$15K reward offered to find pony sex-abusers

| 05/11/2016 | 36 Comments

(CNS): The RCIPS has opened yet another investigation into an incident of animal cruelty at The Equestrian Center following a report of a pony being sexually abused. Owners of the stables have also posted a $15,000 reward for information about the third horse to be assaulted at the centre. A vet from the Department of Agriculture confirmed that “Pebbles”, who is stabled at the George Town location, was sexually assaulted, but this pony, fortunately, did not have life-threatening injuries, a finding supported by a private veterinarian.

This is the third incidence of sexual violence on ponies at the stables. Two animals were abused in August, including “Charm”, which had to be put down because of the violence of the assault.

The Equestrian Centre posted a $15,000 reward Friday for any help in finding the perpetrators.

The police, who are already investigating the summer attacks in which a foreign object was used by the abusers, said they have taken a full report into this third attack and opened a new enquiry. But officers confirmed that no arrests have been made yet regarding the August assaults.

“We understand the resonance these disturbing attacks have within the community,” said Robert Graham, Superintendent of District Operations. “This kind of abuse of an animal is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. Officers are actively investigating these reports and any information members of the public may have, no matter how small, would be welcome.”

Pebbles, one of the stable’s smaller, gentle ponies, often ridden by children, was found by staff lying in the grass Friday morning appearing to be injured. When the attack was confirmed, the little horse was treated and given pain relieving medication, and according to reports from the stables, showed signs of recovery later in the day.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call George Town CID at 949-4222.  Anonymous tips can be provided via the Miami-based call centre Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS), or online here.

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Category: Crime, Police

Comments (36)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    What happened here is a crime and I hope the guilty person/s will be found. It is scary to know that these types of people are free in our society along with the uncaught murderers, pedophiles, rapists, thieves, etc.

    For something like this to happen twice in such a short period does raise a lot of questions. Is someone deliberately targeting this business or just really hates horse/ponies? Does someone want to force this business to go elsewhere or worse, to fail? I am pretty sure there are several other riding stables on the island and none have ever had this happen as far as I can recall.

    Hopefully the stables can strengthen security and make it very hard for these criminals to get on the compound and do these horrible things at night. My kids have enjoyed the pony park on many Saturdays and I struggled to explain this to them!

  2. Anonymous says:

    $15k reward!? I’ll be camping out there every night from now on waiting for the creep to show up.

  3. Animaliberator says:

    “If only they could speak” I’ll bet the horses know the perpetrator(s) as horses usually do not take well to strangers on first approach, particularly in the stables which they regard as their home. I will also bet it is the same criminal(s) who does this. They can’t help themselves as criminals like this are mentally disturbed to say the least so watch out for more to come and be prepared.

    I would have thought security would have been beefed up after the first incident so perhaps this time around?

  4. Anonymous says:

    Have they recovered DNA samples incase the perp is caught on the riding school’s property in future?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps someone should ask the local forensic laboratory for help.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Instead of offering an award of 15 000 for people who will likely talk nonsense, use that money to install good camera’s and catch the offenders in action with proof of their despicable actions to be held up in court and to lock these sick individuals away.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Two disturbing observations from a US study in animal sex assaults:
    Nearly 40% of animal sex abuse-related cases also involve child sexual assault, abuse, or exploitation
    People who are sexually attracted to animals generally start by age 13, and do not stop until they are no longer sexually competent

  8. Soldier Crab says:

    For the safety of the horses I suggest the owners invest in some cameras or a security guard. Obviously who ever is doing this is not going to stop.

  9. Anonymous says:

    This is bizarre beyond bizarre. Why does someone actually do this?

    Part of me thinks it just some lunatic teenagers causing trouble. But could be some deranged idiot as well.

    Please install some inexpensive motion detector cameras. Geez, I have these in my yard and would gladly donate the funds to fully pay for this.

  10. anonomous says:

    Anyone sick enough to hurt an innocent animal like this will also hurt a child or an adult in the same way. I hope this person will be caught soon and they deserve nothing less than life in prison. My heart goes out to the owners of these animals and I pray that this sicko will be caught sooner rather than later. I hope the RCIPS have all of our resident sex offenders on their suspect list.

  11. East End Resident says:

    “This kind of abuse of an animal is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.” That’s the entire problem right there. It’s not ‘this kind of abuse of an animal’ that’s unacceptable, it’s ANY abuse of an animal that is unacceptable.
    There are animal welfare laws in this country, but I’m not aware of them being used against anyone despite the horrific abuse of animals carried out here everyday. You only have to monitor the Humane Society social media to see how ‘pets’ are treated here. It truly disgusts me.
    And as a previous reader mentioned, the Government endorses animal abuse by the continued subsidy of the turtle farm, plus allowing two dolphin torture centres on the island for our ‘entertainment’.
    Until things change culturally on this island to understand that animals have feelings too, feel fear, pain, hurt, and should not be starved, beaten, tortured, neglected, then this sort of abuse will only escalate if there is no perpetrator held to account. Let’s start by prosecuting those who abuse dogs and cats, have a nationally funded animal welfare and investigation team and stamp this sort of behavior out of the country.

  12. Anon says:

    The offender(s) state of mind is in the cesspool. Why is anyone going out of their way to sexually abuse horses? It’s not something that you do accidentally. It involves consideration, a decision, and planning.

  13. Anonymous says:

    You would think that the stable owners would take all the necessary precautions to monitor their property knowing that there is such evil amongst us.

    • Anonymous says:

      That’s right. Blame the victims.

      • Anonymous says:

        Nice sound bite but they are the horses caretakers

      • Alarmed says:

        I agree with the first poster. After two separate incidents is it not logical to take all precautions including guards or cameras to catch the vile offender? Is prevention not better than cure? Surely the 15k reward could have been better deployed in ensuring these wonderful animals did not have to suffer to start with. Either way hope they catch the sicko and take do the same to him/ her!

    • Anonymous says:

      No, it is not blaming the victim. The first time it is happened, the owners could have installed night vision web cameras, motion activated lights,etc. knowing that the perpetrator is mentally disturbed and will do it again until caught.
      The technology is sophisticated these days and affordable, no excuse.

  14. Anonymous says:

    what happens if he does get caught????…a slap on the wrist…just like the turtle/conch poachers…..
    caymanians know nothing of animal welfare….. just look at the ways dogs are kept/bred by locals….just look at what government does at the turle farm….
    until you start taking it seriously animal abuse will continue unabated…..

    • Anonymous says:

      This is terrible but please bear in mind that dirtbags live worldwide and stuff like this happen everywhere. What about catching elephants and cutting out their tusks to sell, what about those who slaughter people’s horses and sell the meat, what about taking bird eggs for food. Yes people here take turtle and conch outside of the season (no season for turtle) but all countries/islands have to deal with these despectable practices so no need to single out Locals and government. This is in a category of its own, and yes it happens everywhere.The turtle farm is legal and releases turtles every year. It is not comparable to what happened to the ponies, and everyone I have spoken with concerning the earlier incident as well as this one is distraught. No country or government can police every nook and cranny to prevent these things from happening so if all you can do is call out locals then you are not part of the solution but part of the hateful culture that is emerging.

      • Anonymous says:

        Liberal bolloxks

      • Anonymous says:

        Everywhere? You forgot the ratio of sex crimes committed here to the population of the Cayman islands. When you do this simple math you will see that the figures are quite shocking. 1 in Million is much different than 1 in 55,000.

      • Anonymous says:

        What’s wrong with horse meat?
        Lower cholesterol, high in iron.
        Much healthier the turtle.

      • Anonymous says:

        Quick … pull up as many different examples from around the world .. deflect, blame, redirect.
        I dont care, I want to know why it is happening here and there seem to be more crazies per squate mile in such a small population?

      • Anonymous says:

        How about the west bay guy caught interfering with cows in 2007?

  15. Anonymous says:

    surveillance cameras?

  16. Anonymous says:

    It is very disturbing to know that we to contend with these evil deviants in our communities. I really hope the person who did this is apprehended and brought to justice soon. How would he like it if the same thing is done to him?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Whomever is doing this is disgustingly sick! I do not think they should get the media knowledge of this, it maybe what they want, but the RCIP should make this a priority to catch them and punish them severely.

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