Alden: Independence would be ’asinine’
(CNS): The premier said the Cayman Islands is much too small in population terms to consider independence and the people would have to be “lunatics” to make such a decision. As the country took a day off Monday to mark its first constitution signed in 1959, the premier said the current 2009 document was a great improvement on the original. But last week he made it clear that Cayman would be “absolutely asinine” to make a bid for independence. Noting that it had a population of only around 30,000 Caymanians and a transient population of some 20,000 people, he said the real goal should be economic independence.
Speaking on Radio Cayman’s breakfast talk show, For the Record, last week, the premier said the country had come a long way with the last constitution when it came to political autonomy but admitted that there was room for Cayman to go much further. However, he ruled out moving towards independence.
The UK’s vote to leave the European Union has created an atmosphere of economic and political uncertainty, and some people have begun to ask if it’s time for Cayman to begin the debate over severing its own ties to Britain. But the premier said he believes that Cayman needs to seek more autonomy and self-determination as opposed to out-and-out independence.
“We need to press for greater control,” he said, adding that he believes Cayman still benefits enormously from being a British dependent territory.
McLaughlin admitted that the ‘Brexit’ vote had thrown up many questions but he said his concern now was impact it would have on the UK’s relationship with the territories and the attitude towards them. Remarking on the subsequent resignation of Prime Minister David Cameron, McLaughlin said he was sorry to see him leave office.
“Will the new leadership still have same views and attitude towards the overseas territories?” he asked, noting significantly improved relations with the UK of late and the fact that Cameron was the first and only British leader to have stood on the world stage and stuck up for Cayman and other offshore financial centres.
McLaughlin said solid relationships with the UK were important and that during this period of uncertainty he would seek to build further on the better relations Cayman now enjoyed with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
He said, “It is important to foster the relationships and the political ties between the Cayman Islands and the United Kingdom and our job is to do everything we can to exploit those relationships.”
McLaughlin said Cayman would, however, have to wait and see what the next UK government’s position would be towards the territories, even if the Conservatives remain in office.
“We don’t know… it’s a difficult and uncertain time,” he said, pointing to the possibility that, as the UK turns away from Europe, it may turn its attention toward its overseas territories, but there were no certainties about what that attitude would be. It could mean allowing them increased political autonomy or the UK could become more controlling towards its remaining colonies.
When CNS spoke with the UK’s overseas territories minister, James Duddridge, ahead of the EU referendum result, the junior FCO minister, who supported the leave campaign, said that outside the European Union, Britain could focus on the Commonwealth, the English-speaking world and traditional relationships with the overseas territories.
“An independent Britain can spend more time developing our historic ties rather than be shackled by the regulation and political infrastructure that is a federal union,” he said. He added that he believed the overseas territories valued their relationship with the United Kingdom and not the European Union, as he indicated the link was with Britain not the other EU nations.
Despite the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and the political change it is heralding in the mother country, McLaughlin said Caymanians would have to be “lunatics to seek political independence at this stage in our development”. He said that achieving more autonomy and local control was a much more realistic political goal.
Category: Politics
Who gonna pay my mortgage off then?
We will go for independence when Dart Corp. is good and ready.
There has always been a group of independent minded people whose egos write checks they expect the rest of us to pay for. The self serving motivation for independence makes these people questionable in my opinion.
I remember the Northward riots back in 1999 where correction officers were brought from England to restore order.
These wantabe independence people really just want more power to feed their egos.
The rambling gambling man wants independence so he and his cronies can get a clean shot at the treasury. Can you imagine what state this country would be in if his crowd was still in charge?
Banana Republic here we come!
Two words “global warming”
Alden is correct. A rather important issue and worth keeping him as head over. This decisiveness really does over rule any other rather shaky ideas.
Why do people always say that Cayman is too small to become independent? Why do people always say look at Jamaica? Jamaica has a lot of resources but also had a lot of tiefing selfish greedy politicians that brought the country to where it is. Jamaican politicians used the gangsters for their own purpose. Are you therefore saying that Cayman has the potential to be like Jamaica in this regard? If so then I agree we should not go independent. However, how is Britain helping Cayman? Are we getting money from the UK? Oops, Cayman is super rich so dont need anyone’s money. Is Britain taking in large numbers of Caymanians for school and jobs? Oops Caymanians dont need to go anywhere but the Brits do so they come here in droves! Its not that Cayman cannot become independent. Its the dependence of Cayman on a fantasy mother country that keeps the mentality that says we cannot go independent. Hopefully the next generations of politicians will plan, prepare and execute! Caymanians like to say we never had slaves! Look in the mirror Cayman, if we neva had them then we sure are slaves now!!!
Oops … Cayman don’t have its own army to defend itself!
Like I said Im all in for our Independence! But to go that way prematurely without another superpower or alliance by our side that would respect the rights of Caymanians better than the Limey … well that bobo, wouldn’t be the best move for us! :/
You could come to an arrangement with Jamaica and become a protectorate. The JDF could have that responsibility and have a small detachment with Jamaican coastguard based in Cayman.
Why does Cayman need the UK’s money? Is a billion not enough for 30000 people? Let’s face it the expats have to pay their own way. If you want UK money you better start adopting equality laws and so on.
Many Caymanians have left to go to the UK already and some are in the process of leaving for better options. Caymanians are there going to school, getting jobs and going on welfare.
yes the UK does give Cayman money. Caymanians politicians use the gangsters now….you really do have your head in the sand.
Ummm whether the UK gives Cayman money isn’t the issue. The primary reason Cayman is super rich is because of the financial services industry here which has an advantage over other islands because of the stability in government and rule of law that being a BOT territory provides. Become independent and say goodbye to that and most of the money it provides. Also say goodbye to your British passport and the ease of travel that provides. As far as I’m aware many Caymanian go to live and work or study in the UK. And your solution is to become a protectorate of JA but you don’t think that would cause Cayman to become like JA?! The premier is right about the lunatics who would vote to be independent.
While I agree with the Premier on this matter in reference to independence, one could consider one man – one vote in the same manner, in the context of our islands’ population.
I voted for OMOV but have since realized that with the population size and constituency demographics, it is unworkable. On that matter I agree with the Leader of the Opposition – voting turnout will be slim and we will end up with representatives elected by a minority of the electorate.
Alden Caymans Donald Trump
I don’t think so, thank the lord.
the fco saved cayman from caymanians in recent years…..
caymanians have not got the ability to run their own affairs…
So the new Independence Day movie….its not real ?
Just like the last one son…
Some may think that I didn’t read the article, but read more than what he said in the article. Why would he be talking about the subject ? If he is not thinking about it.
Why would he be talking about population? Is he he pushing alot of work permits? Then maybe the next step is for Cayman Status to double that population. Then we would have to watch out here it comes, independence.
oh dear Sharkey, are you like this at work?
I agree with Alden on this, but what is he doing to make us more self sufficient? Everyday we become more dependent on outside investors and work permits and very little trickles down to us working class Caymanians. Yes he stated the obvious, we can’t go independent but …..what next? Also if the UK decides to apply more direct rule, implement income tax, allow free movement between Cayman and the U.K. Will he support that? The U.K. Has no alternative now but to strengthen up its empire and allowing autonomy in the overseas territories is not on the agenda!
Sure, cut the rope and let the exodus begin. If we are lucky maybe even the mosquitos and green iguanas will leave too!
Independence would create a lot of high-paying jobs. We would need to open fully Caymanian-staffed embassies all over the world. I would settle for Deputy Ambassador to Las Vegas.
Dream on! Independence at this point would certainly reboot our rope making industry. Managing that will create a job paying proportionally to the amount of rope we can export.
And since future caymanians might loose the UK passport you’ll also need to hire more postal clerks at the post office to process all the passports being mailed around the world for visa permits! And you’ll also need new staff to process visas for incoming people too! Think of the benefits!!
I would just like to say taht I did not type dis post. My personal asstant RP who knows my password typed it. Erebody, at least erebody who aint foo foo, know dat u can’t be Ambassadore of Wegas, I wud haf to be Ambassadore for de hole of Newada.
Independence would be difficult to achieve without dorm form of self sustaining revenue and tax base. This would also be a requirement to appease the on going UN mandate.
The population right now is too small to tax and would cost more to administer.
Once the population climbs over 80,00 then 10 per cent income tax would be achievable.
At best, the population is 57′,000 max, The population would have to climb rapidly and all would have to be taxed regardless of status, etc.
The only way this could be achieved outside of the demographics would be for a mass amnesty and give away of status coupled with new housing being built all over.
Relaxed rules and incentives would have to be offered to provide job creation and an influx of immigrants, coupled with a decrease or privatization of government liabilities such as pension, healthcare.
I for one can see how this is heading …
Name a community of 50,000 anywhere in the world that has annual revenues of $600,000,000 to $750,000,000? Cayman has a reliable revenue system. Any form of direct taxation would destroy it and reduce us to just another Caribbean outpost with a population scrabbling for coins dropped by tourists.
Of course, we do have a major spending problem which absolutely must be fixed before we shoot ourselves in both feet.
Agreed but you have to take the gamble that those particular revenue streams will still be in place once it is called. If you think that those revenue bases are solid and sustainable, it would have been called already in the desire for more control and autonomy as stated in the initial article.
I think the longer term requirements are to satisfy the UN mandate such as leaving the Island with a democratically elected, open and transparent government, a constitution that the majority have elected, free from corruption (if only on paper) and a self sustaining revenue base.
The wheel turns slowly behind the clock face as each cog falls into place.
In that case then, give iIndependence a go. With those sort of successes you will never look back.
Bermuda? … Only that is not too good of an example right now is it?
They were doing ok then the desire for more control, autonomy, freedom led to the Bermuda model, the pre Independence phase to be put in place.
Let me know how things are in Bermuda right now.
How many people have you talked to in Cayman that previously moved here from Bermuda because of the growing problems?
How many of them tell you that Cayman is heading down the same path?
How many are planning to leave Cayman because of this?
I think that the Premier is the one that wants Independence , and he should not be permitted to be talking on the radio or the LA floor about this topic .
Did you read this article or did you just glance over it? The Premier in NO way is pushing for independence, as a matter of fact, it is the complete opposite. I totally agree with The Premier! Take for instance Jamaica…look at where that country has gone due to their decision to go independent. There are many Jamaicans that regret that decision. Let us not be hasty in our decisions, nor get overly anxious. Let us work together! It is our responsibility to each pray for our country and our leaders.
Barbados doing good, why always mention Jamaica
not that good 2.24, no infrastructure, horrible housing dreadful mosquito problem, crime rising fast..
Really? So why are Barbadians coming here to work?
Where are we freakin Iran?
Can we mention Voldermorts name to or is that forbidden?
The UK is seeking independence from unelected bureaucrats from everything including border control to cucumber curvature. They have becomes slaves to the EU and have taken the country back. Cayman should do the same!
Actually the UK should force it
The Brexit vote was swung on the opinion of the European Union by majority of the U.K. Population. That one vote changed the future of 19 countries and possibly the world in less than 24 hours.
The opinion of the U.K. Population, rightly or wrongly, of the Cayman Islands is less than favourable.
Let’s hope that the BOT’s are not forced into a referendum and the opinion of Britain is taken into consideration.
I agree Alden! Only those with more ego than brain really want independence. It is not in our interest unless things change drastically with the UK.
McLaughlin said Caymanians would have to be “lunatics to seek political independence at this stage in our development,” as he pointed to achieving more autonomy and local control as a much more realistic political goal……. Well I have never been a party man – not UDP PPM ABC Independent or CBS….. but thank you for that Alden , Thank you…seriously. G Nowak
Just another day in Paradise.
June 23, 2016 the UK Prime Minister thought the same “My people would be lunatics to vote Leave!”. The people feel the same “immigration” issues.
Never under/over estimate the people (stupidity or genius)!
CAYMANIANS for those who are up-to-date with the Brexit results, see what chaos the results have caused now and in time to come in the UK and wider Europe. For once, I am in total agreement with our Premier when he said “Caymanians would have to be “lunatics to seek political independence at this stage in our development”. Let us make our voices loud and clear from the get go and say NO TO ANY ONE political or layman who will be so mad to even make any suggestion of independence.
How can you compare the UK with Cayman? And what chaos? The only close to chaos we in the UK are from alarmists and uncertain market. However, the UK has enough to stand on her own feet. She’s been in a EU agreement since the 1940’s … are you implying that the hundreds of years before the 1940’s, she was in chaos??? Read your history and stop listening to the doomsday pessimists! The UK has been thriving way before the EU and will thrive after the EU.
… smh
1940’s? i think WW2 was in the way….
UK joined the European Community in 1973, not the EU.
The EU (European Union) was formed in 1993.
Long term ramifications are unknown. Just the facts, no guess work.
As for Cayman independence, take a look at Jamaica, Gross public debt being over 120% of GDP. Lessons to be learned.
Cha! The dates wrong! Still doesn’t make you right… especially your rediculous comparison between Cayman and Jamaica
The dates are correct. Please check your history before you speak.
I hope that makes it easier for you.
The reason I mentioned Jamaica was due to its independence and the issues suffered in the aftermath. Quite simple really. Or should I give you another history lesson on Jamaica?
Also, its spelt ridiculous, not rediculous. Grammar lesson.
First let me say that I agree with the premier here.
However Mr. premier, please consider the tone and value of your words. Calling people “lunatics and asinine” is not the best way to make your very valid point.
But some of them are…!!! We could not be independent now
i agree, however it is likely more productive to simply point out the obvious without using words that can be seen as insulting. It may alienate some and so backfire!
I hope Alden is not saying that in light of the special interest indifference to the people of the OTs, also working through the Foreign Office … we are LUNATICS to want better treatment and democracy! Because if that’s the case, he fears more about future phantoms which obscures him from seeing reality.
Nevertheless, I am against a premature independence, but I wouldn’t take that option off the table, providing we ally with another superpower. We should never make them think for once we are so dependant on them that we can’t act on our own when it is needed, or defend ourselves. They will just take advantage over us and think our voices and democracy on many matters is meaningless.
It is for Alden to show himself as a leader for his people. ;).
Which superpower?
With the US not wanting to bail out Puerto Rico, they certainly would not be interested.
So Russia or China then…
It has to be a power or alliance or union that respects our democratic rights as a people! But we definitely can’t go Independence on our own. We can’t even protect ourselves from an invading army.
Which power or alliance? I leave that one for the politicians.
I recall TCI’s party had plans to join TCI with Canada. Canada gave a green light and a good deal was in the making! But the UK decided that in order to stop TCI… they would rather not have Misick prosecuted by the TCI courts. But the man was so much of a threat to these elite that it warranted a British ship… and they said to effect, “lets takeover TCI, dissolved their democratic parliament, and abolish their democracy, abolish elections. ‘Corruption’ and lil bird Misick will be our red herrin!” Then all deals along with Canadian interest will be squashed! We will show who is in authority!”
You see TCI was booming at the time. A push for Independence and siding with Canada and other alliances would have been a great loss to certain UK interest and an embarassment. What if Cayman ans BVI followed??? But this story never leak out. Not even CNN or US media were paid to fully cover what goes on in mother’s back yard. :))
Knowing a bit more about this, and the factual side too, I would say Canada had a lucky escape.
Unison, You really do speak a load of rubbish. You have no facts at all, conspiracy theories. Yes they were looking at joining Canada in some form of agreement, but Misick is corrupt. To say that there is a media black out over TCI is ridiculous. Why do you come on here? I have spent many years in Provo and Cayman, you obviously have not.
The Premier is correct. Well said.
Responsible Caymanians must hope that the message will make it through the hard headed skulls of the many asinine types who have been elected to positions of authority. And the radio hosts and other lunatics.
What is all the fuss for??
Did I miss something? Because I don’t recall “Independence” being the peoples’ choice; last I checked our Politicians do what they want when they want with no regard for the people they are “supposed” to be representing.
One man, one vote was passed with so many people against it; do you all really think that if/when the day comes to make that choice about Independence that WE the people will have a say? Well, silly you….
A few days ago, I disagreed with the Premier when he said that stopping work permits would be “disastrous”, I am a person that like to think outside the box, look at a situation before it gets out of control. I was trying to state that with unemployment on the rise, crime would also be on the rise. It a simple equation, we have to try to afford our people the best education possible and to get the educated ones employed. It was as simple as that!!
Today, I do say that I have to applaud the Premier in this statement: “The premier said the Cayman Islands is much too small in population terms to consider independence and the people would have to be “lunatics” to make such a decision”. This is a very important statement to make, we do not like to be called names, but it would be “lunacy” to even think about independence. We are under the British rule, and in doing so we are a very stable country. A lot of people would like to see us disassociate ourselves from this, for many reasons, however it would be “crazy” to think otherwise!! We just have to look around at the other Caribbean Islands and see the outcome from Independence. Now, let us look at ourself. We are one of the top financial centers in the world, our currency is the 8th strongest currency in the world, what other Caribbean Island can make such a statement!! We are one of the safest places in the world, not too many other places, can make such a statement!! I, personally think that Independence would change this dramatically, and not for the better.
Please, for the sake of ourselves, for the sake of our children and mostly, for the generations to come. Let us all agree with the Premier on this, it is not even near the time to think, much less to talk about Independence!! Some of our politicians would like us to believe that this will be the best way forward, please do not listen to these “lunatics”.
I would like to say before I close, I do not care who you are or what party you are associated with politically, if you are making a valid point I will support you, for the benefit of the Cayman Islands!!
Apparently our Premier is a regular CNS reader.
We were lunatics to elect Alden.
I would rather have independence with a few decent, moral people than the oppressive bullshit known as government today.
The only bullshit is your asinine statement and the only lunatic is yourself for making it!
Agreed @ 3:28pm.
I think next election we ought to make a statement and stay home; don’t vote.
We need decent representatives, no more liars and thieves.
Good luck with that. The pool of liars and thieves is quite deep and wide. There will be plenty to choose from.