Fire teams cut men from serious car smash
(CNS): Two men are in hospital today in critical but stable condition following a single car crash on Shamrock Road yesterday evening. The men had to be cut out of the white Toyota Corolla they were travelling in after the vehicle collided with a wooden utility pole. Police said that they received the report about the smash near to Spotts dock just before 5pm Thursday (30 June). When emergency personnel, including the fire service, arrived at the scene, the men were both trapped in the car and were removed by the fire officers before they were taken to the Cayman Islands Hospital in George Town with serious injuries.
The incident is under investigation.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Traffic Management Unit at 649-6254. Anonymous tips can be provided via the Miami-based call centre of Crime Stoppers at 800-8477(TIPS).
Category: Local News, Police
It’s long holiday weekend and all I been seeing is bikes and cars racing on this Spotts road! Slow down !!
On Spotts highway (straight) then boys always racing all the time. Me and my kids has to be extra careful all the time on the road and also turning off the road!
I just wish these young men a full speedy recovery. More prayers are needed here, instead of blasphemy towards one another. Accidents could happen to anyone, and these young men are someone’s child, someone’s brother, uncle. Nephew, you name it, so please stop hating and start loving and respecting each other. May God bless them both and keep them close to his heart.
People that comment on this news site never seize to amaze me! WHY they had to have been speeding?! WHY they had to have been young?! I am a caymanian and I’ll say this proudly, some of you unna is full of the stuff that comes out of unna bottom hole! SH!T! There were numerous EYE WITNESSES! If you don’t have facts about the incident STFU! THESE MEN ARE SERIOUSLY INJURED! Its Sunday, and guess what? BOTH MEN are still in critical condition! One hasn’t even woken up as yet! Instead of friggin judging someone why not pray they make it thru? Everyone that has something negative to say, maybe it should have been! Let’s see how you would feel. And NO I’m NO BABYMAMA OR GF OR WHATEVER! I AM SIMPLY A CONCERNED HUMAN! GTFOH WITH THIS BS!
You should talk to someone, seriously. I’m just a concerned human.
TO 9:40am where I know gramma isn’t what this post is about, you seriously need to go back to school to learn how to right proper English. You are a prime example of the poor education the schools in cayman are offering…..hey Tara look at this post and realize this is the majority of what is coming out of the schools.
Write proper English *** fyi if your going to shame someone just make sure you know how to write proper English yourself
I agree but I have to assume you are just being sarcastic when you spell grammar as ‘gramma’ and write as ‘right’
The person who hit ‘dislike’ is either 9.40 am poster himself/herself, a simple ‘troll’ or someone who just doesn’t have enough intelligence to realize that there was absolutely nothing to ‘dislike’ in 9.20am’s post today.Use a bit of sense before just hitting a dislike or troll key because you make it clear that you have no rationale whatsoever. Still, I guess it’s your prerogative!
Thanks, that actually was a typographical error on my part, grammar and write.
I’m old , what does GTOH mean ,don’t sound very friendly
Robert; I’m young, you’re “old” and hey, I don’t get it either. It took me years to learn what “LOL” meant….
I hate the new generational dysfunctional English; oops, gibberish!
I had to Google it…apparently means ‘Get the F*** out of here so yes, Robert not very nice you’re right.
The Spotts raceway is one of the most dangerous stretches of road in the country. The genius that made the double lane set up racing.
You all better the facts straight because it never happen like that also one of those guys that is critical is about 40 years old and also if you know anything about Toyota terecel they aren’t very ????
Investigation will hopefully show if speed and/or maybe distracted driving played a role.
I hope both recover from this accident. I nearly smashed into a mini bus in the same area this afternoon. One has to wonder how they get away with stopping in a 40mi zone to pick someone up or as seen before even reverse. If there would have been a car in the right lane, I would be the headline tomorrow..
And Police usually just drive on by when illegal unsafe driving taking place…
If there was a stationary vehicle in your lane and you had to swerve into the right hand lane to avoid it… you were going too fast!!!!! Your fault, not theirs!!!!
The police had been actively pulling over people on this stretch of road recently and I would like to condemn for their efforts. please keep it going so people will SLOW DOWN
I think we should commend them for their efforts… not condemn them
How many thousands of CUC light poles have been flattened in single car crashes here in Cayman?. The standard of driving in this part of the world is appalling – they manage to do this without any steep hills, snow, or black ice.
Seems like young Caymanian men are in a race to see who can die the youngest. Sad.
Where does it say what nationality they are?
I wonder how they are young if they are 40 years old, if that is young to young maybe you need to change your depends
Dem Toyota and Hondas got a mind of their own