US measles outbreak leads to local warnings

| 28/06/2016 | 9 Comments

measles(CNS): With a growing number of confirmed cases of measles in the United States, officials from Cayman’s Public Health Department are issuing an alert to travellers. People visiting states in the US affected by the outbreak are urged to ensure their family’s immunisations against measles are up to date, as unprotected children are at the greatest risk of contracting this virus if yhy are travelling or if a case is imported.

“Although there is no need to be alarmed at this stage, we ask that anyone returning from the US where there are cases confirmed and who are experiencing a sudden high fever accompanied by a rash to seek medical attention immediately,” said Acting Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez.

As of 21 May, there were 21 people from ten states (Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Tennessee and Texas) who had contracted the disease, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The senior public health officials urged parents to ensure their children are vaccinated. “It is the duty of parents and guardians to ensure that their children are protected,” he added. Children older than 12 months should have had two does doses of MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine. Children between 6 and 11 months who are travelling abroad are recommended to have had one dose of MMR vaccine.

There has been no measles in the Cayman Islands since 1990 and local immunisation coverage against measles and mumps is around 90% among 15-month-old children and about 97% by the time they reach school entry age (4 to 5 years).

“Regionally, while there has been great progress, I emphasise that measles can be reintroduced as we have many residents and visitors travelling to and from the Americas and we should therefore remain vigilant,” Dr Williams-Rodriguez said. “The first sign of measles is usually a high fever, which begins about 10 to 12 days after exposure to the virus. A runny nose, cough, along with red and watery eyes and small white spots inside the cheeks can develop in the initial stage, followed by a rash on the face and upper neck, eventually reaching the hands and feet.”

Measles is caused by a virus which grows in the cells that line the back of the throat and lungs. Measles is a human disease and is not known to occur in animals. Close contact with other people following the onset of rash must be avoided for seven days.

Williams said the Public Health Department would continue to monitor the situation and advise residents accordingly.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

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  1. Anonymous says:

    None of these medical shots are better than prayer. Just pray and you will not get sick. If you get sick, then you need to take inventory of what sin you have done recently, or maybe you are just being tested by God.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Most of us are too old to remember how serious these outbreaks are and sorry, if you choose to live here and our law says vaccination then do it or move please

  3. Anonymous says:

    I had it. My son who is 18 yo now had it when he was 11 month old. What makes his case interesting, there was not a single registered case of measles in a city of 800,000. NONE! I actually diagnosed him myself as his doctor had never seen kids with measles. 10 days before the obvious measles symptoms he was sick with cold like symptoms and was not getting better. I pointed his doctor to tiny white spots inside his mouth. Few hours later full blown measles symptoms were hard to miss.
    It was not fun, even scary for a young mother to see her child burning with high fever for few days, but there is nothing anyone could do, it ran its course with no consequences for his heath.

    • Anonymous says:

      But some kids die or have serious health consequences so only an idiot would not get then innoculated.

      • anonymous says:

        Hold your horses. This child was not old enough for the vaccination which is done at 12-15 MO.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yes, and the disease is much more serious if contracted later on. Only idiots would not get their kids inoculated. So what has your story go to do with the story unless impliedly you are undermining the inoculation process?

      • Anonymous says:

        2.15am. at least read what the 9.45 am person wrote before jumping to a conclusion that she is an anti-vaxxer.

        But since you brought deaths thing into this, here is from (JUL 2, 2015) -First Confirmed U.S. Measles Death In More Than A Decade.
        “On average, about one death occurs each year that is a result of measles, usually in an immune-compromised person in their 30s”

        and one more

        June 30, 2016. ZERO U.S. Measles Deaths in 10 Years, but Over 100 Measles Vaccine Deaths Reported (2004-2015).
        I am neither pro nor anti vaxxer. Just like R.DeNiro had said- I am for safe vaccines, reasonably spaced vaccines against the most dangerous infections.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I suspect there is a high correlation between exposing your children to a serious disease because of idiocy and considering voting Trump in the election.

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