Murdered man had dodged 3 serious charges

Damean Dwayne Seymour, a.k.a. ‘Deebo’, was shot and killed on the streets of Grand Cayman 28 Nov 2016
(CNS): The man who was gunned down in broad daylight on the streets of the capital yesterday was 34-year-old Damean Dwayne Seymour, a.k.a. ‘Deebo’. The local man, originally from George Town, had been acquitted by the courts of three serious criminal charges, including murder, attempted murder and robbery. Seymour left Cayman for the UK following his acquittal in 2008 for trying to kill Adolphus Myrie in almost the same spot where he met his own end, which was the third serious criminal allegation he had dodged in four years.
In 2004 he faced charges for the murder of Joseph Alexander Williams but a judge ruled there was no case to answer, and in 2007 he was found not guilty of armed robbery for the West Bay Foster’s Supermarket heist.
Seymour, who had reportedly returned to Cayman just over one year ago, was shot and killed on the corner of Tigris Street and Martin Lane at around 11:45am Monday. Police were out in force at the scene of Seymour’s murder but so far there have been no announcements from the RCIPS regarding arrests or the descriptions of potential suspects.
Seymour is the second person to be murdered in Cayman this year. Justin Manderson, another local man with suspected gang links, was gunned down on the West Bay Road, by Seven Mile Shops, in October. No charges have been made in that case.
Imagine most of you are saying he deserves to be dead because he was a criminal karma gets us all so mind your words. He was a nice man a loving partner and father a great friend. The media only ever tell you what they want you to hear. Rip d. Will love you forever xx
so True
There are a few more fake gangsta like him who have left for the UK to “cool out” after several failed charges for serious criminal offences. It seems to be a trend in the “bobo badman’ world.
I say let them purge themselves if the “Justice” system can’t or won’t take them out.
Step back RCIPS, many more to come!!!.
Da wha yuh get bobo.
Yeah say it know I bet u couldn’t say that to his face when he was alive try stop talking bout my father????????????
I never wish any man dead, but I often read obituaries with pleasure
Good riddance.
Believe me, there’s at least one person who will also read yours with pleasure. If I knew your name it would be me. POS.
Laziness & badman only end up losing in the end!!
A significant cause of the crime problem is the terrible juries who acquit the obviously guilty.
Doesn’t seem like a problem if they all end up dead one way or another.
The harder they come the harder they fall.
Maybe it was the unknown smugglers that arrived in east end by boat !
Some poor mother’s precious child… or maybe not…
Probably one of those that drives a full circle around the roundabout by Mango Tree every evening.
What really annoys me about this story is the fact that as a British expat worker I come here with no more rights than any other expat from any other country . If I have no work permit I have to leave , if I break the law I have to leave , if I have broken the law in the UK I will not get a work permit , when my time is up I have to leave or pay serious money to maybe get PR at some point or maybe not and just be in limbo for years . Yet this fine upstanding citizen can be up in front of a judge on several serious crimes ( including murder ) and be implicated in many more if the stories are to be believed yet has no problem just going off to the U.K to live , no doubt claim housing and benefits , further his criminal career at the expense of British tax payers ( including me as I still pay property tax etc ) and stay there for 9 years until he gets fed up of the cold and then swans back .
Yeah , seems fair .
It must be fair, or why would he give up all of those pleasures to come back and get shot?
Did you not read the article? The only record he had was ‘not guilty’ so where is the ‘career criminal’. He went to court based on a British system, if you want to blame, blame the UK justice system.
Yeah , I’m sure he would of walked from court on 3 occasions in the UK . You’re so right …im sure he was just misunderstood.
He would have been given compensation and benefits too
Well done poster. Well done !
We have morons in the community who pretend he wasnt a real criminal. And why ? Because we live in a nation of self interest and cowardice people. Yes Cayman locals im talking to you.
“Deebo” was a real problem to this community and offered nothing but a back scratch to progress. Not proving he was a criminal in our soft courts was in fact a crime itself.
I for one am relieved to see something being done . Even if it means the criminal element is taking its own garbage out.
Go cry me a river
Since you are obviously certain he was a criminal, then please explain why he was not convicted and why you didn’t offer evidence?
Whoever this anonymous is know what youre mouth saying every and anyone can change im sure alot of people had there fair shares when they were younger dont judge if u dont know the hundred ?
Yes but not a British jury. He, as many are, was found not guilty by Caymanians who cannot be trusted to police or convict each other.
The system is fine, its the impartiality and moral courage of the juries that is at fault.
And if you actually were able to police yourselves, you wouldn’t need so many incompetent 3rd world police officers who fail to offer the required evidence to convict.
What are you, 6? Life isn’t fair. Stop whining and worry about yourself. The guy is dead so what’s your point?
yep…welcome to the wonderland where the most hardworking, law-abiding people are treated as second class……….
To add to that he is not even from Cayman. He was was adopted when his father married his mother from Jamrock then she left him and moved to the US and we got stuck with him. He even served time in Jam for drug and gun smuggling.
Edmund Burke – The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
The alternative is that you sit back and let them take each other out hoping that no innocent people get killed in the process and that’s what I suspect RCIPS is doing.
Does he have a ‘man-bun’?
Bad man nah wear man-bun.
Don’t forget the acquittal of murder for Anguillian national Franklyn “Sparrow” Lake in 2002. The suspect pool for the death of this man is huge!
I actually find these local bad men aka “gangstas” to be a joke. Put them in places like Tivoli Gardens JA or certain parts of Honduras and they’d shit their panties just to come back here. Deebo or wtf his name was has been a career criminal. I can only imagine all the murders he got away with but his time came. Good riddance and here’s to hoping all like him, wipe each other out.
Maybe if he was in Jamaica, which by the way is where he is from, he would still be alive because he would have fitted right in with the rest of the criminals there. Since every post seems to focus on Cayman and Caymanians I had to make this known. I have not seen so much hatred for people in their own country by expats looking for a better life. RIP Deebo….you were a victim of a hateful society where you didn’t stand a chance.
Hahaha oh yeah he was the victim of society. Maybe his family had short comings or friends . But society offered him schooling and laws which favored his success. He choose the badman life. And he died the badman way. Btw i hope officers attend his funeral to profile his homies.
So your first point is that he is not Caymanian, and a Jamaican criminal, but your second that he is the subject of hatred from expats in his own country? Which is it – he is a Jamaican being criticised by fellow expats, or he is a Caymanian? Maybe he has a split personality – a poor innocent Caymanian victim of a harsh society trapped in the body of a Jamaican criminal?
I don’t know if he was born there but his punk ass grew up here in Cayman. Quit trying to pin every bad apple on Jamaica. When Jamaica does good the entire Caribbean wants to take credit for their achievements when they do bad, oh they are Jamaican. So ironic of you hypocritical f%@#$! If he was in Jamaica, perhaps he might have chosen a different career other than being a criminal as he certainly could not keep up with them. If he tried, he would have been taken out a long time ago. Not be able to run off to England to hide out for several years and then run back to his beloved isle Cayman NOT Jamaica.
Anybody have anything bad to say about my brother just remember there people out here that still loves him and would not make it end this way remember that and im one??? so all u on here talking that shit now cause hes dead go and XXXXXXX and mind ya own business u know what happen to people who dont mind there own business and there mouth….
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or else what?? You’re going to get your brother to defend you? Sure, get him. Oh wait….sorry.
Awful grammar for such a big mouth….another garbage gone, deal with it! if you don’t want to read about it fine, come off of this page…..We are going to talk, its called Freedom of Speech!
Listen you all got something to say about deebo death what he had a past but guess what he got found not guilty for a reason lol he didn’t do it that guys look at a picture of him and fast to judge so because he dress in a certain way that make him a badman yeah well I lived with deebo we loved each other and I tell you something he was no cold hearted killer he had a heart he when to work he was a man so XXXX what all you badmind people say rip to deebo x
Spend a night in central with that attitude and see how much you’re laughing in the morning big man.
Oh another hard man of the swamp comes calling. Grow up you moron, real people don’t get locked up in ‘central’ because they have a brain and know how to use it.
Only the stupid take that route and by your Neanderthal posting I’d say you are one of them.
Get a life.
Anywhere else doesnt matter.
Live by the Sword !
Should that be gun?
Attention all Cayman Gangstas, their baby mamas and some of their family members who like to cloak them in their dirty deeds, please take note of what happens in the end.
A bullet through the head, an official appointment with our government pathologist, a freezer at Bodden’s or Churchill’s funeral home and the use of our new crematory or a permanent spot in our overfilled cemeteries.
Old people say, “you can’t hear…. now you feel”
Let them kill each other. It’s all they’re good for at this point.
Look at his stand in the picture. No need to say anything else….his alias “AKA Deebo” says it all!!!
pic says it all….
Don’t worry now that he has died by the hand of his own lifestyle he is a saint and should not be judged by his past.
What a terrible waste of a life filled with so much potential. I had hoped this fine young man would win the YCLA award next year.
1245pm Be careful.They say Karma is a b…h, we never know who she will visit next.
Yes and the boogie man is under your bed too
Not sure he was Caymanian so may not qualify.
Forgive me but….”You got knock the —– out”
Cayman. There is no way back. It will only get worse.
Was he Caymanian?
Judge NOT less YE BE Judge, but sorry….. Live by the Sword***** DIE By the Sword. Can’t these people see that ? It will catch up with you KARMA Bad man begets Bad men .
Time for the good people to declare war on them. we can’t loose this, its not just the POLICE fight, as a concerned resident it is ours as well.
Karma is as much real as prayer is. Both are just false beliefs.
So get up from behind your computer and go do something. Put your money where your mouth is.
I was taken aback by all the Facebook comments on this man’s death. Some appeared surprised and in shock this happened to him. He lived by the gun and died by it. Simple! I will save my sympathy for people that are innocently caught in crossfire or randomly killed by a nutcase.
I’ve seen some comments on facebook too with folks acting like he was some scholar in high school or some pastor in the community handing out money and food to those in need. No sah!
Well live by the sword die by the sword
A picture is worth 1,000 words.
So the criminals are handing out their own form of justice. Isn’t that great? Now we have to wait for the retaliation killing. And so it goes on. Meanwhile, so many in our society are beating their gums (and their elderly political chests) about the supposed dangers of gays to our culture, traditions and way of life. Between the gays and the gunmen, I know who I worry about most. How about the rest of you?
@ 10:34am – My vote goes for the gunmen. I personally have no fear whatsoever of the gay couple that live two doors down from me. In fact, they are legally married (just not recognized in Cayman) both hold down jobs, and appear to live a productive non-criminal life.
On the other hand, I have my non-gay neighbours who consist of, 1 struggling unwed mother and her child with no father figure in sight, a married couple with two young sons, of which the husband beats his wife on a regular basis, a young copule, of which the female works but the male chooses to spend his time driving up and down in the female’s car all day with other women.
Now, tell me. Who is the danger to our great Caymanian culture, traditions and family life? Or maybe our culture and traditions aren’t all that and a bag of chips?
3:26, that’s remarkable because it is very like the situation in my neighbourhood where most of the people are Caymanian or Jamaican. I’m not, so I’m trying to get out. Can’t stand the drug cars and the screams of the women.
Glad I don’t live in your neighborhood, cause you are a peeping tom.
He looks like such a nice chap. This doesn’t add up at all.
What comes around goes around…..
The phrase is “what goes around comes around.” Just saying.
And several other shootings, unfortunately no evidence.
We all know he was GTs hitman and worked for the book writer now in NW.
All the pain he has put other families through, his family will now have to deal with.
Live by the sword die by the sword!
No loss to our society at all.
Now watch at least 1 or 2 more shootings by Xmas
Let’s hope so.
You hit the nail right on the head.
gangster culture needs to be rejected by every element of society…..
Try to get this through the head of ignorant parents who think their children can do no wrong