Global temperature records blown away again

| 16/05/2016 | 19 Comments

Cayman news Service(CNS): The latest temperature figures released by NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies have revealed yet another world record in high temperatures for the Earth. The global temperature for April was 1.11 degrees Celsius above the 1951-1980 average. This crushed the previous April record set in 2010 by 0.24 degrees Celsius and marks the seventh month of new highs as climate change and the current El Niño event combine to heat up the planet. These figures also suggest that 2016 will be the hottest year on record, experts believe.

Last month was the hottest April on record and the third month in a row that to break temperature records, which is seeing scientists around the world begin to talk about a “climate emergency”. Although El Niño is contributing to the spike in temperatures, it is happening against a backdrop of rapid global warming, pushing temperatures to all-time highs.

NASA said that every month from October 2015 to April 2016 has seen a departure of 1 degree Celsius or greater above the 1951-1980 average it uses as a yard stick. The departure from average in a single month had never exceeded 1 degree Celsius prior to October, dating back to 1880. The last colder-than-average month in NASA’s database was more than 30 years ago in July 1985.

Parts of Alaska, Russia, western Greenland and northern Africa had a temperature departure of at least 4 degrees Celsius above the April average. A large portion of Asia, eastern Europe, Australia, northern Africa, Brazil, the northwestern United States, and western Canada had a temperature departure of 2 degrees Celsius or more above April’s average.

See full details here

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Category: Science & Nature, Weather, World News

Comments (19)

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  1. Bluffer says:

    All you big Island snobbish people on lowly Grand Cayman will soon be BEGGING to come to the BRAC!

    The Brac shall surely rise again. Or at least it won’t sink like unna.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yes, its global warming. Run for your lives! Better Implement carbon taxes so Obama can fix the ionosphere and stop the seas from rising.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or you could say, “The sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!!” LOL, when are people going to stop believing this nonsense? It’s a natural cycle not the apocalypse.

      • Anonymous says:

        Can you explain why scientists from all over the world, different cultures, different economic systems, different languages, different political systems, different funding mechanisms, working independently all come to the same conclusion which is that climate change is being influenced by humans and that global warming is being driven by CO2 which humans produce?

  3. Anonymous says:

    when was the last time you ever heard a caymanian politician discussing rising sea levels…..
    as usual caymanaians will do what they do best….stick their heads in the sand…..good luck with that.

    • Anonymous says:

      Even if Cayman instituted bicycles only, it wouldn’t make a difference. The fact is, Mother Earth is correcting the damages caused to it by the virus call human.

      It’s over, we will be replaced, whether you, me or anyone else hate to admit it.

  4. The Palaeoclimatologyst says:

    The earth has had large temperature swings for hundreds of thousands of years. It is beyond man’s control. Adapt….. or go to another planet.

    • Anonymous says:

      except 99% of scientists disagree with you……

    • Anonymous says:

      that is the problem, government is not bothering to even try to adapt. If a hurricane is coming for you, you prepare, you do not care if its man made or not.

      Maybe you can enlighten us on how 5 billion people are going to move to another planet, love to hear your scientific suggestions.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh well. Another few years and Cayman won’t need to worry about immigration issues. There won’t be a Cayman to immigrate too. It will be under water. So those Caymanians who love expat bashing, we will remember you when the time comes and you need a new home.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, we will come to your country and talk smack, complain, bash and criticize every single thing possible about your country and people, all while being disgustingly ungrateful for anything we may have, the same you as you do here.

      • Anonymous says:

        You have done nothing for me except take huge fees off my employer, take a pension payment on a pension, I am unlikely to see and pay extortionate prices for everything. However, I still manage to put money away and will take that too when I leave. On the other hand I cleaned your beaches and streets after you littered them, fund raised for many worthy Cayman causes (many of those did not see one Caymanian present) and am teaching a Caymanian to do my job. And didn’t shoot anybody. Despite temptation.

        • Anonymous says:

          Ah yes, so I am assuming you came here to help, and not for your own personal gains, am I correct? So where you came from is better, is that why you chose to leave and come here?

      • Anonymous says:

        But who are you going to blame?

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