CUC sends out wrong bills and cut-off notices

| 21/06/2016 | 23 Comments

power meters(CNS): Some of CUC customers have been sent incorrect bills and disconnection notices as a result of what officials said was an unexpected failure during the billing process. Following enquiries by CNS, a spokesperson for Grand Cayman’s monopoly power provider said certain customers who received e-bills last week should be aware that CUC cancelled and reissued some bills because of the problems in the process. Emails were sent Monday from the customer service department to explain. The firm also noted that a “disconnection notice was erroneously reflected on some paper and electronic (e-billing) bills.”

It is not clear what went wrong but customers received bills with varying amounts and CUC has said the second bills were correct readings but the first bills “did not reflect the overall consumption”, as they urged customers to carefully review bills.

CUC said that these incorrect June disconnection notices would not lead to customer’s power supply being cut if their only outstanding amount is in relation to the June bills, as the firm apologised to customers for any inconvenience.

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Category: Local News, Utilities

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Did it have anything to do with new metres they have been installing with their sub-contracted company?

    How can we be confident that these new metres are not tampered with in some way since only reason they give for high bills is ‘someone stealing power’ so CUC, can these new metres facilitate stealing power or transferring consumption to other metres, like from other accounts to mine?

  2. H says:


  3. Anonymous says:

    The only thing worst than this is mistakenly cutting off your power, which they did to me!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    306 all companies make mistakes , but you are dumb as a rock you don’t receive a bill after a month you can check with their offices they have a few , I think it’s basic common sense you use electricity you have to pay whether you get a bill or not , as with any other service in life that is not free, grow up

    • Anonymous says:

      You are as stupid as they come, you dont think CUC is taking advantage of their customers. LOGIC says I havs 1 50mb connecton when I have tested 24 hours from several websites to find I only have 1mbs. Mount trashemore is emblematic of the trash we consumers have to deal with daily.

    • Anonymous says:

      I did receive a bill – a disconnection notice. I pay my bill in full and on time as I pay by direct debit. Am I to just ignore it as I know it is wrong? Maybe the same computer that generates it tells the technicians when switch to flick to turn me off. I have to go and sort it out …… be told it was a computer error, not a person error. I can’t even get another bill printed without “disconnection notice” in red written all over it. The computer won’t do it!

  5. Anonymous says:

    My bill jumped up like crazy this month….Nothing new other than a new desk lol Way2go CUC pop it off in the poor people..One day competition will be here…

  6. Anonymous says:

    how is this even news, every bill I have received for the last 18 months has been incorrect. And then even after not sending any bills for 4 months they cut off the electricity, and refused to turn it back on, AND REFUSED TO SEND THE INVOICES THEY FAILED TO SEND IN THE FIRST PLACE, until I had paid a made up number they advised over the phone – absolutely incredible anyone can get away with 1/2 the stuff they do

    • Anonymous says:

      would think after 4 months of not receiving a bill you would try to find out what’s going on and not assume you’re getting electricity for free.

      but that’s just me…

  7. Anonymous says:

    Yup 21st of the month and they have not even done a reading yet. I expect my bill to double thanks to those @#$%*!!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hmm, does this have anything to do with the switch to digital meters?

    Time of day billing cannot be far behind.

    Being able to produce your own off grid power is the answer. Just wish it were not so expensive.

  9. Sunrise says:

    Once again, I must say that we need more off grid solar power supply!! The only how we are going to have uninterrupted, non monthly bills is to have off grid solar power!! Cayman is the perfect place for this, we can be a world leader in solar energy consumption. I was very happy to read that, Sir Richard Branson, along with government was trying to introduce the Cayman Islands, as one of the 10 Islands Challenge!! However, it only mentioned Little Cayman as being completely off grid, what about Grand Cayman? We have to start using more solar energy in the Cayman Islands, but it has to be done off grid. It is not helping anyone if you still have to pay a monthly utility bill, this is how the on grid system is now set up. We all can benefit from solar here in the Cayman Islands, and be a lot less dependent on fossil fuel. Time for Cayman to change for the better as we reduce carbon footprints, time to lead and not follow!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      We should go Nuclear here. A small plant out at Little Pond area , 30 MW [thermal]should keep us running for 25 years before a re-fuel. The U.S. invented a reactor that is fail-safe , whereby if you totally shut down the cooling system , it manages the latent heat to a safe level in 1 hour automatically without human input , but the big coal & fossil fuel lobby killed the project development. It is hard to argue that this is the # 1 answer for global warming due to fossil fuel power generation /greenhouse & CO-2 rise , but the fear of consequences may sadly never see a resurgence in nuclear. I also acknowledge the cost factor , but with a lot of work it may again be viable in some countries in the future.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Powerwalls and solar.

  11. Anonymous says:

    One very nasty monopoly…

    • Anonymous says:

      You wouldn’t even be posting on here if it wasn’t for CUC. Go on, unplug your computer and try. Then plug it back in and let me know how you got on.

      • Anonymous says:

        sun is out, solar working, not sure why I need to unplug my computer? is the sun about to disconnect?

        • Anonymous says:

          No, Sun has another 4.5 billion years left , but we wont get to see it all .

          Its about to rain though looking out my window and its also night-time now

  12. Anonymous says:

    “unexpected failure during the billing process.” like a power outage??? Hahaha you can’t make this stuff up!

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