Archive for October 19th, 2016

Cops issue more warnings over latest email scams
(CNS): The RCIPS Financial Crimes Unit has issued another public warning regarding the emergence of more phishing scam emails that appear to be circulating among local email accounts. While most internet users are now very familiar with how to detect what is a real email and what isn’t, there are still many people who are […]

Premier points to basic flaw in current education law
(CNS): Like many laws that desperately need replacing, the new education bill may not be perfect but is a massive improvement on the untenable situation presented by the current 33-year-old law, which is outdated and offers no real legal support for the education minister to implement education policy, Premier Alden McLaughlin has said. Speaking in […]

Lawyers’ law delayed as small firms ask for time
(CNS Business): The financial services minister has postponed the debate on the still controversial Legal Practitioners bill until the next meeting of the Legislative Assembly because of a request by some small and sole practitioners who want more time to submit suggestions that specifically impact their sector of the profession. Wayne Panton, who was hoping […]