Cops commended for saving lives

| 28/10/2016 | 7 Comments
Cayman News Service

DC Junior Durrant (CID), PC Rayon Curate (USG) and Acting Police Commissioner Anthony Ennis

(CNS): Five uniform support officers, two detectives and a police constable were all commended this week for professionalism and bravery while performing lifesaving efforts in the line of duty. While the police are often the subject of criticism in the community, these eight members of the RCIPS helped save lives because of their quick thinking and skills as well as working together in dramatic situations.

The five USG officers were honoured for their professional response at the scene of Justin Manderson’s murder outside Seven Mile Shops on 1 October.

The officers provided medical care that helped keep the West Bay man alive long enough for him to see and speak with family members before he died.

Cayman News Service

PC Peter Maragh (USG), PC Brandaughn Phillips (USG) and Sergeant Loxley Solomon

Two detectives were also honoured for their quick actions that saved the life of Blake Burrell in central George Town last year after David Bodden slashed his throat open on the streets of George Town last summer. The officers in this case who acted very quickly and with skill were also commended in the court during the sentencing when Bodden was jailed.

An officer was also commended for administering CPR and resuscitating an elderly woman in Bodden Town during an undisclosed incident earlier this year.

“The core duty of each and every officer is to save and protect life,” said Anthony Ennis, Acting Commissioner of Police, who presented the citations “Each of these officers admirably fulfilled this sacred duty and are a credit to themselves, fellow colleagues and the RCIPS.”

Missing from the photographs are Sergeant Charmaine Dalhouse, Constables Winston Wolliston and Constante Aydoc.


Category: Local News, Police

Comments (7)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Very nice. I’ll assume the ambulance that was there did nothing then??

  2. Anonymous says:

    Congratulations to all! Now if the RCIPS could just confiscate a few of the illegal motorcycles that are on the roads they would undoubtedly save a few more lives. To quote Mr. Ennis: “The core duty of each and every officer is to save and protect life.”

  3. Anonymous says:

    So very proud of our police. There are the Supreme law enforcement agency and officers from the USG have the most dangerous job in the Cayman Islands.

    Thank you acting Commissioner it’s also great to show your officers that you appreciate their hand work.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Bad news travels at rocket speed.

    Good news travels slower than a turtle.

    No comments yet on this very good RCIPS report.

    CONGRATULATIONS to all of the officers for your work, these “Above and Beyond” and your everyday acts are appreciated by more people than you will ever know.

    It is also good that the current RCIPS leadership has shown appreciation to all of the officers on our behalf.

    Thanks again.

    An appreciative member of the public.

  5. Unison says:

    Well done! 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Kudos to these men for their service! Respect to you facing danger each day and the protection you provide the community. I know I am not as brave to face the situations you face on the job day in and day out. Thank you!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Congrats to these brave men. However there is one Cop that stands out in the Community, he is no other than Mr McFarlane. He is most efficient trust worthy respected and liked by the entire Community.He carries out his duties in a very respectful manner.

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