Community rallies to save Smith Cove
(CNS): Caymanians and residents have been rallying on social media this week following the revelations on Cayman News Service on Monday that a significant part of Smith Cove is to be developed. The news that one of the last beautiful beach spots on Grand Cayman, loved by locals and visitors alike, could be lost to a condo complex gave rise to a Facebook page and an online petition to encourage government to buy the land to permanently protect the whole cove as a public beach for future generations. Some opposed to the development took a more direct action and spray painted “RESIST’ on the road by the cove.
Given the special regard for the cove by many Caymanians as a local heritage site, it was no surprise to see more than 100 comments on the CNS story, almost all of which wanted to see the location protected and preserved.
By the time this latest report was published mid-afternoon on Wednesday, there were 2,180 signatures on the petition and the Facebook page was attracting hundreds of likes, comments and shares, as news about the impending development at the northern corner of the famous spot spread.
The land was once owned by Dart, who acquired it in a deal with Texan land developer Stan Thomas after he pulled out of the Cayman property market. It was at one time offered to the Cayman government during the negotiations over the controversial NRA agreement.
Premier Alden McLaughlin confirmed Tuesday that by the time the current PPM administration took office it was no longer on the table as part of the potential land swap. However, he told CNS that he was aware of the sentiment regarding the cove and asked for the public’s patience on the issue to give government a chance to consider the implications of the development application.
It is understood that Dart sold the land last year and Bronte Development now has plans for a luxury condo development of 24 apartments. Although the set-backs will be greater than normal, which a local real estate agent involved with the development has said will allow people to continue accessing most of the beach, there are public concerns that in reality the access will be undermined.
Although the public has until Friday to submit objections to the planning department, there is little in law that they can object to as the plans are well within all of the parameters relating to the planning law and objections are only ever considered from residents within the designated area set out in the law.
Activists hoping to preserve the cove for future generations of Caymanians are therefore asking those who oppose the project but live outside the zone for formal objections to not only contact planning but to contact their MLAs and the premier to demonstrate the community-wide public support for government to buy the land from the developer.
Category: development, Local News
Well they say actions speak louder than words. The circumstances surrounding this proposed development give rise to some serious questions. How often does Ken Dart sell land to private competing developers? Probably infrequently. Why did Ken Dart sell this piece of land? Probably because he realised the furore that would result from the destruction of one of the last few pieces of land left in its natural state so close to a site enjoyed by so many. How can the realtor responsible for selling the proposed development feign shock at the public´s reaction? Probably because he´s more concerned with making a bucket load than the long term interests of the community. For the developer to even consider constructing 24 condos on that site illustrates a complete absence of any real connection with the local community. Is this the type of profiteer that should be encouraged?
@4:02pm In fairness to the realtor even though he was surprised at the totality of the objection I gathered from his response that he was was open to dialogue in and effort to reach an amicable solution. Perhaps the members of CIREBA can make this a real time of celebration by having it’s members purchase the property and donate it to the National Trust to be preserved in perpetuity for all of us.
It is devastating to think they would want change the very environment of Smith Cove. This is an island treasure loved by every s.i.n.g.l.e Caymanian alive. I really hope the government puts and end to this development deal. Government officials and Caymanian citizens, we must stand united and protect Smith Cove. By any means necessary.
When are the people of Cayman gonna wake up. Cayman is and always will be for sale as long as the top people in government and development keep lining their pockets. Nothing is going to change unless you make a big change in leadership, and you keep voting the same moronic individuals and groups back in. Nothing will change. If you don’t like the way Cayman is going -change the guard or leave. It’s sad to see this happening but this won’t be the last beauty spot you say farewell to. My feeling is most of the people that are sad about this are expats anyway who have no say anyway sadly.
@3.49pm I object to you referring to our representatives as being ‘moronic individuals’ and call you out for being bigoted and prejudiced.
Bigoted and prejudiced against moronic individuals? You have point.
@ 3:49 PM I agree 1,000,000%. Nothing will change when the people keep recycling between the same group of politicians. My only hope is that after all of the homophobic and xenophobic politicians are gone that fresh people can come in and make a change.
-As a Caymanian
He wasn’t. He doesn’t!
The only perceivable “loss” adjacent Smith Cove will be to the feral chickens, drug dealers, and pick pockets that lurk in the forbidding wild Heineken-shard sea grape forest north of the public land. That’s the privately-owned litter area that stands to be remediated and improved. Currently, the not-so-subtle urination, narcotic, and virtue stripping transaction zones. Safety, civility, and comfort stands to be much improved.
Not Smith Cove! Home to rapists, thrill seeking music teachers, robbers, muggers and money grubbing religious groups over the years. Leave our heritage alone Mr. Developer! Where will the Adventists camp at Easter time?
Facto DeMatta What a mean spirited low life individual you are.
Hello dopey dope. Stop blaming the sidewalk for the people that walk on it and git yerself enlighted up, ye hear.
Hi Alden. Pick up the phone and call the owner of the land. Ask if he would be willing to sell. He bought the land for $2.5m so offer Three million with thanks and listen to your people!!!
Hey? Maybe Fraser Wellon would like to call the like-minded North American owner and ask to buy it (and donate it.) Time for our Fat-Cats to meet and find a solution folks.
The only thing that will placate the 2,000+ petition signatories is if the land is bought back and given to the people. Time to step up politicians- Do you need us to start a “Go Fund Me” page?
I would bet for certain that AL Thompson neighbor KNOWS the home phone number of this land owner and could broker a community buy-back deal. (if he will swallow his CPA pride and preserve the view from his mansion.)
Okay wealthy land moguls, time to get together and finally win a few community hearts.
Over to you Fraser Wellon (now Caymanian!) AL Thomspson and Premier Alden……
I think that this issue is going to show the Government how much POWER the people have . I hope that the SAVE SMITH COVE GROUP has a good negotiator in the group .to handle the politicians and the developer .
The petition signatories need to mount a campaign for a comprehensive revised National Development Plan.
@9.42am You are a little late, as discussions started from Monday morning.
Feb17th – 2013
“The ministers revealed that the Review has concluded the deal to be “good value”. It would be released to the public after 8 March when the Cabinet is expecting to receive the report following the third and most recent amendment to the deal. This shows Dart will develop a second public beach at Barkers. Government has decided to take the 700ft there plus 2.5 acres next to Smith Cove in South Sound rather than just 72 feet of beachfront at Victoria House, north of the existing public beach. Smith Cove, off South Church Street will be expanded.”
Bronte group is james lagan who built SEAVIEW and OCEANA it’s NOT Dart
No backbone, no heart. Faceless. Gutless. Greedy. If it the same those two developments are very nice. But there is a place for all development and Smiths Cove is not one. I’m not sure how people can sleep at night. Michael Joseph, we all make mistakes. It takes a true big man to admit it and back down. Time will tell. Your appearance on the bbc/itv was just embarrassing for you and Cayman. You have clearly stepped over the line on this one. Do the right thing. Your wider family’s reputation is being impacted too. Think about it. are you an “I” or a “We” person????
Agreed, an incredibly shocking stance to take especially from someone who “grew up” swimming at Smith Cove.
Ask this one: What was Stan Thomas’ relationship & dealings with Mckeewa?
Ask also what is CNS’ relationship with the objectors who continue to be misled by headlines such as SAVE SMITH COVE creating hysteria that it is going to be a condo site.
CNS: There is no connection. You can’t create one out of thin air because you don’t like the story.
You dopey dope.
What’s all the fuss about ??As I understand it, Smith Cove itself won’t be touched, but the land next to it. It is overgrown and populated with iguanas, wild chickens and old cocaine cans, beers bottles and other waste. This is the same piece of land that a local robber attacked a tourist from, who was caught by an off duty police officer who was visting on a cruise ship some time ago.
Clean up the land, built some beautiful
condos, get some money into Govt coffers from stamp duty and let’s get some jobs going instead of turning this country into a welfare state.
11.40 thank you for a sensible informed and reasoned post in the midst of mass hysteria.
You weren’t on the debate team in high school were you.
it’s the headline that creates that impression, not the “unbiased’ reporting.
This is most likely a done deal. Face it. Cayman that some of us love is gone; you cannot stop this slippery slide we are on. Couldn’t stop the destructive “dock deal”; wait until those gigantic ships dock up close to the land, dwarfing everything, blocking the view, destroying the marine life and in general overwhelming the population. At least the Governor doesn’t drive us of “her beach” by Government house.
Actually, the potential loss of ‘the Governor’s beach’, including what many of us know as “the Old Bathhouse” site, has become a concern for many of us also. We recall there have been politicians who have wanted to sell Governor’s House, so the land could be commercially developed. The more immediate concern now is the increasing commercial use of this area by a number of persons. The swim area buoys have been removed, seemingly to allow unfettered entry for canoe tours offered by one or more watersport operators to come on to the beach through swimmers and spread the canoes along the beach while the renters are taken on a snorkel trip. And even big dive boats come on to the beach occasionally to pick up their passengers. And there is more commercial activity on a smaller scale, at present, as well as the site being used for long term storage.
There seems little thought to people just needing a beach to swim etc., safely and non-commercially – and how important that availability for local residents has been to the harmonious way of Cayman’s past. There is more to life, and success, than a few temporary construction jobs that blind some commenters on this story.
Cayman, I am leaving but I am on your side here (again). WIN THIS ONE! Get govt to buy it and seal its fate. Just this once, sanity needs to win, ove development. Be strong!! – the White Yardy
Mr. McLaughlin told CNS he was aware of the sentiment regarding the cove , but is asking the public to have patience.
Don’t give him one inch of patience because he would keep asking for more patience, then the condo would be built.
I am very happy to see the people come together so quick, and I fully support them in this issue . The petition should be taken Islands wide and get Caymanians signatures , and don’t let the politicians tell you that these signatures are not valid because they are not from the area of Smith Cove . Tell them that these are CAYMANIAN signatures and the people that own smith cove .
Don’t stop until it’s fully resolved in writing and signed by all parties involved.
The land deal .. who took this land deal / swap of the table ? We know that PPM Administration has been in office for over 3 years now . How is it that the sale went through in 2015 and Mr Premier didn’t know anything about it ? Which Government Administration took it the land swap of the table and when ? Was it Mr Bush or Mr McLaughlin ?
Sharkey , Patience is a virtue; try it sometime.
“It is understood that Dart sold the land last year and Bronte Development now has plans for a luxury condo development of 24 apartments.”
Would you believe that Bronte Development is a front for Dart?
Prove it Beverly.
Its the same developer that built the “SeaView” and “Oceania” on N. Church Street.
Of course it is, as is every business currently operating in the Cayman Islands, you are too, you just don’t know it yet.
We need vociferous rallies for LGBT rights here in Cayman.
Wrong thread.
No it’s not, where are they going to hang out in the evenings.
2500 now!
MM 3:57, you are correct in some respects. This all points to the trouble with our lack of a development plan. Our half-hearted attempts at conservation laws and the power of a planning board run, manned, and controlled by the developers, result in little chance of saving anything unless a wealthy institution or individual steps up. Wasn’t it a private entity that improved our district parks in recent memory?
Wake up. Change the laws so you can prevent the loss of the next national treasure.
Do you really think that promise will stick.? I am sure the future owners will not be too happy with outsiders hanging out there once they move in. Having said that, i fully realise that the owners are well within their rights to do as they please with the property but I am hopeful that The Premier and government will try to work out a purchase with Mr. Joseph so that the property can remain for the benefit of the local population. Due to hardships in the early days of Cayman’s development we really lost too much of our land along the way. In some instances some families were simply trying to feed their children, some needed funds to build a house, or send their children overseas to school. Most times they did not even get the true value. We cannot turn back the hands of fime, but I hope going forward that there will be a positive outcome for this particular piece of paradise.
Dart has done some good but needs to know that his welcome is wearing away and he should respect or local culture and stop buying the other %of The country that foolish people haven’t sold him.
He sold it already – he’s not buying. And given he is now a Caymanian, and he bought it from an American, when Dart acquired it he was actually reversing the trend by acquiring land back from non Caymanians.
3.14 do you think that once the condos are built and the new owners purchase that they would allow campers, music and people enjoying the amenities any day or night? Try going on SMB and try sitting under one of the casuarina trees for shade and see if you are not run off and told the law by security.
This is the problem with our governments, they are reactive rather than having the foresight to protect our natural resources. Another example is the green iguanas. Also, not certain why the National Trust is not involved condsidering the significance of the sight? Residents need to enjoy the beach just like the parrots need land and trees to nest. They should also be securing land such as this sight for future usage by the people of this country.
If we continue on this path of development, there will be nothing left for future developments one can just take a look on used to be tranquil south sound road. Gone forever! Why the rush for over development? why not have phased development accourding to infrastructure in place? All CPA is doing is creating more traffic jams and fattening there pockets!
If only caymanians cared about all their reefs that will be destroyed with the new port proposal…. where’s the hysteria with that ordeal?
Thanks CaymanNewsService for once again fueling misinformation and stirring up unnecessary I’ll-will. Smith Cove is NOT being developed.. that’s an outright LIE. As a media outlet, this type of reporting is just a pity.
Is that you dopey dope?
That’s a great name! I’m going to use it too going forward
Well you didn’t just now….
What if I told you that Smith Cove was a gay meeting place?
I’d say you were a kermit.
Wow! You mean gays are allowed to congregate? Or are you reporting them now?
Did you know that people meet at the Ritz and drink alcohol until they are stupid. Yeah, that’s right.
Typical response from our Lameduck Premier..”Ain’t nothing I can do.”
Well Alden there is something we can do…Time longer than rope…your days are numbered as Premier …Enjoy them and hopefully you won’t screw us over much more until we can get to the polls to put you in mothballs for life.
@ 5.01pm How much were you paid to write such an untruth,,nowhere does the article state that Alden said ”Ain’t nothing I can do.”Please read the story again and then post a correction and an apology.Shame on you.
Based on what I see published the actual main part of the cove area will remain as it is now – public land. I’m not sure I am in favour of public funds being spent on a lot of ironshore to secure a very small piece of beach. Any idea what it would cost? Would that money not be better spent on say education?????
What is going to actually happen here is that an otherwise cooperative developer will decide to utilize their land ownership rights and put up a huge concrete wall directly on the border line and only allow their condo residents to use the “jumping rock”; they have all legal rights to do it especially now that the country is trying to make this project more difficult to deliver.
MM looks like you may not get your way as Government is in discussion with the developer who unlike yourself, seems to be open to negotiation.
As long as you pay all the additional hidden duties that will be waged on the public in coming years so that you can own a 6 million dollar property for drug dealers to sit on…
Kiss it goodby
is that what you did with the ‘e’ in goodbye?
He meant good buy
Maybe CIG can trade some of the property in their portfolio for it…say maybe some of the property they purchased for huge premiums off cronies of government….like the old John Silvers in WB or the low pie shaped piece of land across from WB boat dock.
Please clarify exactly which government you are referrig to when yuo speak of these crony purchases. Not all governments are the same.
was there ever a police investigation?
If RESIST has as much an impact on people as those double yellow lines, then the ‘artist’ may as well have not bothered.
I hope the objectors will be just as quick to condemn and distance themselves from this childish vandalism, bad spelling and all.
The persons who park on those DOUBLE yellow line annoy the pants off me. Likely some of the same folks who do want to resist.
I grew up going to this beach and love it just as much as anyone else – but I doubt any of these petitioners would want to be told what to do with a parcel of land they purchase in a fair and legal private sale.
As usual, the Caymanian Band-Aid approach to problems we create for ourselves – attempting to demand a solution after the fact.
Government should have been petitioned to buy the property when it was offered; now that a developer has taken their hard-earned millions and purchased the land; they rightfully deserve the opportunity for ROI, simple.
And, should the Government decide they would like to purchase the property now, it is still entirely up to the developer to sell; and you can believe that gov will not get the same sale price Dart was offering! Especially when one must consider the developer would lose millions of dollars by selling it to Gov versus carrying on with their very legal plans to construct the units. What us Caymanians need to scream and petition about, we don’t.
MM: Perhaps the Government of the day would have been petitioned had the general public been aware that Dart wanted to trade it as part of the NRA deal. Unfortunately that same government maintained a lot of secrecy around that deal; so much so that the secrecy contributed to the defeat of the previous Government. Since this developer has been very successful here in Cayman , we can only hope that they will be willing to return something to this community and offer the property at a reasonable rate to the people of Cayman. If that is done , I hope that you will overlook our ” Caymanian Band-Aid approach” and lend your efforts in some way to help us obtain it.
Save Smith Cove!
OK, let’s see you and your fellow objectors get there and clean up the garbage and used needles, dirty diapers and bottles left by those whose heritage is apparently being threatened.
How can you even compare bags of garbage to bulldozing and paving over an area? This is the problem you see. People (like you) are horrified by little things that don’t seem right to you but blind to mass destruction of natural beauty.
Garbage diapers and needles (which I do not like) can be cleaned up from a park in a day. A POS apartment that removes yet one more space/view will likely blight the land for generations. Man’s glory.
typycal hysterical reaction….. smith cove is not being developed. The northern adjoining parcel is being partially developed and from what i have read , the adjoining jumping rock section/small beach section on private land will be preserved for public use…..
this should be a cause of celebration for anybody who enjoys smith cove…..
You are a fool if you think this building will not affect the use of Smith Cove. And what person in their right mind would buy so close to a place that so many people frequent and camp all over etc.
It is not hysteria. They can make all the promises they want but once it is done they can do what they want. It is their land now.
I think it is hilarious that Michael Joseph was so surprised that this would get such a reaction. What was he thinking???
I’m confused I thought CIREBA realtors were only allowed to promote their own listings to keep the playing field fair – HOW can he be the Sales Representative for Bronte work for Remax too? Did this get past Kim Lund during his unfortunate accident and recovery? You cannot serve two masters, XXX
Give me a break.
Agreed 3.14 , at last a rational post , in contrast to the hateful drivel from the uninformed getting their knickers in a twist.
A cause for celebration like when you slam your finger in the car door but not your head? Ohhhhh, I see. Thanks.
Thank you 10:20am