Archive for December 6th, 2016

Armed police taser drunken suspect in fight
(CNS): A 44-year-old man received a head injury after police fired a Taser gun at him during an altercation outside a nightclub in the early hours of Saturday morning. Police said the man hit his head when he fell after officers deployed the stun-gun because he resisted arrest and fought with police. The incident happened […]

Swimmer and kayakers safe after rescues
(CNS): Marine officers and emergency medical personnel were kept busy with two rescues on Tuesday afternoon. At about 1:3opm emergency service responded to a report from Governor’s Beach that a man was in distress in the water. When they arrived, the officers and medics were able to help the man and bring him to shore safe […]

Convicted lawyer back in court for old DUI
(CNS): Simon Courtney, a corporate attorney jailed this summer after mowing down and seriously injuring two tourists in his powerful sports car after a champagne brunch at the Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman in January 2015, was back in court this week. Courtney appeared for the final leg of a case relating to dangerous driving and DUI from […]

Police revisit GT murder scene
(CNS): Yesterday, detectives and uniformed officers revisited the scene where Damean Dwayne ‘Deebo’ Seymour was shot dead in a gang-related killing on Martin Drive to talk with residents in the area who may have seen something that can help the investigation. Seymour was gunned down in broad daylight last Monday morning, 28 November, at around […]

PR applicant takes CIG to court over delay
(CNS): Three years after government stopped hearing permanent residency claims because of a legal hurdle that officials seem unable to tackle, an applicant has finally turned to the courts for judicial review. Mark Edmunds, who works in the offshore sector and made his application to become a permanent resident two and a half years ago, […]

Cop assaulted suspect in back of car
(CNS): A police officer has been convicted of assault ABH and common assault after he beat a suspect arrested in a traffic stop with his truncheon in the back of police patrol car and treated him aggressively at the police station. Michael ‘Bobby’ Peart is the third officer in a week to be convicted of […]

More change ahead for CS, says new leader
(CNS): After ten years at the helm of the Cayman Islands Civil Service Association President, James Watler has stepped down and John Bothwell, senior research officer at the Department of Environment, has taken over the reins after he was selected by the membership last month to become the 22nd president. The closest thing Cayman has […]