able to enjoy their cozy pensions. Make all the holdings of politicians public and we wont see much more of this grandstanding rubbish against the will of the people of the UK.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Well Alden the dunce you forgot your clown suit but no worries they have just your size in brussels even got one for Tar Tar the mindless what a bunch of Fools! Your big gamble on this trip has and was never going to amount to Nuttin!!! Yes i hope they do stay under the EU so we can trade our financial industry for free movement and travel to some of these far right European jurisdictions to face down those pesky violent nationalist who want their countries back from these economic migrants. Yes stay under the EU so those who want to invade the UK don’t have to use rubber dinghy’s to cross the channel. Careful what you wish for 11:56pm conveniences are never ever free.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I hope they stay under the EU!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Hoping is fine and harmless. Subverting the will of the majority is not.
      Those who were able to vote voted to leave. Please let democracy have its way.

      • Anonymous says:

        How inane and superficial. The majority of current UK voters do not want Brexit and only a tiny minority want a no deal Brexit. An irreversible decision of this nature deserves a second referendum. If Brexit is the “will of the majority” then a referendum approving a specific next step will simply confirm that. the only people in the UK trumpeting about the “will of the people” now are extremist right wingers who know they are in the minority and are scared of that fact.

      • Anonymous says:

        a bit like the trump ‘majority’…..zzzzzz
        anyone with a brain can see brexit is a disaster.


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