Police answer 254 calls over weekend

| 18/07/2016 | 0 Comments

Cayman News Service(CNS): Just days after the RCIPS management released the details of their workload and the latest statistics showing a rise in crime, officers responded to 254 calls between Friday evening and early Monday morning and made 35 arrests for criminal and traffic offenses, with 22 arrests on Friday alone. The police were called out to road smashes, drug operations, executed warrants and responded to serious crime reports, including a serious and violent domestic assault.

According to the RCIPS, among the many call-outs police officers dealt with at the weekend, at around 9am Saturday morning, uniformed officers responded to a serious and violent domestic incident in West Bay. The offender was armed with a knife and machete, which he had used to assault a woman. When police arrived, she was bleeding profusely from her injuries but officers quickly defused the situation, restraining the man and provided first aid to the woman before she was taken to the hospital.

The 24-year-old man from George Town was arrested and has been charged with two counts of possession of an offensive weapon and wounding. He was due to appear in court Monday.


Category: Crime, Police

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