Motorbike rider killed in smash with SUV

| 19/09/2016 | 28 Comments

(CNS): A 62-year-old man who was riding a motorcycle has been killed following a collision with a white Ford Explorer on South Church Street on Monday, 19 September. Randy Johnson, who lived in Grand Cayman but was originally from Canada, was pronounced dead at the hospital today at just before noon after emergency personnel responded to the crash near the Eden Road junction at about 11:30am.

Police have not yet revealed how the smash happened. No one has been arrested in connection with the crash, in which the SUV driver was unharmed. Johnson is the fifth person to be killed on Cayman’s roads this year and the second motorcycle rider to lose his life.

In the wake of the collision, South Church Street was closed between Boilers Road and Melmac Avenue to allow police to conduct an investigation at the scene, but it has now re-opened.

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Comments (28)

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  1. Phillip Kusie says:

    i was shocked when i heard about this last week from a CBC co-worker. I worked with randy at CBC Winnipeg for as long as i can remember. Him in technical, me in production. he even bought my Kawasaki 650. please keep me posted on developments , any services in winnipeg. Carla or Greytigo. i can be reached at My name is Phillip Kusie. Condolences to all involved in this tragedy.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Sometimes there is a lot of gravel that falls out of trucks carrying it along that way too. Maybe the biker got into trouble and lost control because of sand or gravel? Idk just speculating like everyone else on here.

  3. Disgusted says:

    CNS should not even allow any comments to be left for any situation. Imagine how both parties feel after reading the horrible assumptions and accusations left on this site on the last two days, nobody should be subjected to this kind of garbage.

    Get real Cayman, United we stand, divided we fall. Peace begins at home.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Considering the forum, the assumptions are very predictable and unsurprising.
    This country is beung dragged into the deplorable and divided societal state of every major western metropolis.

    Without being present and judging by the photos only – it appears as if the motorbike hit the SUV.

    RIP to Mr. Johnson and sincere condolences to his family and friends.

    *I strongly urge the rest of you to search your souls and figure out why you think and assume the way you do as it concerns life in the Cayman Islands.
    Our future depends on it.

    • Anonymous says:

      The owners of this page should not even allow or condone these types of conversations to take place. There is no need for conversations and comments to be left for any type of situation especially one as unfortunate such as this. There should not even be a forum for comments.

      This is a very sad sad sad unfortunate accident and for any of the parties involved to have to be subjected to these types of comments and remarks is just sick.

      Deepest sympathy to the mans family as well as to the person driving the SUV. Imagine having to remember everyday someone hitting you head on, know where to go and no time to react. Both families I am sure are devastated and until the police finish their investigation nobody should be pointing fingers at anyone.

      Let’s get real Cayman, there should be no division of race, color or nationality. United we stand Divided we fall. Peace begins at home.

    • WinterPeg folks says:

      Everyone,everywhere in the world must respect the rules of the road. We try to drive alert,aware of pedestrians,bike riders,motorbikes,etc. Tragically accidents happen,most can be avoided investigations reveal. What is important here,is the loss of a life; Randy Johnson from Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada.
      A good man residing with his wife in George Town and he was enjoying a few short yrs of retirement doing activities they loved.Most importantly Randy will be missed terribly;a beloved
      son,brother,husband,father,step-father,uncle,father -in-law,former co-worker in media and valued friend to many in several countries. We are still reeling from the sudden loss of Randy’s son in 2015. Randy,the Lord called you home and you took his hand,rest peacefully in eternal paradise. To err is human,to forgive devine. Peace be with all involved in this accident. Slow down,use DD dont get behind the wheel & drive safe!

  5. Time vs. $$$ says:

    Saw the scene of the accident, after it happened. The explorer was in the left lane headed South and the bike was right in front of the SUV; meaning the biker either swayed away from another object and ran into the SUV, lost control of the bike and slid into the SUV or turned onto the right lane from one of the side roads there and ran straight into the SUV.

    Looking at the scene it’s hard to see where the SUV was at fault. This could be a case of the bike malfunctioning and causing the collision. So, several things to consider but certainly not fair to assume anything.

    Condolences to this man’s family.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The stretch of road where the accident happened is very narrow. The gentleman was overtaking at the time and lost control while doing so, hitting into the SUV. The driver saw him coming and slowed down. Because the road is so narrow, there is absolutely nowhere the SUV driver could have pulled off to avoid the bike.The pictures are total evidence that the SUV was in the right lane. Unfortunately even the most “experienced” riders can lose control. Nobody is to blame in this situation, it was purely an unfortunate accident.

  7. Rod Barnett says:

    This is such a sad story, I wonder how anyone could jump to the conclusion that it was the driver of the SUV who was at fault. I would certainly add my condolences to the family of the deceased motorcycle driver, and to the SUV driver as well.

    I cannot imagine what it would be like to be involved in such an accident, and pray I never will be confronted with such a situation.

    Hopefully this tragic event will remind all drivers of Cayman’s traffic laws, which outline safe driving, alertness and awareness of the motorway around you at all times.

    I know I myself have been caught off guard many times with motorcycles flying past me along the white line to pass slow moving traffic. Vehicle operators must be alert at all times on our crowded and dangerous roads.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, just saw two of them today. One driving in the bicycle/pedestrian lane on the East/West Arterial as traffic was slow moving, another who was weaving in and out traffic at Lantern Point area.

    • Veritas says:

      Mr Barnett you must be talking about the numerous young hotheads on high-powered bikes who cannot resist the temptation to wind it up even in the middle of town. In this case we have a mature citizen riding his bike in the middle of the day.
      In any event we must all avoid conjecture and await the results of the police investigation, but it seems that if there was no witness, the evidence from that invesigation will be crucial.

  8. Diogenes says:

    “It looks very much like the Explorer strayed into the path of the deceased motorcyclist..” based on what?

    • Anonymous says:

      Based on the fact that the majority of CNS readership assumes the driver of the SUV was local and the rider was a Canadian national.

  9. Randy lake winnipeg says:

    We will miss you budy

  10. Veritas says:

    Why is only the deceased biker named and not the SUV driver as well. The only reason a mature motorcyclist would veer off course is if he had a heart attack or similar, I doubt very much that he would have been speeding.

    • Anonymous says:

      A few other reasons that can lead to veer off course
      Blow out,
      Avoiding a pedestrian, that area is very narrow.
      Avoiding another car that has flown out of a side road without bothering to look.
      A non signalling car just suddenly stopping in front of him.

  11. Anonymous says:

    As would be routine with any fatal head on collision in the real world, we can only hope that the RCIPS had the wherewithal to inspect the phone of the driver of the Explorer before releasing them to factory reset their phone tonight. Telecom records will not show if they were composing something at the moment of impact. It looks very much like the Explorer strayed into the path of the deceased motorcyclist, who was probably not texting. Sad all around, but if the driver was texting and killed someone, I’d feel better if they were off the road for a couple years.

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