Cops engage community in anti-crime clinics

| 16/06/2016 | 6 Comments
Cayman News Service

RCIPS Community Clinic at Grand Harbour, 15 June 2016

(CNS): The RCIPS is holding another round of ‘community clinics’ this week at various locations on Grand Cayman, giving the public a chance to speak directly with police officers about their concerns. Replacing the town hall style of public meetings, police management have said these clinics are proving more effective with their informal approach. Setting up at places with high foot traffic, such as supermarkets, malls and hospitals, the clinics provide a more comfortable, convenient way for people to speak with officers, the RCIPS stated.

The concerns are then addressed through a Problem Oriented Policing and Partnership (POPP) approach, in which the community, police and other agencies work together to solve the issues that have been raised and the things seen as the wider community problems, a police spokesperson explained.

Although some community meetings continue, the police said they have found that many members of the public prefer the one-on-one format.

“The idea of the clinics is that we go to the residents, instead of residents trying to find the time in their busy schedules to come to us,” said Acting Chief Inspector Lloyd Marriott, the acting area commander for George Town District.

Clinic schedule:

Wednesday 15thJune 9am-12am George Town Hospital
Wednesday 15thJune 3pm-6pm Hurley’s Supermarket
15th June 5pm-7pm Foster’s Food Fair (East End)
Thursday 16thJune 11am-2pm Kirk Market
Friday 17th June 10am-1pm Foster’s Airport
Friday 17th June 3pm-6pm Foster’s Strand
Friday 17th June 5pm-7pm Chisolm Market (North Side)
Saturday 18thJune 11am-4pm A L Thompson
18th June 9am-11am Foster’s Republix (West Bay)
18th June 1pm-3pm Cost-u-Less
18th June 11am-1pm Foster’s Food Fair (Countryside)


Category: Crime, Police

Comments (6)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I know one thing, if you want anything written down, you will have to do it for them!

  2. God is watching you says:

    Hey look on the bright side. If there wasn’t any crime there wouldn’t be a need for police. We need crime if we’re gonna have law enforcement. What good is enforcing laws if people aren’t breaking them? Keep the crime high and keep the incompetent officers around while the ones with sense end up leaving because they realise the current leadership isn’t getting us anywhere.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The efficacy of publishing a PR schedule for June 15th, on June 16th is an exemplum of the historical performance of RCIPS; a day late and a dollar short.

  4. Numbers says:

    Will they also be selling raffle tickets like everyone else who sets up a stall outside a hardware store??

  5. Anonymous says:

    Huh? So they get a few cops to sit at a table and then we get to ask them why they are sitting around doing nothing? This is just PR spin coming from the tiny shake up. Don’t worry, they will be back to no action in no time.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Great, now we know where the cops are, I feel a little street crime coming on…

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