RCIPS looking for volunteer cops

| 07/07/2016 | 36 Comments
Cayman News Service

Police make a traffic stop (file photo)

(CNS): The RCIPS are looking for members of the public willing to give up their time to support the police and become special constables. The volunteer police officers have the full powers of a police constable and help the RCIPS carry out its policing and outreach in the local communities of Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman. Recruits to the Special Constabulary receive training to conduct police duties. “This is a rewarding and interesting way to volunteer and help increase security in the community through supporting the police,” said Police Sergeant Cornelius Pompey.

“We hope that anyone who is interested will come speak with us,” he added.

The recruitment drive begins on Friday, 8 July, from 7am to 12pm, when police officers from the Neighborhood Policing Department (NPD) will be in the Police Mobile Unit in Prospect, near McRuss Store on Marine Drive, to speak with any members of the community who may be interested in becoming a Special Constable.

The recruitment is expected to continue over the next couple of weeks, during which time the NPD officers will make themselves available at various locations and times across the islands to speak with interested individuals.

Those interested in applying to become a Special Constable with the RCIPS should contact the Neighborhood Policing Department at 949-4222 or Cornelius.Pompey@rcips.ky

Check back to CNS for more details on where recruiting officers will be during the course of the month.


Category: Police

Comments (36)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I would love to shadow a few cops just to see wtf they do all day. I’m guessing it would be a few food breaks and mostly driving to say hi to friends around island.

    • Anonymous says:

      And you, 10:05, will be the first to call the RCIP when in trouble. I think it is time to show some respect for our men and women in the services.

  2. Anonymous says:

    this could only work if the volunteers were expats…

    • Jotnar says:

      Joking apart, expats were a major source of “specials” when it was thought that committing to community by volunteering for RCIPS helped qualify for PR. Now its fairly clear that your PR application simply wont get processed anytime short of either hell freezing over or taking CIG to court, it will be interesting to see if new recruits are as easy to find, or the existing ones feel that the commitment made is not recognised or appreciated.

  3. Anonymous says:

    This has always been the method used by JAMAICANS TO HELP their friends who are

    1. approaching rollover;

    2. unemployed but need to get ‘foot in the door’;

    3. would find it easier to bypass background checks but people assume ‘part of the team’; and

    4.terribly unqualified, (skill sets are usually gardeners, working on school fields, farmers etc) and may be friendly to start with but are quickly trained into the Jamaican policing attitude and given full time jobs.

    These types of attitudes are causing the division people. It’s not a race issue in Cayman by Caymanians but a nationality issue because Jamaicans are determined to take opportunities for control unlike the other nationals here. Lord help us because even the Jamaicans will regret what they’re encouraging Caymanian leaders to do.

  4. Anonymous says:

    This won’t even cover the amount of resignations lately.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why would someone want to put themselves in harms way for free when the scivers get a salary for running away from danger?

  6. Anonymous says:

    make the ones you have work and you won’t need help

  7. Anonymous says:

    Simon Courtney’s not busy. Make him pay for his B&B.

  8. Unison says:

    Next thing you know, you volunteer and the criminals(you know the drugees) on this small island rock see your face. Then when you go home, your face is marked as a cop, and you can’t go out without looking behind your back! You was there when they busted them and arrested them! They saw you in uniform!

    Oh you may think, “well my Police friends have me covered” … o really!

    If I am going to make a contribution like this for my community and not get the protection or equipment I need, I think I need to at least be PAID SOMETHING!


  9. Beaumont says:

    It would be useful to many of us if the requirements for Special Constable were posted. It doesn’t appear to be on the RCIP website. Age limit, etc.?

  10. Anonymous says:

    from the simpsons:
    A number of burglaries by a cat burglar take place in Springfield, even striking the Simpsons’ house. Among the stolen items include Lisa’s saxophone, Marge’s pearl necklace, Bart’s stamp collection, and the handheld television. In response, the residents of Springfield arm themselves and install security devices. A neighborhood watch group is formed, and the members elect Homer as their leader. The group patrols the streets, but its members only end up violating laws further than catching criminals, turning into vigilantes. When Homer is interviewed on news anchor Kent Brockman’s Smartline, the cat burglar calls the show and informs Homer that he will steal the world’s largest cubic zirconia from the Springfield museum.

    Homer and his group begin guarding the museum. Grampa and his friends from the retirement home volunteer to help, but Homer tells them to leave because they are too old. A few minutes later, Homer sees a group of teenagers drinking beer. He leaves his post to intervene and catch them, but immediately ends up getting drunk with them instead. While Homer’s guard is down, the cat burglar sneaks past and steals the zirconia. Homer is blamed and pelted with vegetables by the unforgiving townspeople. Later that day, Grampa stops by the Simpsons’ house and tells everybody that he knows who the cat burglar is: a resident in the local retirement home named Molloy.

    Homer captures Molloy at the retirement home, and the surprisingly amiable cat burglar returns the objects he stole. Chief Wiggum arrests him and he is imprisoned. While in his cell at the police station, Molloy casually mentions that he assumes Homer and the cops probably want to know where he hid all of his loot. This piques their interest, and Molloy tells them the stash is hidden under a giant “T” somewhere in Springfield. They all rush out of the station hoping to get the treasure for themselves. In a matter of minutes the entire town hears of the existence of Molloy’s stash and almost everybody in Springfield is racing to get there first. After the residents get to the site and dig, they finally discover a box with a note inside. The note tells them that there is no treasure and that while they have been searching, Molloy has escaped from his cell. However, several citizens continue to dig, convinced that a real treasure must be buried deeper.

  11. Anonymous says:

    the most over staffed police service in the world needs more volunteer staff?……..zzzzzzzzzzzzz
    wonderland stuff……

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop complaining and sign up. Can’t wait to see how many talk show hosts will try for once to part of a solution.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Sign me up to guard the evidence containers behind the police station.

  13. Anonymous says:

    So COPS on payroll will have more time doing nothing.

  14. Yeah right. says:

    No body wants to be a part of this system. Why would they. The higher ups have a history of CYA and blame dodging. They treat their junior officers like dirt. They won’t get anybody. Anyone that joins had better make sure they have a really good lawyer to back them up because their gonna need them.

    • Anonymous says:

      I tell you, if I didn’t live so far away I would jump on this so quick! I would love this opportunity! I would love the chance to : walk some of the streets and talk to the youth, go into the schools and see what programs they have and work with teachers and students to see their needs, talk to the elderly and see what is needed and work to get their wish list accomplished. Oh so much could be done with a few volunteers. The very young, the teens, those that have graduated, but need extra help with resumes and job skills, the elderly……
      This could be very helpful to the community!

      • Anonymous says:

        You know you could just go and volunteer your time doing just that without having to be a police officer…

        • Anonymous says:

          One could just volunteer their time, but would not have the same backing and probably not be able to have the same input from the community or the extra “push” needed to get the programs started. Also, some may not be as welcoming to speak to a stranger, but if they know you have a name tag and are working for an organization that could be a bonus. I see real potential with the police trying to make this work.

          • Anonymous says:

            If you have a name tag and work for a orginisation? You mean like a regular job then?
            You don’t have to join the police to volunteer your time to the community. The police are there to enforcement the law. If you want to take the time out to stroll through neighborhoods and help teenagers and the elderly then just do it. Kindness doesn’t need a badge or name tag.

            • Anonymous says:

              The organization would be the RCIP. One could volunteer for the Humane Society, but that would be a different type of volunteering. Not sure why this is such an issue- either volunteer your time or move on. Some people would enjoy helping the community- others not so much. IMO, helping the RCIP would be very beneficial to the community. If you have a different opinion but still want to volunteer, find another program.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly!!!! about time someone see’s the benefits to this. honestly i think we can make a difference if we want we just need to stop waiting on people to make this difference in our communities. there are a lot of children out there who honestly just need someone to talk to and be a role model to them, and i believe we can break a few of these bad seeds if we take the time to help them understand the world a little better. i am going to do this program and help the North Side Community.

    • Anonymous says:

      The force is mainly jamaican nationals even the Caymanian statistic are Jamaican nationals with status so probably about 80% from Jamaica so the special constables are a way to hire more of their own

  15. Anonymous says:

    Vigilante justic in Cayman. Yea, this will go well…

  16. Anonymous says:

    Why is it that everyone seems to have a problem with with the Police?
    here they are giving people an opportunity to gain experience, and work along side the RCIPS, and they still find something to complain about.
    Like seriously, this is getting out of hand now. You complain that they are not doing their job, but how do they do their part if no one does theirs?
    Stop bringing down the Police because one day you may need them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Apparently the public now has to do their job for them. I’d sit next to Spotts with a speed gun every morning but I expect a cut of the speeding tickets I write :P.

  17. Anonymous says:

    This will most likely result in some false arrests….

  18. Anonymous says:

    I know there is an established tradition of enlisting volunteer special constables. But what exactly are we getting for that annual $30,000,000 plus budget? How can it be that a force of 350-400 cannot field enough beat officers to police the community? RCIP should be looking to the wider Civil Service to undertake administrative functions and convert more desk jockeys into beat patrol.

    • Shhhhhhhhhhh. says:

      It is quite simple 7.52pm. Public holiday ceremonies, and Friday/Saturday nights, not to mention post hurricane security needs, create demands for police resources that are just not available from normal establishment, and the Specials help RCIP to cope with the bulge. They do an incredible job!

      • Anonymous says:

        You might have a point if we didn’t have a force of 350-400 full time cops. Given the size of the force, we are simply not getting appropriate value for the massive annual spend.

  19. Anonymous says:

    There are supposed to be 400+ cops employed here, but you hardly see any of them. Where are they, and why do they now need free labour to do police work, work they cant or wont do themselves ?

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